10 strategies to sell at higher prices without losing Customers

Apr 28, 2022

So long as you do it the right way.

Here are 10 strategies to offering higher-end products while making your customers satisfied all at once.

1. Target consumers who have more money

There are a variety of methods to achieve this and we can't touch on the options here. But the idea is, the people with more will spend more. If you create products with higher prices that appeal to people with more money to spend, they'll purchase these products.

The next step is to place the more expensive item or service in a way that people with more disposable income will be able to see it as something appropriate for those with more disposable income. This can be done using just about any item.

The first thing to consider is the name. It is essential to choose a brand label that can make the product look distinct, distinctive, exclusive that is designed with a certain objective, and unique. you must give it the kind of appeal that's more desirable than others which is why it's worth spending for. This relates to the next option.

2. Don't compromise the quality of the quality of your product

Products that cost less typically offer the one motive to buy they offer that is "save money." It's that simple. By selling at a higher cost, you're claiming that your product is superior in some manner.

There's a chance that you're the premium brand, the long-lasting one, the better-tasting brand, the all-natural brand difficult to find or the more healthy brand- you get the idea.

It's important to remember that you have to develop an USP (unique selling proposition -- which communicates the worth of your product and differentiates your products from the cheap ones. If you succeed, consumers will pay more to buy it.

Even for school supplies.

Southern Living featured interesting and attractive school equipment like gold scissors, stylish tape, pencil pouches, and so much more in an article that was published recently. The items are all much more expensive than the bare bones stuff you can get from the office supply shops. The visual impact is immediate. The students would like these since they're entertaining, interesting and attract attention.

These aren't school supplies People. If they're capable of it, so can you.

3. The problem is to be sold Not the solution.

As the old saying goes that you don't purchase the drill, you buy the hole.

If you can are able to connect with customers on the level of a deeper connection, price becomes less of a factor in their decision to buy. If you are able to do this well, you can sell for higher rates, specifically in the case of services.

4. Bundle the items

Imagine purchasing a beer making kit piece-by-piece. There's a fair amount of gear involved. A store could sell the entire equipment on its own.

However, the store may also offer a bundle which includes the entire basic equipment as well as a few accessories like starter packs that include diverse flavors, books that contains tips for brewing as well as other items of a special nature.

Which one is better that bundle, or buying it all separately?

This bundle is a source of ease of use. Customers don't need to look for these things. And they may have never even thought to look for the book. The bundle gives you value the item and to justify an increase in price.

bundle of a guitar and amp

Bundles of products, when executed properly, aren't comparable with anything else, and therefore can't be price shopped. The bundle is bought as-is and the bundle offers a distinct advantage.

5. Utilize bonuses and other freebies

It's difficult to quantify how well this strategy can be effective. When you offer a wonderful giveaway or free item it can be enough to sell the rest of the item. And sometimes, if it's a free entry into the contest of your choice, you might not even have anything to sell yet people are still drawn to it.

Imagine a company that sells hats featuring the teams of a sports team. The company could organize a contest that enters everyone who spends at least $100 into a prize draw that will give two tickets to a game. The chance to get free tickets could entice many customers to buy that $100.

Naturally, you could also offer free bonuses that are an actual item that works similarly. Be inventive. It's like turning a product into a bundle, without increasing the cost.

adding a free gift at checkout with a coupon

6. Create a targeted audience

The most effective, long-term strategy for doing this is to utilize lead generation to pull in potential customers through free or low-priced offers. Then, once you have their contact information and have created a positive impression on them, you maintain your relationship by sending them valuable information. This is not always advertising anything.

You're solving problems. This means you're building trust and credibility and positioning yourself as an authority.

When you do that well then you're not selling to the general public, but to your customers. In addition, they'll be willing to pay you more since they've come to know that they trust, respect, and like your business.

Retail and product-focused eCommerce businesses can do this. The main reason is the way you label your items. The name calls out the target market.

Imagine a pet owner going out shopping for dog food, with their dog weighing 90 pounds. This is a large pet. Naturally, at the store for pet food, you will find a wide range of options in pet food. However, if a dog's owner comes across a product that specifically advertises as canine food for big dogs then what is the first thing they are going to do?

They're more likely to buy the brand, regardless of whether it's more expensive. Why? It's because it's selling exclusively to these people. The brand is calling its target market out. This dog food brand does not focus on pet owners with small dogs that will not purchase it. The brand is selling it at a cost, and only to big dog owners.

Exclusions sell.

7. Make an article or book

It's not just any book. Create a book that can instantly connect with your intended readership. It conveys credibility and expertise more than anything else. It's the closest thing to be interviewed on television, on a podcast, or appearing in a prominent publication.

This approach works extra well when it comes to service-based companies, however this approach can also work for product-based businesses, too.

Imagine you're planning to redesign your kitchen. Then you visit one of the websites that all the experts in home and handyman work market themselves. There are seven remodelers for your kitchen in just a few minutes. All seem to be great. They sound all experienced and knowledgeable. All have excellent reviews. They're all willing to come out to give you a "free consultation and estimate."

Great...how do you supposed to make a choice? They're all the same!

And then you see it -- one of them has a book called "Nine Nightmares in Kitchen Remodeling along with How to Avoid Them," and she is willing to give it away for free as part of her estimate as well as consultation.

Instantly, she seems like the more experienced of the others. The book sets her apart. She'll get more bids, more sales, and can offer a better price than the others.

Who is selling is more important than the product they're selling. a book is all about the 'who.'

Every business -- that's right, EVERY businessis able to create a book which will be appealing to its target customers.

8. Make options

A study was done that saw customers offered regular beer at $1.80 and premium beer at $2.50.

80percent of those opt for premium. That speaks to the tip earlier about refusing to compromise on price, because most customers want more expensive, higher-end products and are willing to spend more money for them.

But here's where it got intriguing:

Next, they added an alternative that was less expensive, $1.60 alternative. There was not a single person who the study chose it, but most of them chose the $1.80 option. They lost money when in comparison to offering just two options.

Then, they tried another option -- dropping the cheaper one with the $3.40 alternative. 10% of respondents chose this option, but 85percent chose the $2.50 alternative.

It is important to note that with three options, the majority of people tend to go for the lowest-cost option. Which means, offering higher-priced options can result in higher revenues.

A famous tale is about a hamburger shop that wanted to sell more double burgers because they had a better profits that single hamburgers. How do you do it? Offer a triple burger.

9. Make use of upsells in a smart way

Upsells are sort of like gratuitous bonuses, only that this time the buyer is adding more to their cart more than they initially planned.

For this to possible, additional products should appear as an obvious selection. So, they mustn't cost more.

floral phone case next to a hat

The goal with upsells is to increase your average order value (AOV). The phone is sold, and then you upsell the case. You then upsell two cases, so that they have choices and backups. You sell the glasses. Then you upsell the cleaner.

You can also upsell the exact product but additional of it. As an example, let's say that a client purchases one item at $59. At checkout, you can provide them with the option to purchase a second product for the price of $49, which is 39 dollars. This is a bargain on another. For the customers who take the deal on a one-time basis it's almost double the size of your order.

10. End your prices with the  9

Is this silly? Actually, research backs this up. This study carried out a number of tests. One test found that women's clothing selling at $39 outsold the same product even when it was priced at $35. The prices that end with the letter '9' outsold the lower prices by 24% on the average.

Surprising, right?

Another test was run of a product, which read, "Was $60, now only $45." Other consumers saw the same language, but for the price of $49 instead of the $45.

More people responded to the price of sale ending in the price of $49. It's shocking, but remember it's just science. Humans are hilarious. Increase your price by ending them in '9's.

Bonus strategies for prices that are higher

To keep with the theme, here's a bonus strategy!

BNPL and the other types of payment plans permit the seller to offer more price than what you would normally and also in a manner which pleases customers.

Okay, so get out there, raise your prices a bit then start selling.