What is a Mini-Course and How to Create It

Mar 16, 2022

 A mini course is an online, short course that does not require downloads or printables.

In simple terms, a mini course could be defined as the shortest form of online video course could be sold for an attractive cost. The typical length of the course is from 30 up to 90 mins.

It's a great method to begin with online classes since the mini course is smaller in time length than an online courseand usually does not include additional resources such as printables. It's a powerful instrument for creatives to develop their brand as it takes shorter time to create than a traditional course. Mini courses are considered to be as one of the top methods to begin your online course.

If you are looking to create and market online videos, there are lots of ways to do this. Some creators approach the course in a generic way in order to get started teaching and attracting numerous customers. But as is the case for any product, you must sell the course in the context of the industry you are in.

While reading, bear that in mind that these are just some benefits of mini courses using examples that can be used in practice They don't provide all the possibilities! Exploring on your own is always the best policy.

The course will begin with basic information and then shift into tips that will help you build an effective course within a matter of minutes.

Where do mini courses are in relation to online courses?

In the case of art, the single piece of art can be a base for the mini course. The goal is to offer the original artwork and the other related products like the canvas prints, or earrings that are a match to the artwork.

When you are creating an art piece it is a good idea to record the process to increase the quality of your work by the sharing of BTS specifics. This is applicable in both directions, when you're also selling the mini-course, it's an opportunity to market the artwork as well. Therefore, your mini-course should contain a description of the painting and a brief story about its creation.

If you are in certain sectors, illustrations and an additional piece of writing might suffice. If this is the case, your mini course is really an individual piece of content.

 What is the benefit of Mini Courses?

A mini course is a quick online course, with a variety advantages to creating mini-courses.

  • There is no need to have any prior knowledge
  • A small investment in time or money
  • There is a chance to offer a top-quality training course in a short time
  • You are able to create it on your own time
  • You're more flexible and can come up with ideas at the whim of a

It is possible to launch your own mini course on CreativeMindClass.

Larger online courses may have specific things you wish to discuss about a particular issue or to cover the subject matter in question. Minicourses can be short and easy, and are ideal for giving something interesting to the people you are teaching.

Through mini courses it is possible to work on your own pace and design it at your own pace. There is no need to devote many months, or perhaps several years of your time creating a complete course when you're unsure of how to reach your goals.

Furthermore, you could make a mini-course with the intention of developing it as much as you can in the least period of time you can. What is more this allows you to get feedback from online users as you refine and tweak your course as time goes by.

 Mini course examples

We will give you some suggestions and ideas for starting your own mini-course.

  • Participate in an Instagram artistic challenge, and then record your experience
  • Indroductionary course about yourself and the passion you have for it
  • Make a video that shows your work space
  • Create a new commission, and record the creation process
  • Pair up with other creators in a fun project and make a video that shows brainstorming and creating
tutorial on how to draw imaginative, dreamlike illustrationsCreativeMindClass

Do you think it is possible to build and create a strong mini-course in just ten or twenty minutes time blocks?

You'll be amazed at the amount you've accomplished in such a short period of time.
You can be able to answer the question "what can I teach in less than 20 minutes?"

The most difficult part of creating a short online course is that you have determine what topics to cover in that. If you are an artist or creator, it is a perfect way to simply turn on your camera and record your creative method while working on your project.

It's simple, yes. It's actually better and more efficient to design your program quickly in order to increase the amount of knowledge you acquire and your mastery over the time.

 Practical Guidelines for creating a Mini Course

As we transition from general information about mini courses to more actionable methods, it's really easy to integrate these ideas into your course. There are several simple steps we can take to create mini-course content:

 1. Do your research before deciding on a topic

Mini course: choose topic
Source: How to create imaginative, dreamlike illustrations

In the beginning, there was brainstorming. Then it became great fun!

If you are selecting a topic for your mini course Begin by using basic brainstorming strategies you're familiar with. You can write notes of your thoughts for the short lesson quickly without judging. You'll have an extensive list of subjects to cover in your class. Make sure that the most popular one is among the many.

 2. Prepare a mini course outline: Design a high-level course structure

Design something tangible and real which you'll be successful in completing it in a short time!

Learn what you can about yourself.

The class for sure needs an introduction. The introduction can be used as the title of your first lesson! Do your students need any education resources? Make sure to include your summary of the material in another course or within the class description.

It's easy to see the concept.

Mini course outline template

 3.Take an action Create a draft

What's an amazing online course if it doesn't have content would you say? You don't need to make sure that your material is ready to take the action. It is possible to create the most basic section as well as a lesson plan for the class. Since it's a preparation stage and the mini-course isn't yet published, you may experiment with your course.

You will only have the ability to visualize how the lesson is structured in the moment and make changes later! Create and start your mini-course through CreativeMindClass at no cost.

mini course lesson outline
Source: How to create imaginative, dreamlike illustrations

You can upload your own work, type in some random words or utilize your videos on your phone Make it your own and enjoy fun. It could be any thing you want to do to have your class begin developing beautifully and turning into reality.

It is possible to create a plan of lessons in only 5 minutes. Draft a sketch of your class and a few segments and some examples of lessons. That's it!

 4.Add Downloads and exercises

The rule is that a mini-course doesn't need any extra educational material. If you're interested in offering greater value to the people who attend your event, it is possible to create brief exercises, and offer downloads or printables. Upload files that contain an outline of the lesson as well as hands-on exercise, sketches ideas, cheat sheets, motivations or work documents such as Adobe Photoshop PSDs or Illustrator AI.

mini course exercises and downloads
Add an element of engagement in each lesson

 5.Set a mini course price

When you think about the pricing to promote the online courses, in the case of a brief course students will be content at a price of between 10 and $50, but this is not a strict to follow.

If you spend time on several recordings, master the editing, spend hours creating printables and assignments It is recommended that you set the price for your class at $100, even if this is the first mini course you've ever taken.

 6.Get feedback

Take the draft of your mini course and send the course to some of your acquaintances or colleagues asking for their feedback. What they say about the mini course will aid in improving it prior to the time of launch.

Furthermore, speaking to others about your course can really help you gain confidence in your mini-course and also help you market online video courses in the near future.


launch mini course
Source: How to create fantasiastic, dreamy images

Promoting your mini course on the internet also requires less work than advertising a traditional course. Make use of your social media platforms and mailing list to let people be aware of your course.

 A mini course is a good option for creators who are busy.

 If you want to understand more about the different benefits Here are the top reasons to create mini courses with a small amount of time:

  • Your knowledge can be shared in a short amount of time
  • It is possible to get the audience's comments within the next day, or two
  • You can provide a personalized experience
  • You don't have to turn in a finished product
  • You can create it quickly
  • It is possible to modify and customize the design

It's easier to give a lecture about something that you are passionate about instead of planning long-running online courses which take months or even years to design. By utilizing a small course, you is a way to create something that will be viewed by a wide range of users, but will be easy to learn and your production of content and marketing can be done much quicker.

You can make mini courses on CreativeMindClass.

The smaller variants of a bigger idea can be a fantastic method to cut down on time, money, and effort for the development of online courses.