8 way to combat digital fatigue during your next virtual event

May 12, 2022

What is digital fatigue?

Digital fatigue can be described as the blurred disorientation you may suffer from overexposure to web-based content. Think: prolonged screen time and switching between devices or web browsers, or multitasking across media channels.

New data shows the impact of digital fatigue on worldwide workforce. As an example, the 2021 survey information from Deloitte reveals 32 percentage of US users say technology and connectivity have caused them to suffer. The numbers are even higher for parents with children in their homes ( 43%) and for professionals who work at the comfort of their home ( 40%).

Strategies to counter the digital fatigue that you experience at virtual events

1. Know your audience

Do you have a good understanding of the people who are watching your content? In order to combat the digital fatigue you must know the things that keep your audience engaged and what won't.
Be aware of who your audience is and what they are interested in and what kind of speakers, experiences and topics captivate their attention.

Conduct a listening tour with your current customers to gain additional insights on who your target audience is. You might be amazed by what kind of information you gain!

There are some brands that may find that they must completely change gears or course correct to make sure they are able to reach their target audience. their company. For you to get going, here are a few things you should ask:

  • Are you paying attention to your audience?
  • Do you collaborate with your customers to produce meaningful events?
  • Are you able to choose the most effective digital platform and tools to meet your needs?

2. Like a TV show producer

Events are a lot like what we see on television. Imagine binge-worthy television shows, big budget films, late-night talk programs or live sports events, as well as other videos that capture the highs and lows of culture.

Change the way you plan your events and focus on high audio and video productions of high quality. Create sets that reflect the visual experience and tone that you wish to convey to the people you are presenting your event.

You'll also want to think about live debates against. pre-recorded debate.

Audiences know when productions are live and when they are recorded. Consider the type of content or stories you're trying to explain with your event content to best decide how to produce your event content.

If, for instance, there is an occasion to promote solutions or offerings to an audience of marketing professionals You might want to go live. If your event is solely educational, pre-recorded audio will be just fine.

Be aware that recording content doesn't mean your virtual event is going to be an easy snoozer. How you present your content will decide that.

3. Speakers and presentations can be upgraded.

For creating eye-catching presentations and video be sure to consider:

  • Optimize your presentation layout in order for the best way to convey your message
  • Add a personal touch to your presentations and images
  • You can incorporate video clips into the relevant parts of your conference or event
  • Consider how to make each slide or visual 'screenshot worthy'

Make sure you prepare your speakers! It is possible to hire speakers from big names however, you must to ensure that they keep your customers' attention. Digital fatigue may develop as people become disengaged from your website's content.

When recruiting, inviting, or hosting an event speaker, consider evaluating them at multiple levels:

  1. Industry/Brand Be sure that your presenters are from a relevant firm or sector that your audience will recognize and peak their interest.
  2. Expertise Consider the level of expertise, roles, and leadership roles your speaker's had within their field.
  3. Charisma: Make sure your presenter is able to connect with the audience and deliver a presentation that holds their attention.

Pro tip: Hold a few rehearsals with speakers to prep them before the big event. Send speaker kits in advance to ensure they put their most confident foot (or face) forward.

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4. Employ a moderator, host or even an host an emcee

Just like an awards or talk show host, a host leads the crowd throughout the evening, keeping their high spirits, providing more commentary and explaining every stage. Like the speakers you lineup, the host needs to have a great quality of personality to attract the interest of guests.

Much like a comedian that connects stories quickly and make up stories, an online event host should connect the dots of your content in order to create more conversation. Imagine them as an e-Moderator in the modern age.

In the case of an example, if your event addresses two sides of a topic, have two speakers, who represent each other, and a host to guide the discussion. A host is also able to direct and remind audiences of all interactions that are available. It's best if they are familiar with your industry, but you don't need to make them relevant to your brand to be relevant at all. Also, be aware of your customer base to determine what works best.

5. Shorten event programming

What is the length of time a virtual event run before it falls an easy victim to digital fatigue? Although there's a myriad of discussions and debates among organizers and managers of events and event managers, the simple answer is, it depends. It is important to be aware of your guests what they expect, as well as any restrictions you might face.

The time zone and the location are important. Say you have an event that is virtual and taking place at New York, with audiences who are watching from west coasts and the UK. Be aware of the date your event will be produced and broadcast to ensure everybody is able.
Keep this in mind the virtual event you are planning does not have to be for the entire day. The content you choose to use will decide the duration of your occasion.

Follow the writer's handbook and kill your darlings. Make sure you are ruthless when editing, leave out the fluff and try to understand the underlying issues of the subject so that only the best content reaches your audience. If you're a publisher with a large amount of material, you might want to consider creating a series of virtual content that's easy to consume over time as well as has the benefit of keeping the audience interested for longer.

6. The plan should include the interaction

Think of audience interactions in virtual environments as contributing. Interactions add to the conversations, challenge speakers, or perhaps add excitement and momentum to the event. In determining your plan for interactions, just focus on how you want your audience to contribute and then the concepts will flow.

7. Surprise your audience

In the case that you are live, leave some room for surprise. Take into consideration how your audience will be involved in the event. Arrange the content so that it is both scripted and non-scripted. Scary right? However, it doesn't have to be!

Include a sense of surprise to your programs by:

  • Make a poll, and then ask the audience on your website to choose the following topic.
  • Delight with a surprise giveaway or gift to select attendees at the conclusion of the event.
  • Zero in on any interesting discussions in chats and talk about them in real time. (Too often the chat goes under the radar)
  • Choose a speaker who is a surprise and schedule their appearance around midway or close to the end of the occasion.

We're all humans that love the thrill of a surprise. Focus on how you want your audience to feel and that will dictate the surprise aspect you're looking for.

8. Increase the longevity of your content beyond live

For in-person events, when an event has ended that's it. However, virtual events on the hand can live on...and you are able to edit them!

Therefore, make the most of this medium by reusing event content to create highlight reels, speakers quotes, bloopersand other fragments of content which could be transformed into new digital experience. Edit your entire video to create the perfect momentum and secure the material for continuous viewing in the form of video on demand (VOD). You can extend these key moments on social media. Or, get motivated to turn the digital content of events into ebooks, vlogs podcasts, and more.

If we're feeling overworked, tired and fatigued, or lost in a multi-tab, multiple device environment -- it's a sign to stop and review. This pandemic threw the event industry in a digital frenzy and it was inevitable that fatigue would be a part of the equation. Following a much-needed rest and a bit of planning, I believe it's safe to say the event industry can come back better than ever.