How do you integrate Mobile Learning into Education

Oct 27, 2022

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How can you incorporate mobile learning into your education company

Mobile phones have become essential to our daily people's lives. All ages of people depend on them, whether they're to shop, stream or even for education.

The survey data suggests that 71 percent of Americans check their phones within 10 minutes of waking awake, while another 47% feel 'addicted' to their smartphones. It is becoming increasingly difficult and holds importance in all aspects of life, including learning.

Mobile learning enhances access, productivity, and motivates

The Ambient Insight Worldwide Mobile Learning Market Report reveals that 74 percent of learners are now using smartphones to learn online. Mobile devices' use in the field of education can bring many advantages. Statistics have observed that

  • 64percent of those who participated in the survey found the fact that accessibility to mobile devices led to better online learning.
  • 43 43% of mobile users experienced an increase in productivity when compared with desktop users.
  • 70% of learners felt more enthusiastic to study by being able to study on their smartphones and move through course content easily.

These numbers suggest that it is advisable to improve training and classes to fit smaller screen sizes and facilitate learning at any time, from anywhere. This article examines ways you can integrate mobile phones into your teaching and learning.

What is the different methods of using mobile phones to teach and learn?

    Allow students to finish their assignments on mobile phones    

Most course creators design their content for the desktop experience and believe that users can use similar content from their smartphones. But, this isn't the case. It is important to ensure that your video, course material, and task submissions are mobile-optimized will allow your students to successfully complete their studies on mobile devices effectively.

Studies suggest that 72% students of a study have observed increased engagement in mobile learning in comparison to traditional learning. When engagement increases learners should be able to complete homework and assignments more efficiently.

    Create a gamification strategy for mobile learning    

With gamified lessons, you could allow your students to accumulate reward points, compete with others, and participate in surveys just as they can in online gaming groups. Implementing this method into your lessons can be particularly useful when you require students to finish tasks that require time.

    Helps with remote learning    

The benefit of learning online is that students have access to the course regardless of where they are. In the aftermath of the epidemic seventy-three percent of students reveal wanting certain courses to be entirely online. Moreover, access to computers or laptops might not always be available during travel. For these situations the use of mobile devices can aid in continuing learning as well as prompt task completion.

    Communicate via push notifications on cellphones    

Constant communication and notification are a great option to ensure students remain tethered to your course. The push notification campaign can have the click rate as high as 30%. Thus, you can easily send updates and communicate to your students through embedding mobile notifications .

For instance, when a particular live online course is cancelled, or the assignment is added it is possible to notify students with push notifications quickly. They're more likely to view the message immediately in such a instance.

How can you incorporate mobile learning in your company

Here are some of the steps you can take to begin implementing smartphone technology for schools:

    Understand your audience    

If you want to study your target audience thoroughly You can use software like SurveyMonkey, Typeform, and even Google Forms to conduct mini-surveys or request feedback and study mobile usage behaviour. It is also possible to install AI-enabled chatbots, such as MobileMonkey and ManyChat to assist your students provide valuable feedback on the content of your online courses. It is possible to use the information gathered from this data to augment your existing online courses so that they are compatible with the mobile device.

    Locate a company that will assist you in utilizing mobile technology    

Effective online courses respond to user input and exhibit enhanced interaction. If you lack the know-how to design a mobile-responsive online course on your own It is important to find a vendor who will help you bring educational and mobile technology together.

    Use a mobile-first method when designing the course content    

Mobile-first approaches typically provide priority to mobile-friendly interfaces over desktop-based versions. It could be in the form of websites enhanced with smaller screen sizes that work well on tablets and smartphones, as well as an emphasis on mobile-friendly applications as well as encouraging users to use their mobiles or tablets when they access information. If you want to implement a mobile-first strategy while designing your course content, you can do these things:

  • Make sure your students are able to access your the course material on their smartphones as well as tablets
  • Optimize your online course content for the smaller screens on mobile phones.
  • Find out if mobile apps cater to the needs of your students, based on the feedback you get from questionnaires and forms.
  • Let students complete assignmentsand get notification notifications via their smartphones without the need to access their desktops or laptops.

By adopting a mobile-first strategy to ensure your students can access the course materials and finish the assignments without needing to access their laptops or desktops.

    Make plans for communications ahead of time    

An effective mobile learning approach is also a lot about effective communication. So, it's important to plan and schedule communication well before time. Push notifications can help in communicating efficiently and ensure that your notifications will be more likely to get seen. This can help eliminate unpleasant surprise notifications or the chance to miss them that can disrupt the natural flow of learning.

    Encourage mobile learning among students    

Further, your course participants might include older people who aren't that mobile-savvy and can benefit from preliminary guidance.

As an instructor, you can emphasize the necessity of using mobile phones for learning to complete assignments, submit them, and be updated on the spot. You can also share explanatory videos or live-streamed sessions on how to use your courses and complete the assignments on smartphones.

Mobile-first strategies are crucial to success in modern-day education

With the widespread use of mobiles smartphone and tablet usage, they are crucial pieces of the online learning puzzle of today. It is therefore advisable to make your course design compatible with them to make learning easier, accessible and enjoyable.