7 ways to increase your reach and start a business on YouTube

Jul 4, 2024

Need help getting your company off the ground? Get your company started by registering on YouTube. YouTube is a simple and accessible method to start your business, but grow your brand also.

You want to start an enterprise, but the idea of starting a blog doesn't work for you.

It is no secret that video specifically YouTube is growing in the popularity.

Are you wondering whether it's a good idea to start a YouTube channel to start and expand your business. However, isn't it only for the biggest-time creators with a name already?

Not quite.

Solopreneurs can start successful businesses on YouTube. It doesn't require video production skills or expensive equipment to make it happen, neither.

Additionally, you can use YouTube to take your business beyond infancy to a profit-generating machine.

Before we dive into the intricacies of building businesses using YouTube, let's first cover the basics of starting a business on YouTube.

Start your own enterprise using YouTube

It is possible to start a company on YouTube through it:

Determine your market and potential competitors.

Build your email list, and create a sales funnel

Create content and build brand awareness

We all enjoy a deep look at  the subject, so let's look at the details of each.

Step 1: Conduct market research via online forums

Starting a business on YouTube is not that different than creating a company with blogs.

It is important to be aware of the type of content that your target audience wants. Viewers utilize YouTube for a variety of items.

86% of viewers reported that they frequently use YouTube to learn new things. Another 37% go to improve their professional or academic capabilities.

95% of people say they discover new products and brands via YouTube.

Thus, you'll need to ensure that you've created in-demand content for your audience.

Happy viewers may one day become happy customers with some love.

To know what your customer are looking for, you can start by watching videos from influencers within your field.

60% of consumers follow influencers on YouTube, so it's definitely an excellent place to begin.

What issues or struggles do they commonly bring up? What products do they recommend? What kind of language do they use in their conversations with their followers and about your industry?

Besides searching through YouTube the site itself, you could use tools like Mention to locate YouTube influencers .

Watch video reviews of your product and more from people who fit the profile of your ideal buyer.

Find out what the experts have to share about brands within the field you work in and find out what characteristics make them love or move on from certain companies.

As an example, if you've noticed many videos in which customers are complaining regarding the service provided by a particular brand It's a clear indication to invest in customer support.

Then, take a look at your competitions for their content and see the areas where they have strengths and weaknesses.

You might notice they share lots of expert-level content, but little to assist users who are just beginning to the field and searching for answers.

Make sure to study the discussions in the comments section and discussion boards, too.

Let's say you wanted to create a course about being a virtual nomad travelling around the globe.

You can visit the Reddit's Digital Nomad subreddit to get insight into your followers' opinion of other brand names, influencers and even products that are in this field.

If you are able, participate in the discussion so that you can have questions answered and receive better feedback than just reading by yourself.

Finally, you could use devices such as TubeBuddy as well as VidIQ to identify keywords and trends to build material around.

After you've completed your research of the way, it's time to publish and create your content.

However, you shouldn't allow your videos to languish on YouTube.

Instead, you'll want to use it to increase recognition of your brand. It's also our next subject.

Step 2: Increase brand recognition through YouTube

67% of companies utilize YouTube to distribute their videos.

Another reason YouTube could be so well-known is that it's a visual search engine that lets users explore and gain knowledge about your company.

To boost brand recognition for your business, produce content that is easy to YouTube to share and simple for viewers to appreciate.

In the beginning, you must create your videos with keywords optimized in order to let viewers know the content. Include keywords in your title and have a filled-out description as well.

This YouTube SEO from HubSpot can help get you going.

Make sure that your videos answer your audience's questions. The best way to find them is via a combination of customer and keyword studies.

In the next step, adjust the length of your video to your audience's preferences. Having a super short or long video will not always guarantee increased views or views and.

How long would it last?

One study found the average length of a video across all industries as of December 2018, was 11.7 minutes .

Backlinko determined that the mean length of a YouTube video on the first page of results was 15 minutes 50 second .

Additionally, large YouTube creators are also making their content longer to increase their chances of getting recommended by YouTube.

It doesn't mean that your video must be 11.7 minutes or 14 minutes, 50 seconds, nevertheless.

Your videos should be in the length they have to be in order to answer the question.

At the same time ensure that your videos are the shortest and most concise you can. The time of your viewers is precious, and making videos that go on and on isn't going to impress you.

Additionally, only five percent of people will watch a video all the way through.

Your videos should be a user-friendly length -- as well as engaging and informative -- could increase the number of people that watch the entire video.

Use animations or text overlays to make your content easy to read and view, as well.

In this case, for example, you can include this text overlay at the start in our 40 digital product ideas video as a brief introduction to the main video information.

If you are able, post a transcript of your video to your site. This can help people find your video through search engines.

Additionally, you can make social media-related videos to promote your new videos. Sef Chang of House of Royalties creates one-minute videos for Facebook, Instagram, and email to promote his YouTube videos.

In this instance, he created this Instagram post in order to highlight this video on YouTube on licensing a product in five stages.

The final way to increase brand awareness via YouTube videos is to release regular content.

Don't feel pressured to produce video every single day, especially when you're just starting out. One video per week is much more practical for smaller creators starting out with YouTube.

You could repurpose your current streaming webinars, live streams as well as social media video content into YouTube-based videos as well.

How much of the content will be "enough"?

You'll only have enough content when you've answered every one of your clients' inquiries. This could take years to do.

For reference, companies which had between 0 and 30 employees had the an average of just 174 videos .

A consistent publishing plan of one to 2 videos a week and bonus content from webinars and live streams, you could probably reach that number within two years.

But, you shouldn't force you to achieve an arbitrary number of stipulations.

It's far more important to address questions that are relevant to your target audience and to do so in a professional mannerinstead of trying to release a specific number of videos.

Additionally, making videos is only half the task. What comes after creation -what comes next will be equally crucial.

Step 3: Direct viewers to your sales funnel

It isn't ideal to let visitors watch your videos only to just leave.

In the event that you fail, you'll only have a only a few sales or traffic to show for it.

In the event that eighty-two percent of the world's Internet traffic projected to be video by 2022, you'll need to begin incorporating video into your marketing processes regardless.

To convince customers to buy You'll need an email address and a sales funnel.

You'll need to establish an email database so that those who are interested in knowing more about your business can receive personalized marketing information.

A sales funnel can also provide a logical procedure to help viewers turn into customers or leads.

We'll look at how to set up a sales funnel with YouTube.

The basic principles of a sales funnel based on YouTube can be summarized as follows:

A viewer watches your video

Click on your website's landing page in the video's description and receive a free offer

They join your email list and get a download for free.

Send them educative and useful content

Your customer will eventually turn into a client

Making your funnel for sales will go in the opposite direction, though.

Make use of your onboarding program to explain what to get from your emails. You can also point your readers to other content that you think they will enjoy.

Outdoorsy  The email from Outdoorsy is a fantastic example of an email that connects the subscribers with their company.

With your email list set up, you should prepare the lead-generating magnet.

Lindsay Does Languages' lead attraction is access for free to the Little Language Library, for instance.

The visitors can gain access to the lead magnet when they sign up to your list of email subscribers on a landing page such as this landing page from Wyzowl.

The primary purpose behind a landing page (in the majority of cases) is to get someone to join your email list.

However, don't include multiple offer on your landing page.

Your landing page should have an objective and offer like allowing visitors to read an ebook or email course.

A lot of offers may make viewers confused and stop them from taking action.

The research conducted by Unbounce showed landing pages with one main call to action (CTA) were the ones with the highest conversion rates. Pages with at least five CTAs have the lowest percentage of conversions.

Lastly, include a link on your lead magnet as well as a website in the video's description.

There you have it -- you've created a funnel for sales in only a few steps.

As your business grows and expands, you may want to add additional options to your sales funnel including influencer advertising or paid ads partnerships.

In the meantime you can use a landing page as a lead magnet, and onboarding programs should be fine.

A simpler sales funnel might be more effective.

Check out an actual example. The Murray Group Insurances created the series of videos on a budget to answer viewers' questions including the one below.

The insurance company continued to receive $5,000 through calls after downloading the lead magnet and then contacting the business.

If you put in a bit of effort with a little effort, you could also be able to put a YouTube-based marketing funnel.

After we've discussed how YouTube can assist you in starting your own business, let's look into how it can help you grow your business.

How to grow your business by using YouTube

You can choose three different ways to utilize YouTube to increase the size of your company, including:

Product testing ideas for new products

Building brand awareness and sales

reaching customers throughout the entire process of the purchasing journey

Let's take a look at each one of them in depth.

Method #1: Customer validation

Don't take action on digital product ideas -- until you've received customer feedback first. That is.

40 percent of people worldwide said they purchased products they discovered on YouTube.

With an intent to buy so high, you wouldn't be tempted to market a new product that could leave an unpleasant taste in the early buyers' mouths.

In fact, it is advisable to test your ideas for products and services with an customers.

One way to validate your idea is by first collecting feedback from your followers.

If they like the product, inquire about what you could do to improve it. Repeat this process until you've a complete product available for sale.

Another approach is to offer your product at no cost and assess users' reactions.

Use Christine Hronec as an example.

Christine used YouTube to try out a number of her product and service concepts.

She used the YouTube video to announce that she would be coaching four women at no cost for her "Epic Accountability" Challenge.

As a condition, women had to upload the weekly FaceTime phone conversations and upload a vlog on their experiences.

This method was intended to teach viewers how to be a part of her show.

Christine's strategy was clever considering the amount of popular product reviews on YouTube.

The equivalent of fifty thousand years of product review videos were viewed by mobile users through YouTube between 2015 and 2017.

Alongside free coaching Christine offered complimentary body type assessments.

The company received a plethora of email from people who wanted to know more. Christine said she received half of these first enquiries purchased some item from her.

Lastly, Christine gave away a menu plan for a budget that normally would cost at least $100 for.

In order to get the meals plan, people had to join her list. The email lists of her subscribers have grown by fivefold and she saw a 25% increase in sales per month.

Varun Neghandi followed a similar approach similar to Christine's. To prove his idea for a business He held four live workshops and saw 94 attendees.

The Varun's workshop was a huge success with attendees. On a five-point scale they rated the sessions with the equivalent of 4.5 on average, in the sense of helping them.

It is also possible to verify it through live online sessions on YouTube like webinars or masterminds.

Another way to try your product is to bundle the most popular content you have on your website into digital products and selling it on your website.

(Don't have a product yet? You should check out this bootcamp -- it should help!)

If your audience responds well to the bundle you created and you are able to expand it into a larger course, or even download. If they don't, go back to the drawing board and not have wasted any amount of time or money.

This is what you need to take away about test-of-products:

It is possible to utilize YouTube to validate the ideas for your products. YouTube videos may be used as announcements or promotions for your product idea or even be used as the prototype itself.

For more exposure to your products, look into YouTube advertisements.

Method 2: Make use of YouTube ads to boost awareness and sell more

YouTube advertisements are an excellent way to bring more traffic to your channel and business.

There are six main ad types that you can choose from. Many of these ads are video-based, but Google offers non-video options in addition.

Google Text ads  like this one from Trunk Club , can appear on the YouTube search results page.

However, what exactly do you need to promote with those ad types?

Your YouTube channel and your site are a good place to start.

Honey made use of a brief 41-second commercial to highlight the benefits of their product and to convince users to download their browser extension.

YouTube advertisements could also highlight your product and its benefits.

This advertisement to promote The Dyson Airwrap explained the way in which their product performed.

In the same way, Halls clearly outlined the use and benefit of using their Kids Cough and Sore Pops for the Throat in a short advertisement.

Within that time, Halls outlined the use (caring for sick children) and the benefit from their products (not being a parent who has a sick child coughing over you).

Grammarly made a longer advertisement.

Their approach, however, is similar to Halls using an argument to explain their purpose and the benefits for their service.

Your ads could also promote upcoming webinars, sales, or any other major brand events.

Beyond YouTube advertisements' flexibility, they can be wildly successful, too.

83% of paid YouTube mobile ads get attention. It's in contrast to 45percent for television advertising.

Furthermore, you could select viewers to target based on certain factors. This could help you send advertisements that viewers are more likely to watch and respond to.

No matter if you use YouTube advertisements, our ultimate plan will put your new clients on the field for you - throughout the entire process actually.

Method #3: Utilize YouTube to reach customers throughout the buying process

Businesses can use YouTube to connect with and convert potential customers at any points in the buyer's journey.

The easiest way to reach customers at all levels of purchasing intent is through creating educational and fun material.

Consider The Organized Soprano as an illustration. She created a video on cleaning and organize bathroom .

This content would be great for customers getting into private organization, but who aren't ready to work with an organizer.

For consideration and decision stage customers, you could provide case studies, product demonstrations, Q&As and the like.

This Q&A session by The Organized Soprano would be great to consider as would be the video in which viewers are able to "go to work" together with her.

Being able to get their concerns answered, by a professional and watching The Organized Soprano could help viewers to get acquainted with and trust her. A more dependable audience could turn to clients later.

Webinars and other live-streamed content are great for analysis and decision stage YouTube video content.

While you can (and should)make as many videos as possible for YouTube but it's okay to seek help.

24% of marketers stated that a insufficient content is a concern for them.

For your own brand's benefit to build trust with your customers, consider sharing UGC, or user-generated content (UGC) from your social media followers.

UGC is basically any type of content your audience makes about your company, such as customer reviews or even comparing your business to those of others.

UGC may not always be as polished as your brand content, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

48 percent of marketers believed that UGC could help in humanizing their marketing. A further 73% of marketers agree that UGC helps to make marketing more real.

44% of people said it would support their marketing campaigns, as well.

Like any piece of good content, UGC helps viewers in every step of the funnel. UGC that comes from customers can help introduce your brand to those who may not otherwise have heard of you.

It can also encourage would-be customers who are thinking of purchasing from you to go ahead and take the plunge and purchase.


The best way to reach would-be customers at all stages in the process of making a purchase is to release high-quality content to answer their questions. Utilize UGC by your clients periodically, too.

And with that you'll be on the regular path towards growing your business with YouTube.

Utilize YouTube to help promote your company

People don't just go to YouTube for entertainment or to have a laugh. Many people are turning to YouTube as a way to discover new brands and receive help for their issues.

It doesn't require established for your business to benefit from the benefits of YouTube, too.

Businesses can be started by creators on YouTube through YouTube to:

Find their target audience and competitors

Expand their email lists and design a simple sales funnel

Create content, and increase brand recognition

You can also keep the growth with YouTube also. In particular, you could expand your business as well as increase revenue through YouTube with the help of:

Test your ideas for products

Increase brand awareness and increases sales

Reach customers all along the purchasing journey

With so much to gain and very little to lose from joining YouTube, don't let self-doubt hinder you any further.

Start your business on YouTube today, and you'll be a long way better than you were in the past.