
Jul 28, 2022

It's called the R2vgOULNXVhGzUq Cherie Hu from Water and Music discusses Web3 at Consensys 2022.

Water and Music, the journal along with the study DAO (decentralized independently-run group) are currently making an ingenious guidebook for music and business created to encourage dialogue among those working within the area of music technology. The DAO is one step ahead through active engagement in the group of experts for research-based projects and to give a reward to those who participate.

"My principal motivation behind this group is to assist people gain an understanding of the world around them as well as to understand their place in the world community." starts Cherie Hu, the creative brain behind the concept of Water and Music. The purpose of her company is to help individuals obtain the most effective training so they will be able to have the greatest influence in the fields that they operate in. Cherie's primary tenet, particularly when it comes to corporate reports, it is important to focus her writing on relevant. "At the conclusion of each report, the reader will be equipped with ideas on how to take action in your own industry, or methods to become better at what you are doing. There is a gap between what people are searching for in their communities as well as the topics that writers cover is essential," Cherie explains.

The Water and Music team has been able to carry out regular research sprints, lasting approximately 10 weeks. They select a topic for the purpose of gathering all the information they can so that they can provide their clients with the most efficient quality service. The sprints of research take place after they've selected a subject and then the team will go out and speak to those within the Water and Music community: "We look for "What do you face today? We then gather these answers. Our research report comes directly from the requirements of our clients," she tells me.

How we conduct business is that Water and Music research sprints are typically team-oriented and co-operative. "It's an open process of brainstorming, and we're inviting many participants to aid in revising research" Cherie says. At present we are in this Water and Music community has released two research papers within the structure. To stay on top of changes, they have sold NFTs which have retroactive effect, which means any person who wanted in helping their cause, there was a chance to contribute make a contribution, with the proceeds being divided equally among the people who participated. "It's clear from my point of view that the outcome of the study was superior than if one single person had attempted to investigate every aspect. Then it would have been impossible to complete the task!" She smiles. "It's been an excellent opportunity for me to learn, to know the benefits of not just connecting people, but also more important, sharing data."

Regaining power

"It's more than just a phrase employed in the academic world, but I think that it's useful for Water and Music: we're within a collective of experts," Cherie continues. "The idea was introduced in 1991 by cognitive socioologist Jean Lave and educational theorist Etienne Wenger. The term describes a collection of individuals that don't just share a common interest in the same subject but have a common goal to discover how to improve something."

The writer explains that this could be the case for people working in the same field or have similar roles in different fields. The people who are constantly in contact and communicate regularly share data. Water and Music will contribute to this by creating instruments, media, and making these, as well as helping facilitate peer-to peer learning "That'll become a vital component of our plans to break apart the information silos within the industry of music and encouraging the public to become more collaborative and more open." Cherie adds.

It's a chance to take control again. Cherie will try to convince artists they are more powerful than what they seem to hold: "Certainly, in the world of streaming it's becoming more and more consolidated powered by Spotify and other giant tech firms. The royalties rate is decreasing and it's getting more difficult! Artists are given the chance to investigate the wide array of choices. Our artists and those who work with them are able to be more inventive."

The Water and Music team

Water and Music team. Teams Water and Music

Cheire states that "community of practise' originally was employed to describe professional organizations, however it is also applicable to communities of creativity which is the type of thing we're talking about in this article. For Water and Music the exact main focus is on the industry of music that provides motivation for people. "I'm impressed by the work I do due to the fact that I was raised playing piano. I spent much of my time playing classical music, and I love meeting with different artists to hear their views regarding where technology is headed," Cherie continues. "Hopefully that the data we pass on to artists and their teams will allow them to be more aware of technology, which will allow them to create cool art!"

Inside the rabbit hole

The latest research is focussed on the absurdity Web3 as the second conceptual model for the Web that was made possible through blockchain technology. "We're trying to establish the State of the Union for technological advancements in music technology, especially those that generate a lot of noise," she declares. "Web3 is an excellent instance, since there's much confusion and there's no certainty of the precise cause behind what's happening. The most significant tunnel is still falling. It's as if "What's going on? ?'!"

The industry of music is not surprising, one of the biggest issues to be addressed is the opinions of those who support the artists. "I think this is the main reason behind the reasons why a large number of musicians don't participate in NFTs in the present time, principally due to the fear of negative reactions from their fans," she muses. "We have released a paper that raises concerns over Web3. Music is a complex field, there are many concerns about licensing and Intellectual property (IP) and NFTs. This chapter is complete!"

The event took place at the tlg9Yi9H8w9qUp The event was an Water and Music meetup at the NFT.NYC The event.

The next collaborative report for the community is working on. "We're looking into some more obscure subjects in the moment, like the metaverse. But, it's unclear!" Cherie jokes. "We're creating nothing at present and we're trying to understand the ideas of the people who think about this, in addition to the things that the public has a difficult time discovering." The book includes interviews with entrepreneurs, artists and professionals from industries about their methods of discovering the metaverse, and their goals through this regard, and challenges they face.

Cherie says that the aim is to combine this study together with the creation of online tools that can solve these problems. "We were there in the past, as we've tackled a variety of Web3 issues, including additional sale of music using NFTs, as well as the certain aspects of royalty payments. Certain smart contracts specify that between 10% to 20 percent of the extra revenue is paid directly to the person who created the music as well as many users pointing out that it is an advantages. But my view is that most NFT's don't lead to secondary sales," Cherie explains. Cherie believes the worth of an NFT is due to the immediate connection and the connection that the NFT creates rather than an opportunity for selling after.

In conjunction with the publication Water and Music will be developing a tracking dashboard that users are able to enter their NFT collection, then see how much there has been an increase in sales throughout the years, or, if there were any, what was the method that NFT does in the marketplace. "We would like to create interactive software that can act as data journalism that can be interactive, particularly for musicians as they're likely to be among the groups that are most interested in establishing as well as pricing NFT drops. We're working on essential structures and tools that can help musicians to accomplish the job of conducting it on their own."

Conflicting visions

Cherie notes that some phrases that are both fresh and interesting become more complex when they are clearer over time "For the metaverse, for instance, there's a massive difference between how it was conceptually and historicalally defined in the beginning of the  1960s." Cherie explains her involvement with Water and Music's Water and Music team is creating a model to discover what the concept of metaverse meant by the previous generation and the difference between expectations and the reality.

"The original sci-fi films that mentioned the metaverse contained the concept of an "connected" virtual as well as IRL world. It's a vast difference from our current. But, at the moment it seems that in the music industry, musicians are saying "I've made my own universe" However, they're really speaking of a virtual reality.

"There are now directly conflicting opinions on metaverses" she wrote. "You need to manage Meta (Facebook's holding firm) and Epic Games on one side and Epic Games on the other. They're centralized, and one company is the sole owner of everything and everything else. There's the concept of a Web3-based, open and distributed metaverse which is interoperable with identities and assets. It's normal to explore the role blockchain could play in this. contribute to this , however it's directly in contradiction to Facebook's strategy."

Cherie says she believes that metaverse "just transformed into a broad word that anyone can utilize for personal gain" and she would like to clear the confusion. It's in line with Cherie's primary objective: Water and Music has the ability to research and critically examine the subject as well as provide helpful information that will help users make the right decisions on what to do. Applications that are practical can assist artists and their team members when using specific metaverse platform.

Water and Music meetup

The Water and Music meetup at the NFT.NYC conference.

Cherie ends her show with a characteristic manner in which she advocates collaboration, within and in the Water and Music community. "In the next few months, we'll be publishing interviews with owners of platforms that cater to artists, entrepreneurs or makers. Our investigation into the metaverse will likely continue into the summer and autumn months therefore, if you're looking to get involved in the metaverse, do not hesitate to contact me. If you know anyone that you'd like to get to know, I'm in your thoughts!"

If you'd like to learn more about the project as well as more details, follow Cherie for more details and for more information on how you can get involved, be certain to join Cherie on Twitter: @water andmusic. To become a member of the Water and Music community, and gain access to the community's in-depth research reports and Discord server, go to

This article was originally posted here.

This post was originally posted here. here

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