
Feb 10, 2023
the code company (1)

The Code Company founder Ben May talks at an exhibit (c) thecode.co

The Code Company, a professional company that focuses on the publishing process using digital media, is one of 's most trusted collaborators. They're WordPress specialists, and work with large-scale design including Migrations and integrations. They've built numerous stacks of software to help hundreds of publishing.

The company just launched the relaunch of Substack huge The Dispatch, a publication which provides information and analysis about politics, policy, as well as the arts. Its value is $1.9 million and has millions of readers. I spoke with Stacey Clark of the communications and partnerships team on the business and the services it offers:

"Our CEO Ben May has been using technology to tackle issues since the age of 10," says Stacey. "He created his first website with a local business when he was just 12 years old and had a revenue of $400." Ben realized that there was possibility of a profession from this and decided to establish his own company when he was 22.

The Code Company didn't deliberately get into publishing, but it did win a couple of publishing customers at the beginning. Stacey states: "We've carved out a segment in technology development to aid digital publishers, in addition switching from different platforms to WordPress, building membership functionality along with ad technology. At first, we were unconvinced about platforms until it became apparent that majority of platforms are a mess! We now use WordPress since there are only few "rescue actions" for a few of the diverse platforms."

"The crucial engineering process that is required to develop the publishing of websites is our responsibility," Stacey continues. We assist publishers in resolving complex problems with WordPress and find ways to use technology to "increase the profits of their businesses, create greater efficiencies within the company and decrease the risk associated with technology for business".

Stacey and I are both of the opinion that 'tech is becoming less technological'. This is vital for publishing. "Sometimes writers, editors and marketing professionals who are employing technology and need to have the ability to utilize technology, without calling engineers each five minutes.These could be described as "wordspeople" who are not "tech individuals'."

Code Company helps people create or transition to technology stacks that make them independent. Code Company helps these people create or move to tech stacks that will enable them to be independent "They require something to do the same job the way they previously did and in a faster and more effective method. Code Company helps them develop or move into tech stacks that will make their lives easier. Code Company often works with publishing firms that have websites that are creaking with technology debt. It is possible that the plugin does not offer the functionality the company requires. We believe it is better to design an integrated system that is specifically designed for the end user, so that he has everything they require, without having to sacrifice aspects they don't need."


The Code Company works with content companies of all sorts which include small-scale media to large entertainment corporations. The company recently announced the widely-publicized debut of Wondermind the hub of content to help people manage their mental health that is backed by celebrities such as Selena Gomez and Newsette CEO Daniella Pierson. The launch was followed by Bhavik Trivedi chief operating officer of Wondermind of Wondermind said: "I've never had a flawless launch. Until now. Since it's launch with a new design to manage high-volume traffic, and all our integrations worked flawlessly."

FuqQ9UfLAmNAKjVpzFCV The new Wondermind Media Hub (c) thecode.co

They also work together with Nine The largest entertainment corporation in Australia. "We created their corporate website together with their magazines drive.com.au which is among the top auto sites, and Future Women, a membership club specifically for professional women." Code Company also launched the Code Company also launched eBay's local ads website. "That was a major challenge because they'd not experienced regional leads prior to the launch and they were successful in obtaining Australian leads because of this site" Stacey confirms. "We are currently launching the brand new website Science Alert, which is a reputable science publication that is a major science publication in the US. The site is managed by Australia however the majority of users reside in the US. The project was one that we were working on over a period of more than a year and a half!" She remembers.

It appears, however, that the highest-profiting area is the one that works with publishers that are a tiny number of publishers that are looking to expand. "We ask, 'How do you show that you're ready to be a publisher? What can we accomplish to assist your company and the tech stack to get into the best shape so that it can increase your revenue?" Stacey states. This is where the bulk of customers from The Code Company are located like non-traditional media organisations such as news sites Crikey and Her Campus, a female college students media business based in The US (that The Code Company moved to Drupal and then WordPress).

The PT0CpapgDKohJvS2XTfd The HerCampus.com content hub is available across multiple different platforms (c) thecode.co

"We help creative and ingenuous creators that are unhappy or unhappy with the system they use and prefer CMS (content management system)," Stacey adds. "They're looking to us for alternatives since they're frustrated that their current platform is restrictive on what they're able to achieve. The platform isn't very flexible in addition to they make an enormous portion of their earnings." Additionally, it's increasing important to creators of any age to obtain data from third parties. "They're only able access to the information through platforms like Substack. We're working on customized creator stacks that permit creators to control their own fan base" she elaborates.

Solutions and Services

The customers at The Code Company may have created their own website or asked an outside source to design the site. However, whatever the reason they're using several plugins. "As the site's popularity has increased and expanded however, they're noticing that their system is in a state of breakdown and they're not able fix the issue on their own. This is causing a lot of issues, as well as complaints from clients and they're not able to achieve what they'd like to accomplish. It's never easy. It's impossible to accomplish something as simple as the addition of items to menus" She says.

Mike McPhate at the California Sun confirms: "The biggest problem with my previous membership site was that it was plagued by bugs, as well as complicated instructions for how to use it. I would receive emails on a daily basis and every day from frustrated customers. After I created the website along with The Code Company and , I'm no longer receiving emails from readers, which is awe-inspiring!"

thecode.co California Sun

The California Sun (c)thecode.co

The performance of a website is vital to publishing companies "If they fail to perform, it can cost them millions of dollars" Stacey continues. "And they continue to hack and update their applications with each new version. They're losing effectiveness until they're no longer efficient. Then, they'll remain with us, carrying the huge technological stack groaning on the back, mindful of the potential risk that the website could be taken out of commission because of poor performance."

Publishers are looking to diversify their revenues, and increasing numbers of them are considering subscriptions and subscriptions. "We need to develop a strategy which is reliable and safe. Our main focus is to find ways in which we will transform the publishers we work alongside," she says. The Code Company works specifically with subscription-based options that address the problem of what Stacey calls "leaky paywalls". The Code Company's founder clarifies "We've been working with different services for membership before and observed that it is easy to get around the paywall. If your model of business is built around publishing and is based on selling of content to consumers, it could create a huge problem."

Projects and events are scheduled

"The expansion of the creation economy is on the rise," Stacey notes. "Creators have realized that SaaS platforms don't come without limits, which is why they're now beginning to look at other options. Diversification is a necessity that will remain for the publishers. It is equally important to keep looking for new strategies to communicate with audiences with more tailored and relevant information. Subscribers don't just bring in revenue, but they also give you the benefit to be closer to your public and increasing the number of individuals who subscribe."

"There are still print magazines available that aren't digital and we're still receiving requests from readers who recognize that in order to continue, it will be essential for them to shift toward digital and a subscription service can be one method to achieve this."

With regard to the recent developments "Ben is well-known inside the field of conferences," adds Stacey. Recently, Ben spoke at the Mumbrella Publisher Conference in Australia as well as WordCamp US in San Diego. His talks focused on the creator economy; focusing on 'the minimalist publisher' and how publishers can get more results using the least amount of. There is also the possibility to learn from creators of larger publishing firms, typically using membership solutions.

the code company (2)

     Ben May is the founder. Ben May is a familiar name within the realm of conferences. (c) thecode.co

The founder of the business knows the industry inside out. "Ben's done this throughout his life and there's not one question that he's not able to solve," says Stacey. "The information I gather through meetings with clients shows that in the event of an issue the company may have pay another company for two weeks to look into. Cod Company's technology is able to solve it within 20 minutes on the phone because they've seen each and every one of these. This is a major benefit for businesses being able to use the same thing to help in the resolution of."

And, Stacey says: "Publishing or managing a website doesn't require as much work as some people think it is. We are a firm believer that does not support the idea of the complexity." Both of us are convinced that it's easy to get immersed in new technology or themes or plugins - "these flashing lights can't have any effect in any way." she smiles.

The Code Company revels in "smart simplicity" It appears. Stacey states: "We offer the chance to connect with a tech business that will help in achieving the outcomes you're looking for with the simplest method that works, not using the latest buzzword."

Additional information

To learn more about The Code Company, to review case studies on prior modifications and integrations and to consider possibilities of working with them, go to their website thecode.co.

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