Infuse humanity to your advertising with a personalized videos

Nov 23, 2022

If video is gasoline for expanding your sales and marketing personalization is the next step Turbo-charged rocket fuel.

You can learn from 77% of those who have seen positive results through video marketing, such as an increase in leads, traffic, as well as brand recognition. With regards to personalized videos, 81% also say customized videos have grown the sales of their business.

Indeed, individuals have 33% more likely to recall a message packaged in an email with video than a text-based send.

If you're considering making use of video customization to boost your earnings and increase your profits, we'll assist you in getting there with this article. We'll also drive home the advantages of having customized videos, and give you some tips for making ROI-positive videos.

The top 4 advantages of video personalization

Human-centered marketing

Personalized videos are an effective method of standing from the crowd of sales and marketing.

Take a look at it in the context of. Would a video with a thumbnail of a smiling face -- waving hello to you superior to a monotonous text-based message that seems to indicate that the sender mass sent it to everyone on their list of outreach recipients? It's hard not to pay attention to the video email, wouldn't you?

Indeed, personalization via video is not just a way to draw attention, but it also allows you to show your personality to gain the trust of potential customers.

Statistics support this as 70% of sales reps who have been using custom-made videos for outreach have reported an increase in their responses rates.

Time saving is for everyone

Making preparations for meetings, creating captivating presentation slides, and scheduling time for product demos all take lots of time.

Once you get a hang of video prospecting though, you can quickly record personalized videos and save your as well as your viewers' time.

Internally, recorded videos are super helpful for fighting the case of this-meeting-could-have-been-an-email minus the boring part of having to write and read long emails.

Externally, personalized video is great for (and humanly) pitching new ideas as well as prospecting more effectively, and helping to educate new customers and customers about your products.

Helps you implement your ABM strategy

Account-based marketing targets firms with customized content designed to nurture and move them along to the sale funnel.

How do you nail the ABM strategy is Content that is personalized and addresses the particular questions that your target customers have.

Luckily, personalized videos are the ideal content format to nurture these extremely important target accounts.

Oneis that personalization makes a mark from the rest of your written content. This helps you win a client's interest without taking up a ton of time.

Furthermore, as personalized videos have a range of uses, it is possible to utilize it in the marketing or sales funnel. As an example, you can use personalized video to distribute opening messages, address inquiries from customers and build your connections with people at your target accounts.

Makes work easier

Finally, a customized video can help to overcome confusion and miscommunications that poorly or hastily written briefs breed.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts to stay connected--we forget that everyone has different styles of working and communication.

In addition, you can automatically generate your screen recorded video's transcript to create a paper recording of the video's content. The result is that your entire conversation will be searchable by pressing CTRL-F usable and simple to reference later.

9 proven tips for making an individual video

Are you convinced that it is time to begin creating personalized video content for making pitches, prospecting, joining up with colleagues, giving tasks, and so on? Begin creating. Trust us that recording a custom video is easy.

We've got the tips and video personalization software to start you off -Let's begin with these tips:

1. Write a script that will help you stay on the right track

You don't need detailed ones however. Simply create a bullet list of what to cover on a piece of paper and you're set. Use this list when you make your video so your message is focused on the right topics and you won't miss anything.

2. Make it brief and easy to remember.

Videos that are long and rambling fail quickly and are difficult to follow. A short, simple to follow videos are better at capturing and holding people's attention. In fact, over 60% people stay watching an advertisement until its end if it's shorter than 60 minutes.

Scripting your videos reminds you to use the simplest language possible and stay with the message you are trying to convey, which in turn, ensures the video will be brief.

Three more helpful tips to try today include:

  • Speak to your camera as you would to someone! The fact that you're making videos for prospecting doesn't require you to utilize extravagant words in order to sound professional.
  • Be authentic. You are who you are! Your potential employers and colleagues will appreciate being yourself in your video. They don't want an edited video, so it's okay if your perfectly perfect video does have a small slip up -- it's only human, at the end of the day.

3. Don't be satisfied with the very first attempt

If this is your first time using video prospects, we recommend to do some initial work by recording the video at least a few times instead of finalizing the initial take.

The reason? Every time you record You'll discover new information such as:

  • Your delivery style
  • Optimizing the lighting and sound

It's also possible to come up with ways to showcase your character and connect better with your viewers.

4. Include your face

The reason: showing yourself is your best method to engage with the people you want to reach. It's the first step in personalized prospecting video as well as a proven method to build your account's and trust.

For marketing video too the presence of your face can be useful for more than just building confidence -- it can help create brand awareness. Rand Fishkin's explainer clips for SparkToro which he posts on social media, for instance, help with branding recognition, in addition to product education and connecting with the viewers.

5. The pepper in your life

Be yourself, and to speak naturally are the biggest tips to follow here. There are a few subtle methods to showcase your character as well. For example:

  • Create an "uniquely-you" video recording space. With no clutter in the background and adding things that make you feel. As an example, you can add books for those who are avid readers (they're an excellent conversation starter also!) and antique showpieces if you love those. The wall decor can showcase what you enjoy.
  • Add a distinctive piece of clothing to your collection. This could be anything from a specific-colored scarf to wearing a t-shirt featuring your logo or even wearing a cap on all your videos.

These tips will not just highlight your persona however, they also help build the brand's reputation too.

6. You can research potential clients to make sure you are able to tailor your outreach video

The concept of personalization typically is only limited to using your customer's name. However, it is more than that. Because if you really want to leave a strong impression, and get positive results from video prospecting, you need to personalize your video the right method.

So how can you take individualization to the next level?

By researching your potential customer's problem. This helps develop a message for video which addresses the prospect's specific challenge and provides them with a solution that they really need. This, in turn, ensures favorable responses.

7. Provide a useful recap or an overview of the material you'll cover

Depending on the person your video is intended for and the length of your video depending on the audience, putting up a text-based slides that outline what you'll be speaking about, or the things you've spoken about helps.

In case of internal videos, we recommend adding a slide featuring what will be covered in the video . bring it up when you talk about what you'll share during the video.

When you upload videos to external websites, such as sales pitch, add the summary slide detailing how the tool could assist the viewers. It should be placed before the call-to action (CTA).

8. Take it to the next level with interactivity

Such a video uses tools like hotspots, overlays, time triggers and branches to invite viewers to interact with the content.

Take a look:


9. Provide the viewer with a subsequent step (aka an CTA)

Lastly, it's important you navigate your viewer to the next action they need to do after watching your customized video.

When sending out email outreach, it could include inviting recipients to respond to your message in exchange for a demo of the product. If you are sending marketing emails your CTA could be a micro-conversion like subscribing to your newsletter or asking users to download the free version of your tool.

In the case of internal team videos, make your ask clear. For example, tell that the person watching to go through the brief and get back to you with any questions that they might have.

Start recording your own personalized videos right now.

To summarize, customized videos:

  • Are easy to make
  • Speed things up and support async remote work
  • Are an effective option to stand out in a noisy world

The most exciting feature? You can create them on your own with Record.