Staff Chooses the Premiere "You've Never Been True" By Joey Izzo |

Apr 6, 2022

The self-help industry is widespread in the world that you could be excused to think it was everywhere. It's as if our insatiable need to improve our minds, bodies relationship, careers, and relationships through endless tips and tricks are somehow an integral part of what it means to be human. In reality, there are billions to be made through tapping into this weakness as well as serious consequences for the many that fall victim to this illusions.

In this week's Staff Pick Premiere, "You've Never Been Completely sincere," filmmaker Joey Izzo explores a dark period in the beginning of the self-help industry with an unpublished audio interview featuring Gene Church, a participant of a leadership course lasting four days that was organized by his employer Holiday Magic Inc in 1970 California.

Offering promises of job advancement, Church and his colleagues engaged in a shady programme that rapidly turned aggressive and emotionally abusive. Yet, none of them quit - they continued and took part.

Church's interview is harrowing but Izzo's genius here is in finding ways to captivate audiences by using bold animation and using 16mm reenactments in order to make them aware that this did in fact happen. As Izzo notes, nailing the hybrid look needed a careful balance "It is simple to make an edge-lord-y-style short that would lean into every aspect of violence. However, people would just turn away from the truth of Gene's tale. Therefore, I tried to find a balance that rides the lines that keep the tension while keeping viewers on the edge till the end."

 We spoke to Izzo before the release to learn more about the film, what led him down this rabbit hole, and what he gained through the process. Find out more about his informative answers.

 The inspiration for this:

"I grew up in the Bay Area, so self assistance seminars and personal growth education were everywhere. My parents took part in it as well, and I remember being fascinated with those giant binders of self-help cassettes as well as the many books. A decade ago, I first discovered Gene Church's book 'The Pit A Group Encounter that's Defiled The Pit,' I was astonished to discover that I'd discovered an interesting origin story that clarified several of the gaps of the alleged story of the self help business. The brutality and abuse that was the core of this industry was made evident in a shocking way, and took me on a journey down an unending journey of self help research , which hasn't stopped since."

 The self-help sector:

 "I think most people don't see the self help industry as a trend. I certainly didn't before this was all started. Most people think there are many firms that existed at various times throughout many generations. If you've done some research into these various companies you might think that there's a few bad apples, but in reality, everybody is working on the basis of good faith and want to assist you. Gene's story added further layers of financial corruption as well as systemic abuse to that falsehood.

 The self help industry originated out of door-to-door salesmen and pyramid schemers - similar to the business Gene worked for at the time. Holiday Magic Inc. The movement for self-help was founded by these same corrupt operators disguised as New Age philosophy and the growing Human Potential Movement. However, beneath the hype you'll find an abusive system that's shaped as the shape of... lets suppose, for example, a 3-dimensional triangle."

 The hybrid documentary strategy:

 In the drawing of the Leadership Dynamics Institute:

 "Think about it this way Think of it this way: You're an employee in a stressful setting. Everyone else around you appears be striving to make that next sales and get prosperous. A coworker recently received an impressive promotion and appears to have leveled up in every way. They inform you that the only way they can get to where they are is to enroll in the life-changing personal growth course known as Leadership Dynamics Institute (whispered into your the ear).

 Each executive in your company is a participant, including your colleague. It's expensive and he can't reveal exactly what transpired throughout the course. However, it's certain to yield positive results. It turns out that the next class is happening in two weeks. Are you interested in signing for the course?

 It's easy to answer the reason why people initially signed to take part in the program. Most people will be at least intrigued with the prospect of such an offer. As the short clarifies, the participants didn't even know of the brutal and violent character of the program until they completed the course, traveled across the nation and paid the huge non-refundable cost, signed the waiver, given away all of the personal belongings they own as well as sat naked and naked inside an hotel conference room. At first, they weren't aware but were then astonished and utterly engaged. As the violence starts the pressure of peers and fear goes a long way in keeping you at the scene.

 There are a few tough guys who have approached me following screenings and have said that they wouldn't fall for it and they would have left the minute the releases were released. I always smile and say, 'Oh yeah, so this is the person I've sought out.' No matter what you think you would do when faced with this scenario I'm not convinced that we can know for sure. According to Gene It's very likely you'd be there and participated just like they did."

 The challenges in creating the film

 "We made this film at the height of COVID in Los Angeles, January 2021. So everything about it was challenging, not even the need to take 70+ photos on 16mm film in one single day. I was pretty nervous going into the shoot but we prepped extremely well and managed to keep everyone secure and get all the equipment we required and more."

 In the coming A24 Series:

 "A24, Brain Dead, and I are currently working on the docu-series to expand on the premise of the short, chronicling the entire development of the self-help business. It's difficult to go into too much depth, because we are still shaping our narrative and discovering the latest developments every single day. But I can say that this short film portrays the beginnings of an corrosive concept and financial plan which has evolved and expanded throughout the last 80 years.

 The dangers of the personal development/self-help industry whether mental, physical or financial, abound even to this day. Similar strains from the first forms of self help are still operating and co-mingle with new players every year. However, the omnipresence of the ideologies and the language used is very disturbing. The low level of its omnipresent and ubiquitous presence in our daily lives that's in some ways most harmful. I'm hoping to offer a historical interlocking narrative to reveal the abysmal culture-based force that impacts everyone. Through this series we hope to make this hidden story publically known for the first time."

 On lessons learned:

 "It's taught me to put less pressure on the way I think. We are all obsessed with trying to change our thoughts and patterns of thought to block negativity out. Through my study I've observed that the methods which claim to block out negative thought patterns to be highly dubious or fraudulent. They can also often, the inner tension. Therefore, take it easy on yourself!"

 On best advice for aspiring filmmakers:

 "Try something new , and keep following your curiosity. No one needs another (blank). This has already been accomplished and there's plenty of industry filmmakers already looking to replicate last year's whatever ."