The secret life of Facebook ad copy that converts |

Nov 22, 2023

If you're conducting Facebook ads, get these Facebook ad copy tips. These strategies can help convert your target audience and lift your ad performance.

It's your Facebook ads manager writing copy for your coming Facebook advertising campaign.

    Does your copywriting look good?    

    How can you create a fantastic Facebook ad anyway?    

In the end, you've been free-writing and following your gut as an ad writer.

It's not necessary to be a professional copywriter to create powerful ads that lead to successful Facebook ads.

No matter if you're a marketing professional or the owner of a small business We've got four important advice for you that will help you nail down the message of your Facebook ads.

You can write great Facebook ads that help you reach your campaign goals even when you're feeling as if you're being a fraud. You can follow these four Facebook ad copywriting tips with ads examples.

Before we do that, let's discuss the reasons why you should utilize Facebook advertising in your marketing plan.

What are the benefits of using Facebook ads?

If you're wondering why we're singling out Facebook advertising copywriting and committing an entire article to creating effective Facebook ads, the reason lies in the sheer number.

In the present, so it relates to social media, Facebook is still king.

But, unfortunately it's not enough just to utilize social networks organically to reach your audience.

Among the billions of people who frequently visit the platform each day, an overwhelming 88 percent from Facebook users use it for staying in contact with friends and family.

Only 17% of people make use of social media for following brands and businesses.

The organic content of your company aren't considered important by Facebook users nor the algorithm of Facebook, which means your odds of being on your prospective customers' news feed are almost nonexistent.

The organic reach has dwindled to just percentage of your followers .

What's more The most recent research revealed that Facebook's organic reach is steadily depleting in the course of time, while its price for shares risesbut with nothing to be seen.

It's all to say that while Facebook is the biggest social media platform, for you to be able to connect with the people you want to reach through the network You'll have to commit the money for Facebook advertising campaigns.

As for how to make those dollars go further, that's where the rest of this article comes in.

The focus will be less on the specific types of ads (such such as carousel ads video ads, etc.) and will focus more on the kinds of content you can apply to your Facebook ads.

These principles can be applied to make effective Facebook ads and help connect to not just any target audience, but rather the appropriate group of people.

Four tips to write copywriting for the most effective Facebook advertisements

#1. Utilize the words of your viewers in your Facebook advertisement copy

To write a great Facebook advertisement, you should try to write copy with your target audience's exact words and phrases.

It's an effective method to ensure that you are able to master your advertising messaging, and here's why.

By using your target audience's words, it shows that you've taken time to listen to their point of view This is a sign that you are truly interested in solving a challenge for them.

And how important is the authenticity of your story? Very.

The majority of 90% of consumers believe that authenticity is a major factor in choosing which brands they appreciate and back.

So, if you're wondering how to get your targeted audience's exact language the best (or more obvious) location than right from your your target market.

According to marketing queen Amy Porterfield :

"It's essential that you consider back to [your intended audience] how they're experiencing and talking about . . . Create a daily record of these phrases on your phone or in a Google Doc . . . Because if you employ their words and their expressions, it's writing with gold."

Another method of communicating your target audience's language is to make use of quotes from happy customers.

Nothing can prove the credibility of your business quite like social proof or testimonials.

So much so that an astounding 72% people claim positive reviews and feedback make them trust a business more.

If 70% of consumers go through six or less reviews prior to making a purchase choice, this could make the difference in writing an outstanding Facebook advertisement.

To see an example of a Facebook advert that includes a glowing review check out leading businessman Darren Hardy's Facebook ad copy that highlights a quote from one of his ardent membership subscribers.

The most important thing to remember is that you should use the exact words when you write your ad text. Even if it's tempting to write your entire ad's copywriting from within your head. This makes the Facebook advertisement copy be more appealing to the people you want to reach more.

In the same vein, use your audience's exact expression in our next copywriting tip, too.

#2. Begin by guiding your audience from the pain point to desired result

A different method to get people's attention through your Facebook advertising copy is to compose the text of your ad that initially speaks about their issues and then coaches them to their desired outcome.

It's a great way to show empathy towards your audience's struggles and build credibility and trust with your viewers.

When you show them that you've only experienced it as well as knowing the pain They're more likely to trust you to show them a way out of their pain point.

and building trust is huge issue these days.

67% of the population agree that a good reputation can get them to buy something. But in the event that they don't are confident in the brand behind the product, they'll stop buying it.

Additionally in the event of a large purchase, trust plays an important part for 92 percent of Americans , 89% of UK residents, and 95 percent of Canadians.

In order to build confidence in your brand's credibility, write Facebook ads that are in tune the pain of your target audience's to lead them to their desired outcome.

(It is a given that this strategy is dependent on accurate advertising targeting, either via an import audience or using custom audience.)

See how one Amy Porterfield's highest converting Facebook ads starts by addressing her audience's pain point of hesitating to launch their first online class.

Amy takes them through the emotions of the common pain point and ends the text with a positive (and impressive) conclusion.

In her headline for the advertisement she describes her incredible achievement of "seven courses, 42,000 students, in addition to $8.7 million" as a result of sticking in her vision of building a profitable online course business.

After that Amy's CTA copy encourages users to join the free masterclass. Amy teaches people more in-depth about her journey from pain point to success.

In a different one of Amy's Facebook advertisements  in another, she wrote "Right this moment, it could feel like you're struggling with just a few thousand people in your circle" in order to define her people's pain points.

Her copywriting leads them to the end destination of "creating the online empire you've always wanted," and then adds a short time CTA to get her intended users to click.

The basic idea is this:

Be a friend to your audience by addressing their particular pain points in your copywriting to show that you know what it feels like to be in their shoes and that you can be relied upon to assist them in reaching the ideal level.

And if it takes several phrases in your advertisement the text to make it clear that you are able to relate to the audience you're targeting, it's okay. Check out our next article for the copywriting details.

#3. Consider long-form ad copywriting

Another way to write Facebook ads that are successful in converts is to create long-form copy.

First, let's cover the basics, though, so you are aware of the right time to make use of long-form advertising text -- as it's never the best choice.

When it comes to the size of your advertisement writing, the most effective Facebook ads have a size that's in line with the goal of your ad campaign.

Let me explain.

If you're running a Facebook ad campaign with an aim to increase awareness of your brand as the main objective, then a long-form content is likely not required.

Writers who write smaller Facebook ads might work better, such as this Facebook advertisement by branding expert Mark Lack  who's primary intention is to just share content from Mark's interview in which he was interviewed by billionaire Tilman J. Fertitta.

On the other hand the goal further down the funnel - in which potential clients are acutely aware of the issue they face and are looking for solutions to their problem is the best fit for longer-form writing and more precise ad content that addresses their particular questions.

Strategyzer utilized long-form copywritingand excellent storytellingfor their Facebook ad campaign, which boosted their ticket sales to an amazing ROI of 1,866 percent .

Here's the initial Facebook ad copy length . . .

As compared to their lengthy ad copy, which earned them significantly more revenue.

A huge difference in length of the copy You're right?

A Facebook advertising campaign trial conducted by AdEspresso found the optimal range for ad copy length ranges from one to six paragraphs of ad text and brought in the most leads, and had the low costs per acquisition (CPA).

It's obvious that the length of your ad isn't the sole aspect to write a good Facebook advert, but providing greater details within your ads text is helpful to the people you want to reach, particularly if you're retargeting potential customers that have experienced your brand awareness campaign.

Very ignorant




The most aware

Once you've put your target public in one of these five stages, customizing your copywriting becomes much easier.

And if you opt to opt for the long-form using text, you can choose Facebook news feeds as your ad placement.

According to founder and author of Breakthrough Marketing Secrets Roy Furr , the only placement option you should use to display long-form advertising copy is direct to Facebook, and only in the news feed.

"If you use any other placement and are hoping your lengthy piece of content will be seen, don't! This is actually not possible. Depending on the placement the person is able to only comprehend just the first few sentences or perhaps just the initial couple of words."

Simply, pair long-form copywriting with authenticity, awareness level, and empathy to write killer Facebook ads.

#4. Write a compelling CTA

To seal the deal It's crucial to finish your advertisement with a captivating and simple appeal to action that encourages your audience to move on towards the next action.

The key here is to be specific in your CTA messages, so that the audience is aware of what they should be expecting and what they will be able to see when they click your advertisement.

(Likewise I'd like to point out that when people click the Facebook advertisement, it's important they go to a landing site that's similarly compelling and clear.)

Two excellent examples of ads that you can copy can be found here . . .

Author and entrepreneur Dan Henry's CTA for his Facebook ads, that reads "If you'd like to find out the contents of the book about, go here for a free copy."

Also Dan's Facebook ads CTA, which says "For the next few days, get a free copy mailed right to your door. Pay for the delivery and handling. Get yours now."

CTAs aren't much more clear than that, right?

Once you have made your clear CTA, though it is still necessary choose one of Facebook's CTA buttons to go with it.

It doesn't matter if it's a basic "shop now" action button which leads people to peruse your ecommerce or product landing pages, that's better than no CTA button.

AdEspresso carried out an experiment which discovered Facebook advertisements without a CTA button could cost you up to 2.5 to 3 times the cost per lead.

If you're wondering about the way Facebook's particular CTA buttons perform this same AdEspresso experiment also revealed that "download" generated the highest number of leads, with the lowest price per lead.

That's not to say you should automatically choose "download" for your CTA option, but it is a good idea.

It's just a signal that if you provide sufficient text in your advertisement to assist users make an informed choice and then "download" is an obvious next step. However "sign up" and "learn more" could be more unclear.

"Download" is especially appropriate when you're providing a free guide or template to the early stage audience.

That's the place your particular CTA messaging in your ad text comes in. If the purpose of your CTA button is encourage customers to "learn more" for instance, then write a CTA which is crystal clear within the text of your ad.

Make sure to test the description of your link If you're directing visitors to an site that is a landing page. A short-and-sweet link description is specifically designed for skimmers, and should include the exact CTA that you use for your button.

It's as simple as that:

Write a compelling and explicitly clear CTA to go along with you CTA button. If you're not sure, it's better to communicate your message clearly rather than be clever.

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Improve your Facebook ad copy by using our four writing tips for copywriting

On one hand, Facebook is the most viewed and well-known social media platform and is the ideal platform to reach your intended audience as well as potential clients.

On the other, to ensure that the algorithm of Facebook be in your favor, you must pay for play and invest some budget to run Facebook advertising campaigns.

In order to maximize your advertising budget, you must follow the four Facebook ad copy tips:

#1. Replay your audience's words in your copywriting to match their thinking process.

#2. To establish trust with your target audience, empathize your audience's pain and lead them to their desired state of mind within your Facebook ads.

#3. Do not be scared to write long-form ad copy to authentically connect with your customers, particularly when your group is on a higher recognition level.

#4. Close out your Facebook ad copy by using a crisp and clear CTA that compliments the CTA button effectively.

Are you ready to improve your Facebook advertising writing skills? You can grow your business with.