Meet Fast Fwd: Inside 's last year's interactive video
Interact with the video above as well as read the article to see how we built it.
Capturing high-quality content
To start the process, we reached out members of our talented community around the globe creative directors in the Netherlands, filmmakers in the UK, animators in Australia as well as NGO activists in Nigeria for just a handful.
After that, we requested them to use their cameras, phones, and computers to answer three questions regarding the coming year:
- What's the goal you have for the upcoming year?
- What are you looking forward to in the new year?
- What are the most significant challenges that you expect to face for 2023?
Their answers spoke to the power of community, such as this one from the Creative Director as well as Soursop co-founder Ravi Amaratunga Hitchcock...
"In the individual streams, we are able to only do so much, but as a collective we are able to do huge gigantic, enormous things."
...and the infinite possibilities of storytelling, like this sentiment of Staff Pick filmmaker Faith Briggs.
"I do not want to tell amazing stories. I'd rather tell the stories that have meaning."
streamlining the process of posting
After editing all of the submissions to video We knew that we wanted to each segment of the video to be able to stand on its own. So, we created an assortment of supercuts featuring our favorite responses to the questions mentioned above.
In anticipation of creating interactivity, the's team came up with a set of ground rules to transform the footage from sizzles and raw footage into an immersive experience.
- Add an interactive element in the first ten second
- Let 15 minutes - :20 between each hotspot
The idea of something interactive experience
"Making a video interactive adds value" claims Jen Mendler, a Senior Designer at . "Our community performed all the heavy lifting, providing such interesting wisdom on the next year, and we followed suit with a multimedia experience that puts viewers in control. The focus is on deciding your own destiny in 2023."