How do you keep students engaged In Online Courses

May 19, 2022

Online classes can be very versatile and could be an extremely effective marketing tool for number of businesses. A blogger could offer courses about cooking, organization craft, interior design. Accounting firms could offer courses on tax planning and budgeting. An online music store might sell guitar-related classes online and also sheet music and supplies.

Whatever kind of course you offer, it's essential that your students feel engaged. Interested, invested learners complete the classes, sign up to take on more classes, write positive reviews and refer the company to others.

Let's take a look at some concrete strategies to make your teaching more interesting.

1. Break your courses into digestible pieces

Attention spans for us aren't that large. There have been varying reports of time spent, however the vast majority of people think that the average attention span for adults ranges from around twenty minutes.

It is possible that you have enough top-quality interesting content to create an entire curriculumwhich is fantastic! But your students may not be able participate for the entire length of time in one sitting.

A great approach to deal with this problem is to divide your classes into digestible pieces with subcategories and categories. In the case, for example, you're selling a course about the basics of solids in infants, you can break it into sub-categories like:

  • Introduction to solids
  • What is the best time to introduce solid food?
  • The signals of readiness
  • Necessary equipment and gear
  • First feeding schedule
  • The best first food is the one you can enjoy
  • What are the best ways to cut and clean and
  • Examples of recipes
  • Introducing allergens
  • Common food allergens
  • Watch out for warning signs
  • Tips for serving food that is a source of allergens

These groups can include parts of text, pictures or videos as well as printable materials. They can be completed in their own time , however they decide to take it each one individually  or take a seat and read through them all in one go.

Sensei LMS uses these categories for courses, modules or lessons. It is possible to break every Course into Modules of any size, then split each Module into multiple lessons.

modules set up with Sensei

The navigation process is extremely simple for students and lets them quickly see what's coming up during the course.

2. Create attractive graphic designs

Graphics can be a powerful approach to connect with your students. Approximately 65% of the general population are visual learners, so not only do images add interest to your courses, they can also help convey concepts more effectively.

There are a variety of options to incorporate images into your lessons. When you're presenting data in numerical form and you want to include diagrams or graphs that represents that information. If you're interested in comparing the difference between two elements include a picture of the two components side-by-side. If you're discussing the specific kind of plant in your home add pictures.

In creating graphics, or selecting pictures, be aware of these basic guidelines:

  • Make sure you choose high-quality photos. Although you do not have to hire for a professional photographer, be certain that the pictures that you purchase or make appear professional. Your subject must always be crisp and clear. No blurred images! Lighting should make the photo simple to comprehend.
  • Consider empty white spaces. White space refers to any blank space around the object on the graph. Therefore, if you're using an inscription or pie chart it is important to create ample space to allow it to breathe. It will allow people to digest the information contained in your graphic and understand its meaning.
  • Include photos of individuals whenever. Humans are trained to respond when we see facial expressions and we naturally pay attention to people. By adding photos with faces that are friendly can aid in connecting people to them and what you are interested in.
  • Do not get too intricate. Beware of adding a large number of pictures that compete with one another and with the content that is educational in your classes. Remember, your images must be appealing to the attention of your audience, making it more enjoyable and help in the learning process. Sometimes it is best to stick with a simple approach.

3. Affect a wide range of learners

Everyone learns in a different way. Actually, there's a variety of various learning styles as well, so if you are looking to reach the maximum number of students you can, try to draw them in every opportunity you can. These are the top four that are most commonly utilized, and how you can meet the needs of every type of student:

  • Read/write Students benefit from learning with words. Include written instructions and information about them in the course pages in the course itself or as PDFs that are downloadable.
  • Visual images, graphic, and video are ideal for this kind of learner. Indeed, during an experiment, people retained more than 95 percent of the information during a video in comparison to only 10% while reading the text. Videos are a efficient method to educate through the web.
  • Auditory The types of students like to acquire knowledge through talking and listening. This is the reason why you could provide videos of yourself explaining the concepts your students will absorb. Additionally, you could offer an opportunity to watch podcasts during your class and have a weekly Zoom call that opens up the discussion for each student and include music in your lessons.
  • Kinesthetic The students in this class are hands-on learners who appreciate exploring the physical world independently. While this might seem tricky to learn online Let your imagination go through the air! Students can use sewing patterns to learn, or assign them their list of photos they have to capture for the next week, or challenge learners to design their own logos.

For instance, let's say that you offer on-line cooking courses. If you wish to cater to the four different types of learning, in one course it could include several paragraphs on the underlying elements that make bread rise, include an infographic explaining the scientific process involved, as well as videos showing and talking about these concepts in a way as well as assigning students the task to make the bread themselves.

4. Be sure to have a compelling story to tell.

When you're creating video content for your courses A skilled narrator could be a huge difference. If you're an avid reader of audiobooks, you probably have this notion. A boring, dull voiceover could send readers to bed. However the voiceover that has personality that is interesting and engaging can be the exact opposite.

The narration should be concise and communicates the tone of the lesson. Does the subject you are describing sound interesting and engaging? Serious and sensitive? Reliable and useful? Your uploads ought to reflect this.

Be sure to establish the pace of your narration correctly as well. It's easy to speak too fast when you voiceover and make it hard for students to keep pace. Review your voice recordings and if you're talking in a way that is too fast, you should start over.

Don't try to be like your favorite voiceover performer. It's impossible to sound like Morgan Freeman no matter how you try. That's not what voiceover talent that students want to hear. Be yourself!

If you think this isn't your strong suit, that's fine. Voiceovers are professional and have great talents available for hire that won't require an arm and leg.

5. Use polls and quizzes.

Polls and quizzes are great ways to observe what your students are absorbing the content, and gain knowledge about them as well as make them engage to greater level. They are also a great way to break the content into things which are enjoyable and engaging.

You could also start each lesson with a survey. It is possible to ask questions that help you better guide students, or even invite them to talk about things that make them smile. What do they hope to benefit from your course? What's their greatest accounting pain difficulty? What's their most popular song? How many cakes has the band made?

It is also possible to mix and match tests throughout your lesson. With Sensei LMS tests, you can make quizzes connected to the lessons. That means you are able to design questions that are inspired by the lesson the student just completed. Combining different types of questions like multi-choice, true/false fill in the empty space, short answer etc. It makes things more exciting.

quiz created with Sensei LMS

It is possible to making question types as diverse choices and true/false to be graded automatically , as and manually grading open-ended or non-sequential questions yourself. This lets you identify areas for improvement for your courses, and contact those students that might require assistance.

6. Form a community

One of the major differences between physical and online learning settings is the level of participation that is involved. Students taking online classes do not have the privilege of sitting alongside other students in the class in the same room and discussing subjects with them, and asking them questions out to the audience.

It is possible to create the same atmosphere with by utilizing an online community through the social media platform such as Facebook or using a WordPress plugin, such as BbPress. Topics can be separated into classes or modules or base them off specific features of the students (like age of students, their location, or the instrument they're learning). They give them the opportunity to discuss topics with one another for brainstorming ideas, to ask clarifying questions, or even make friendships that encourage learners to keep learning.

7. Incorporate gamification

Gamification incorporates the principles of games, such as scoring points or contests, to different mediums including online learning. This is a great location to experiment with your ideas! Here are some suggestions:

  • Include quizzes, games and more in your classes.
  • Awards points for activities like working hard or scoring highly on exams or tests, or other tests. There is a reward to the student with the best score.
  • Encourage students to participate in discussions by awarding them badges
  • Include a timer to your course in order for students to motivate them to finish the entire course
  • Students must share their achievements via social networks

Incorporating gamification makes learning more fun and encourages healthy contests. The lessons are more interesting for learners.

8. Learn what your customers are seeking.

The most efficient approach to creating a positive experience for your learners is to give them what they're looking for in terms of content. If you are able to answer their questions and assist with their objectives then they'll likely complete your class, give it an outstanding review, and then suggest it to friends as well as family members.

Once you have that done, you may alter the program's content and structure according to the expectations of your clients.

Everything is focused on your students

In the end, when you look at it from a different angle the students you have online are at the heart of the content you create. If you have their demands into consideration when creating your course content and arranging your classes, you will ensure that they remain excited, motivated and buying more.

Need more ideas? Check out this piece written by Sensei LMS on designing online courses that work..

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