Space and movement in illustrations - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

Ever since when I was a child, I've loved to draw, paint, and work with my hands. It has been the most natural way for me to express myself. Growing as a child in Taiwan and in Taiwan, having an artistic career was looked down upon as a way to make money, and I was frequently told by adults to study more practical subjects otherwise I'd end in the streets starving to death.

It is a blessing that my mom was always encouraging my pursuit of anything I wanted and did anything in her power to help to achieve my objectives. When I returned in America, United States and graduating high school, I realized that I would like to pursue art as profession.

Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. A character riding a tiger in space.
Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. A man in a dominant pose.

I was admitted to ArtCenter College of design, studied Illustration intended to go to the field of feature animation. However, along the way I was introduced to motion graphics, and was enthralled by its versatility and all it's amazing art work produced by the people I respect.

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What would you say about your personal style?

It's still a long journey to finding a fashion that I'm able to claim as my own. I have the tendency to experiment with different things from time to time... A month I'll feel like doing very colorful things, soon I'll be tempted to try my hand at more naturalistic colors; I'll find myself enthralled by a particular shape car style for a few months and then, in the next day, I'll get bored of it and will want to explore something that's more based on forms.

Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. Feminine characters floating in the pink sky.

In other instances, I'll combine two things seem fascinating to me to make it seem like I'm in the endless journey of discovery and learn. After fumbling a in a few places I'm beginning to notice that there are certain designs, colours, or compositions I'm attracted to. Maybe this is the start of a design style?

Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. Dynamic field game players.

It's one of the reason why I love being at Oddfellows, sometimes I still find myself wondering if I'm lucky enough to be working with an amazing group of people. At work we often have to adapt to different styles from project to project, almost every project is done using different methods as well as I'm learning new things from my peers every single day.

Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. White foxes in the forest.

What's the secret to drawing your artwork?

I like to make illustrations on subjects that I am curious or interested in. I then attempt to add my own twist to the subject.

Most importantly, I love having fun. I think having fun is essential to creating something, viewers can really tell whether a person had fun performing things... the extra sparkle.

Digital illustration of Joyce Liu. AI characters.

In the midst of the epidemic, and seeing my colleagues and our studio trying their best to help the world, I was inspired to create a Patreon named Joy&Frens with a half of my net revenue goes to charity chosen by my patrons. On it, I share Tips & Tricks, process videos, ask friends to join me for collaborations and share their wisdom.

I also show my work my work on Instagram and my site.

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