Write More Persuasively - Member

Oct 7, 2022

This is the Research-Based Way to make your writing more persuasive

Are you looking to make everything you write?

It's likely that you've seen his "hierarchy of needs". The phrase has become commonplace in marketing circles. However, the problem is that the phrase isn't based by any research. Maslow simply made it up out of the things he believed.

Fine. That's how lots of theories start, but ultimately they'll need to be examined. Maslow's theory has been tried and the results have been mixed at best.

Maslow's Theory Is Unscientific

That's why psychologists such as Henry Murray and David McClelland kept pushing Maslow's initial theories.

McClelland specifically, performed several research studies that used McClelland's Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). The TAT isn't necessarily the most precise test but, according to ScienceDirect puts it the test "is efficient in helping identify a patient's dominant motivations and emotional state in addition to the root of the personality problems they face".

McClelland employed it to refine Maslow's theory of needs.

What did he find?

Actually, there are only three basic requirements that drive our actions. Three fundamental needs are our behavior and are the main reason we behave the way we behave. This information is useful for people (like you and I) trying to inspire people to take action?

Uh, yeah.

What are the "three necessities"?

  1. The Need for Power
  2. The necessity for Achievement
  3. The necessity of affiliating

McClelland noted that, among the many needs identified from the research of Maslow along with Murray McClelland, 86% of the individuals who were dominant were in at least one of the three needs. The evidence, the data, it's are something that you can trust.

What exactly do these specifications mean?

The Demand for Power

If people think of "power" When they hear the word "power," they immediately think of oppressive dictators and dictators who are controlling like Stalin and Hitler. This could be a factor however it's really focussed on impacts. The power of impact is to cause a ripple effect on everything you see, people, objects, etc. Imagine that a toddler throwing a ball and laughing in uncontrollable ways. It's her capacity to handle an event that is beyond her that can light her up. This is why we need the power of.

The most common phrases you can include in your messages to meet this need include such things as:

  • "more control..."
  • "change your"world" ..."
  • "have massive effects ..."
  • "dominate..."
  • "greater influence..."

The issue is their desire to influence and impact the world they live in because the people who have a high Need for Power that is the reason behind the actions they take.

The necessity for Achievement

The reason for this is more like what it says : that desire to succeed. Create a target then work towards it then finally achieve it. The people who are high on the Need for Achievement want to perform that same procedure over and over.

There's a bit of nuance in it, however. If a goal seems too easy, it's not likely provide the motivation that they seek and will not inspire them. If a goal seems too difficult, people will assume that they won't be able to achieve it. And, again, it won't encourage them.

The aim should be "just to" to motivate people in this desire. However, set challenging and feasible goals before them and they'll grind them in a series as though they were machines.

An appropriate phrase to utilize for your messages in this regard is

  • "mastery"
  • "achieve your goals"
  • "challenge yourself"
  • "show your creations you've worked out from"
  • "be the best you can be."

The last requirement is...

The need for affiliation

In the words of McClelland states, it's "The desire to have an overall sense of belonging and belonging within a social group." This is a term that's been more widely known. Social media have highlighted the feeling at home and feel a sense of belonging.

Presently, numerous items and services are accessible such as communities, Facebook communities, groups which have live events online, virtual events and more.

It's still important to add these words to your message. Phrases you might use include:

  • "join in a network of like-minded people"
  • "connect with other people"
  • "we're one of you"
  • "welcome to the family of ours"

What can you do to utilize all of this?

Think about the fact that the majority of (good) copywriting job is "reason-why" is based. It's all about convincing the reader as to why they should do the action you're asking them to complete (subscribe to your newsletter or buy your product, become a member of your group, etc. ).

Thus, any basic argument could be reduced into two distinct sections:

  1. Take this action
  2. It's the same reason.

Three of the requirements will inform you what the "reasons to why" must be. Your message should be addressing those three requirements since they're factors that motivate people to act. That's what makes your writing, speaking and the other messages you're putting out... more convincing.

You still need to prove that these assertions are true through proof, draw the attention of and so on... Making the right appeal in the beginning is vital. If they don't, they'll stare at it and say "Eh what's the point?" It's not going to enthrall people.

When you sit down at your desk to write or type out an article or whip up video scripts, do not take a moment to forget Maslow and think of McClelland. You'll be grateful for it.

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