5 Ways Course Creators Can Take Advantage of Black Friday Sales -

Nov 18, 2022

Anyone who has an email account understands that big businesses utilize Black Friday to bring in new customers, market their products as well as connect with their existing customer base.

But just because you're a small web-based business doesn't mean you can't get an ounce of Black Friday pie, too.

Here are five ways to take advantage of Black Friday and Cyber Monday to promote your online business course.

Make an offer that is irresistible

When people imagine developing an irresistible deal and then think of massively reducing the price of their product or service. However, an irresistible offer is simply an effective design of your goods and/or services where the value exceeds the costs.

Here are some ways to create an actionable offer:

  • Bundling. Consider putting valuable classes at a reasonable cost for your customers, which results in high-quality sales for you.
  • Value adds. You could add to your personal coaching one-on one for free in office hours or early access to make an offer of high value that's worth more than a discount.
  • risk reverse. This means that the course you choose to take will give the promised results without at risk for the user. The most common interpretation is an "money back assurance" policy or the first lesson is free. It can help reduce the hesitation to purchasing.
  • Segmentation. Create different offers based on purchase history. As an example, customers who are already loyal aren't likely to be looking for a huge discount for your first courses but may be more inclined to take advantage of continuing education options that you offer.
  • Time limit. The presence of a timer encourages people to act quickly. Limit the coupon's timeframe using "early bird" and "last chance" incentives to create an urgency.

Begin to build excitement today

In the days leading up the Black Friday sale, your messages must get your customers eager and excited about your special offer. You want them clearly aware about your coming a Black Friday promotion.

An excellent way to create excitement is to create an "Pre launch" page. This can start as a "Coming Soon" page that can be transformed into an "Special offer" page when your campaign is live.

In the process of deciding what you want to add to a prelaunch/landing page, take into consideration these suggestions:

  • A catchy headline and clear copy: You must be explicit in your description of the program and clearly defining your worth proposition. Make sure you are concise and appealing however, you must also be direct and clear, to compel sign-ups.
  • Visual components: Include pictures as previews of the content you are creating as well, and, if there is one of an audio or video.
  • Call to action that is clear:a CTA (call to action) refers to the click to the button that allows visitors to buy the deals you offer. It is important that all of your CTAs are clearly visible and easily accessible on your landing page to help your potential customers.
  • Social proof components: if you have obtained reviews from previous students, include them on your landing page in order to increase your proposition's value.
  • An opportunity to gather email addresses: if your deal is not yet up and running, add a place where potential buyers can add their email addresses to be informed about the Black Friday offer. After Black Friday, the form may be used to sign up for a newsletter.
  • Refund Policy: Sentences like "Money Back Garantized" and "Risk-Free" will notify your clients about your refund policy, and also reassure even the most cautious customers.
  • Contact Details:Provide a way for potential learners to get in touch with your company so that you may give the impression of safety and enhance your reputation as the instructor.

Design an Email Sales Series

There's no way to just make one email for Black Friday and one email to Cyber Monday any more. Making the most money from your emails requires a well-thought-out strategy and program. The key is to generate excitement through pre-Black Friday and Cyber Monday email campaigns.

Below are five emails we think you should send for Cyber Monday and Black Friday weekend

  • E-mail 1(2 weeks prior to Black Friday): Announce that something big is coming
  • E-mail 2(a few days later) Releasing the coming offer
  • Email 3(a week before Black Friday): Launch the offer with a clear Clickable Coupon Code
  • 4 Email (on Black Friday) Remind customers to buy
  • Email 5 (A few days after): Offer ending - last chance

Keep your email messages short and to the point with clearly visible CTAs. Think about adding a countdown feature to your emails too. Make your email stand out with value-driven subjects, not "Black Friday Sales" or "Our Most Exciting Sale."

Set Up Abandoned Cart Recovery

Cart abandonment happens when people put items in their cart but do not complete their purchase. The process of following up on abandoned carts allows you to recover lost profit via reminder emails or messages.

The carts of shoppers are abandoned for several reasons:

  • The additional fees you pay for are not displayed on your course's landing page
  • A complicated checkout procedure that involves multiple steps
  • Security issues (is this website secure?)
  • Unsimple fulfillment guidelines (How soon can purchasers access this course?)
  • Website glitches or technical issues

You can also try to prevent cart abandonment completely: think of applying coupons automatically, including live chat to your website or offering different payment options. If you create these trust factors at the check-out, shoppers will make purchases more frequently.

Make Your Offer Extendable to Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is an international initiative that encourages people to show charity through giving. Giving Tuesday is held every during the week following Thanksgiving as well as Cyber Monday. You can incorporate Giving Tuesday into your Black Friday or Cyber Monday strategy by running your original offer through end-of-day Tuesday with a percentage of the Tueaday revenues going to charities.

Create a customized email that will go to your customers on the day of Giving Tuesday. It should include some of the following points that will explain Giving Tuesday, the reason for your donation and the charity you're planning to give to and the percentage of your revenue that are going to charity. Include the other options your readers can use to contribute to the cause even if they're not able to buy anything from your website.

You can send a personalized thank-you email to everyone who purchases the course today. It is also possible to include an item to show your appreciation.

Make the perfect Black Friday Sale with

If you're eager to begin selling your courses, there's no more perfect time to start than Black Friday. Begin with confidence and attract your learners with an unbeatable offer.

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