Artists who earn passive income - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

Passive income, a solution that can be used while you sleep? -- Yes, please!

You've heard about passive income. Something that works when, actually, you don't. Passive income is a mythical creature living in the depth of the fairy-tale forest. We have heard about brave artists who decided to venture into the forest and ended up getting lost along the way.

Regardless of how mystical passive income seems to be, it is in fact something that most wants. The question is - what can you do to make the story to a happy conclusion.

 CreativeMindClass CreativeMindClass consider it is crucial for creatives who want to instruct online to outsource the technical aspect of their projects. Making a business that provides an income stream that is passive can be a viable option to creatives. Find out how to do it.

There was never a better time for artists to reach their highest income levels

There was never a better opportunity for artists to attain their maximum incomes

"Do the things you love to do, and you will never have a single day off in your life" - OK however, how can you do it?

For the last two years, I've observed the way artists put in a lot of effort doing what they love every day. Today, artists are disrupting the market online by their creative ideas and make significant money doing the process. There has never been a more exciting moment in the history of art for artists to reach the highest income levels performing projects for clients but also diversifing income streams and establishing an income that is passive.

  -- Joanna Paplinski, CreativeMindClass Co-founder and Head of Design

Don't fall into the short-sighted trap. Minimizing one-time projects

Certain artists behave like bees, devoting their time to one-time projects repeatedly and failing to establish recurring sources of income. This is a vicious circle. Our work is focused on tasks that come easy to us. There's always a new project an work, another client, another exhibition...

Working this way is fun, but at some moment, when we are tired and realize there have to be other means to earn money and begin looking at other sources of income. We are looking to create something that is stable and sustainable. It should let us have more time for ourselves as well as our family members. We are due for that hard work to pay the price.

Delegating -- the secret to launching a successful business

What exactly is delegation, and why you should start delegating (best now)?

Simply put, delegating involves having someone else do certain tasks to your benefit. Delegating used to start from an assistant personal to you, however these days, it will probably be a particular kind of service to make your life easier.

Starting from scratch creates the life of creators more difficult

One of the traps that await artists is that they love making things completely from scratch. They love mixing their paints while others get ready colors from a store to avoid mixing, creating artwork (and cash) in the same way. mix and mixes...

Do you see what we're trying to accomplish with this? Of course it's enjoyable to revel in mixing your colors, but this is about getting your business into a different level, the next stage, and therefore some choices need to be made. There is no way to get to an upper level of company owner if you spend your time performing basic activities that someone else is able to perform for you.

A pre-built solution

A pre-built solution. The gateway to your most imaginative projects

Solutions that are ready or already built enable you to focus on what you genuinely love and let the rest go to the experts. The true magic happens when a pre-built solution enables you to develop more complex business ideas and more adventurous ideas. You've always had, but you didn't have the occasion to make them happen.

Nowadays, thanks to the internet age, it's easier than ever before to see your goals come true. Solutions that are ready can be a gateway to something that is unlikely to be achieved on your own because of a shortage of resources, such as tools, skills, or money. Also, there's too much time to do everything.

Delegation mix and match Your unique artwork with the latest technology solutions

Please don't take our word for that; we base our philosophies (and this post) on years of reading business literature that has aid us in bringing our vision idea (CreativeMindClass Educational Platform) to fruition. The majority of books say that identical thing over and over time, make your work more efficient process and DELEGATE. In this way, you'll have the ability to focus on polishing your art when other things are done for you.

Utilizing technology platforms for giving away

Artists that want to produce and make money online typically have their plate full. We came up with the idea of creating an application that can be used by those who wish to teach their talents online. It's essential for individuals who want to instruct on the internet using video lessons to share the technical elements of the project, creating an online business which brings them a passive source of income.

Some creative entrepreneurs also delegate. For example, CreativeMindClass

While building the CreativeMindClass learning platform for teachers, we realized quickly the limitations of our abilities to be able to do everything. The delegating process began since day one (OK, from day two, but now we'd start it on the first day ;) ). Since we are a relatively small group developing a portal with a huge dimension, we decided to make use of a few pre-designed options to maintain the highest level of experience for our visitors, cut down on time and concentrate on certain aspects of our project that nobody else can take charge of.

The teaching platform we use is a solution which we developed and created by ourselves. Despite the fact that "custom" as well as "personal" are our favorite words, we would never succeed without using already-designed solutions. To ensure the highest quality of our teaching solution, we partner up with people and companies that know our mission and share the same values. Local artists and talented freelance developers, and players like Amazon, Stripe, MailChimp, BeeFree, or Ghost.

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