How to Sell Ebooks on your own site How to Sell Ebooks on Your Own Website

Jun 24, 2022

 Last updated: June 20 in 2022.

It's not a huge surprise that eBooks are getting more well-known than papers.

They're less costly to purchase and easy to carry because you can download the apps on your mobile. This contributes a lot to their popularity among users. Writers like eBooks because it allows them to avoid publishing houses and agents and earn more money.

That's why the majority percent of eBook sales are from authors who self-publish. In this guide, we'll explain how you can get in on the action and also how you can sell your books on your own web site.

What we'll be discussing:

  • There are many benefits to selling eBooks directly on your personal site
  • Define in detail the steps to create a store on your website , and then begin selling
  • How to price, protect, and market your eBooks to maximize profits.

So, without further delay Let's get started...

Benefits of Selling eBooks through your website

Here are the main reasons for this:

  • It's more professional It is a fact that there are thousands and thousands of authors selling their work online. Set yourself apart by creating your own professional site.
  • It can help increase your visibility No matter if you are aware of that or not, each one of us has a personal image. A website that explains your story and hosts your content can only do good for your business.
  • Your profit is higher When you do all of the elements right, you will have the chance of making an impressive amount of cash selling your work through your site.
  • It gives you more freedom: Selling eBooks via your own site can be set by you, control the branding, and customize everything according to your preferences.
  • Instantly paid: Many marketplaces will have systems in place that delay your payments, which you are able to circumvent by selling from your website.

Should You Sell eBooks on Your own website or sell the eBooks via Amazon?

Five great benefits of running your own web site. What about selling eBooks through Amazon? They surely have greater reach than the ones you have by yourself?

Indeed, but this doesn't mean you shouldn't do both.

Amazon will take a cut of your profits in exchange for letting you sell your products on its well-known platform. This isn't a bad thing, but there's also no exclusivity clause.

This is why we'd suggest that you don't put all your eggs in one basket.

How To Price Your eBooks

Now to the fun aspect of pricing your eBooks. The reason we spoke of Amazon just a minute ago is that selling to their marketplace will affect your margin of profit which will affect the price.

Marketplaces could be able to take between 30-70% of your price at retail.

Amazon is kind enough to provide an application that will help you price your eBooks: KDP Pricing Support. But to make a long tale short, the most effective option is to set your eBook prices between $2.99 and $9.99 for maximum revenue.

How to sell eBooks through your own website

It's time to start talking about how to sell ebooks through your website. While the whole ordeal might seem daunting but all you have to do is master these four steps. After that, you'll be able author and sell your first novel in no time.

1. Register Your Account

2. Upload Your Book and Other Digital Files

It will take you to a different page where you can see several fields.

When you see the "Upload product file" button, click on the button. Select your book - or books if you've published multiple titles to this point - then add them to the system. The limit is generous, with a 5 GB limit which is more than enough for any ebook.

The most popular formats are PDF, EPUB, and MOBI. These formats were specially designed for use on mobile devices, and you should read about some of the advantages and disadvantages of each before making a decision.

However, you're allowed to share the files in any of three formats to give your viewers the option.

3. Connect your payment method

When your eBooks have been added to your store, it's time to arrange your payment. You can choose to including two of the commonly used payment methods. We'll look at ways to market eBooks online using PayPal and Stripe.

Head back to the dashboard and perform the following:

  • Choose "Account"
  • Choose "Settings"
  • Click on "Payment Details"

4. Embed Into Your Website

Click on go to the "Products" section on .com. Select the book you want to purchase, then click"Share/Embed," then select the "Share/Embed" choice. After the modal is displayed you can click the "Embed Button" tab. Then, you can alter the type the color, text, and type for the button.

There are also two options:

  • Direct Buy Button directs your customer straight to the payment page
  • Add to Cart Button: Add your book into the buyers cart

Using embedded buttons, you can simplify the purchasing process simpler for clients.

Just look at Cherie Tu, the founder of Thriving On Plants. Using embedded buttons, she designed the perfect landing page to promote her e-book. She placed the button after an attention-grabbing copy, that explains the book's content is about and entices users to click through to make a purchase.

Want to see another? Look at this elegant and simple integration created by James Colgan. It is a simple way to connect his sales page to his website without losing any branding.

If you want to make it even less oblique, a simple link will do.

Go to the writing blog created by Ali Ventures. Scroll to the bottom and select "Buy Get Writing" or "Buy All Six Seminars" to see link integration in action. Similarly, Dr. Axel Rauschmayer has included a straightforward link to his website in the green boxes of his landing page.

Bonus Tip

For extra points, you can create a custom "Thank You" page. For that, head and go back into "Advanced settings" and then look for "Checkout Options." Create a link to redirect them to... then it's finished!

How to Secure Your eBooks With a Download Limit

How to accomplish it in five easy steps:

  1. Visit your account
  2. Click on "Settings"
  3. Navigate to "Advanced Settings"
  4. Find"Download Limit" and click "Download Limit" option
  5. Enter the new download limit

How to Promote Your eBooks for increased sales

As we close we must emphasize the importance of marketing your ebook. This is absolutely essential if you sell eBooks from your website, but do not use marketplaces.

Here are some tips for promoting your book online:

  • Create an accompanying blog about the themes in your books.
  • Make a pre-launch page for landing pages to gather email addresses.
  • Launch an email marketing campaign to build your email list.
  • Run paid ads to promote your book via Facebook and other social media.
  • Collect as many reviews about your book to provide additional social proof.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know how to make money selling eBooks through your own website All you have to do is to get it done. Of course, it'll be a while before you master every trick of the trade. Once you've got the basics down, you'll be fine.

Just to recap, here's what you need to be aware of:

  • You can play both horse with eBooks by selling them on your own sites in addition to marketplaces.
  • The price of your books should be based on the place you sell them for maximum profits.
  • Make use of the platform to make the sales process easier for you and your customers