#1 Mighty Networks Alternative

Sep 23, 2022

 What is what makes CreativeMindClass better than Mighty Networks?

It's an appropriate question but one that's not easy to be open about without prejudicing. So rather than creating yet another tedious comparison side-by-side of features, we'll highlight some of the key features can only be found in CreativeMindClass.

Get started now and it's totally

No credit card is needed.

9 amazing ways to use CreativeMindClass

There's a variety of interconnected functions which are available in CreativeMindClass alongside Mighty Networks, but CreativeMindClass stands out with its own unique features as well.

1. Unlimited COURSES

Create a long-lasting online course business

You have full control of your students and courses and students without the need for coding. Create unlimited content, host comments, community and other blog posts.

2. Payments

 Provide one course for sale or an numerous classes

Use the one-step checkout page and accept payments online (via Stripe) to sell your courses across the World.




countries payment methods

3. Homework Submissions for Submitting SUBMISSIONS

Assignments are created, then add them to the Dashboard of the Account.

Students are able to upload the exercises files right under the class they have been taking.


Comment regarding upload assignments

Build relationships with your students and write their comments to enhance participation and education.

Files with homework. Provide feedback to


Offer video lessons and offer a range of file formats to downloading

Upload videos, text, images, audio pdfs, as well as other documents within the same class for freedom of teaching in your own way.

There are also fly species that are suitable in work like Adobe Illustrators (AIs), PSDs, etc.

CreativeMindClass Platform CreativeMindClass Platform can be an ideal platform for creating online classes.


The platform is ready for use. Today.

Create a site quickly. All you need to upload is the contents of your website.

Pages for home that have been pre-built and ready to be used that includes Upsells

Landing pages

Just one click to checkout

Payments integration




 Make pages that could be converted to your company's branding

Make sure your landing pages for courses are optimized using your bio, your avatar, your avatar's avatar and the title of your site to establish a solid brand.


Upload to your own website

Written posts that keep users on the site , and also increase engagement.

The Community feature within CreativeMindClass provides the style of a "Facebook group" for your personal site.


Keep everything organized

Drag and Drop is a fantastic way to organize your materials in classes. Incorporate the sections, lessons as well as exercises, then upload your files.

Get started

A web-based platform for hosting videos online as well as forming a community. Start today! It's free!

Credit cards are required.

The post was originally posted through CreativeMindClass

The post was published on here

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