A no-cost Shot List Template to get at no cost. Write a list of filmmaking shots. This is Amazing Blog

Nov 19, 2023

HTML0 What's the shot list?

The shot list acts as an outline of (and provides) all of the sequences to be captured during the course of production. There's not a uniform method to complete this task and every production will include different lists of shots with different levels of detail.

The basic idea behind the list of scenes should include every minute detail that will aid your film to have a sense of direction and efficacy. Don't leave any stone left to be left unturned.

Do I need an order form for shooting lists?

Of course! The shot lists we provide are available in four different formats:

Shot List Example - Google Sheets

Dropdown lists that include dropdowns along with automated pop-up magic. We advise this option because it's most effective and efficient among the three options. Choose File > Create an Copy to make copies you can utilize for a resource.

Shot List Example - Excel

Simple, minimal and right on the mark. This format is great for organizing your thoughts on an active, multi-location event. The format isn't designed for print use, so you'll be able to use it on your phone or tablet.

Shot List Template - Microsoft Word

Ah, Word. It's always a classic game. There are no dropdown menus and no automatic calculation figures are available in this version. Each requirement has to be completed manually. Different styles of formatting may be utilized on various platforms and Word versions.

Shot List Template - PDF

What should we do? If you're here Let's go to shot lists and learn ways to utilize these lists to your advantage.

It is imperative to do storyboarding.


You're probably thrilled with these templates for shot lists. Before you can get moving, it could be helpful to sketch the narrative board. It is an excellent method of visualizing the major images that drive the story ahead. Utilize your storyboard to function as a springboard. You can then construct your own list of images in the areas of anchors. It's clear that you're far from Walt Disney, but he's gone, and it's likely that you're much superior in drawing.

What do you need to know about preparing a shot-list?

In this article, we will create an outline of shots that we shoot every day but it's also possible to use a single list. Determine how you would like to plan your day. Then, follow up with a plan.

Two components are part of the entire process.

  1. The first step is choosing the best photographs and then arranging them in conjunction with your photographer director.
  2. The other thing to think about is the making plans (and the timeframe of) shooting dates. These templates can be used to help plan the shoots.

Pro TIP:Keep in mind that usually, you shoot from the exact same order. The shots you're shooting must be classified according to factors such as the place of shooting, lighting and also whether you're shooting outdoors or indoors.

Imagine your characters are in a cafe for the first part of your film, then they're taken to the hospital. After the end of the movie it's the same café (personally I'd never visit a cafe where I was in the hospital, but that's the reality). The best way to capture the two cafes is to shoot them at the same time is by capturing them together. Recall these spots repeatedly in memory when grouping the shots!

The most important video shot concepts start at A-Z

Even if you decide you'll create your own shot list and not adhere to our suggested template for making the list of shots (no regrets!) This glossary will provide the most important 13 things to include when creating your shot list, no matter the type of project.

1. Scene

The scene's number can be located right here. Simple!

2. Shot

The angle you select to choose is not simple, yet it is vital. Every angle could be unique. If you're shooting a wide shot of two persons dining at a table this is scene one. Shoot One (1A). The next shot is an over-the shoulder shot of a person that are seated around the table. It's 1B. The second shot that you will take is of a medium size outside of the cafe. It's 2A. The scene is advanced through restarting the counter in preparation for your shot.

"I" and "L. "I" and "L" typically are not used because of their relationship to the first letter (and in a similar manner with each other). A different tip is should be considered if you're shooting photos and you'd like to include images that aren't on the agenda, then you could incorporate the photo using"i" in lowercase "i" (e.g. 2Ai). This indicates "insert shot" that wasn't on your wish list.

3. Shot Type

4. Moving

The picture depicts the camera in a stationary position. Does it move? If it does move What is the nature of movement?

5. Gear

The column in which lenses are typically listed (if you're using several of lenses for your film.) Also, you'll be able to include the equipment required for the film you're shooting.

6. Location

It's where shooting is taking into consideration. If you're taking photos across multiple spaces in the coffee shop Be specific about "Coffee shop, corner tables," "Coffee shop counter" and the like.


Are you taking an outdoor or interior photograph? Are you shooting during day (AM) or in the evening (PM)?

8. Sound

9. Notes

This is where you explain the actions of your image or camera actions in greater detail. Like "Camera is following Jack taking his coffee off the counter and onto the table in the dining room."

10. Cast or Talent

Who's the person in the picture? Do they have a celebrity? Can we get an autograph?

11. It's time to get established

Take note of the time estimation of how long it takes to set up or to restart the scene.

12. Shoot Time

It is important to know the amount of time it'll take to get your shot finished. As an example, suppose that the shot is 15 minutes long. It is your belief that you'll need four shots for the shot to be perfect. You should give it sixty minutes (15 times four).

13. Total Time

The entire time-process operates as follows: your setup timing + the shooting time can give you a rough estimate of how much time this total shooting will need. It is essential to organize the day of the shoot.

The last point

The list of shots you make must be reliable to meet your goals. There isn't a right or wrong way to create the ideal shot list. Add any information that you feel is beneficial to your project Feel liberated to change or eliminate requirements as you'd prefer.

Many of the most frequently asked inquiries

   What is a shot-list template?

This is a great deal. Shot lists templates are an editable, downloadable shot list you can modify to suit the type of film you'd like to make. Any of these are shots lists templates which can be downloaded today: Google Sheets, Excel, Microsoft Word, along with the PDF. What's first? A shotlist or a storyboard?

It is advised to begin by making an outline of the story. But, depending upon the task at hand both the storyboard and the shot list are able to collaborate. The storyboard may help you envision your scene and the shot list helps give you the specifics such as shooting types and the gear you require, and where you will be shooting. What is the most important thing to include on this shot checklist?

If you're trying to expand your shooting possibilities then you can reel the reel in (get the concept?) in order to make sure the schedule of your shooting session can be optimally designed to increase efficiency. It can also be a great quick reference for the next day's shooting. On the list, you must include details about which crew members are required to be present (both in and out of your camera) and any equipment including outdoor and indoor settings, the subject you're shooting along with a brief description of the time, time of shooting as well as the duration of the shoot.

Making it all work

The photos you've made could become (inevitably) your living, breathing document -so, it is important to feel comfortable when the things go wrong. You may get completely out of order as the shooting day approaches. It is possible to encounter abrupt snags between teammates or Mother Nature. But, regardless of the situation it's not a commitment to the shot list you've made.

Make use of your shot list to aid you. However, do not be afraid to play around and see what transpires.

Want more videography resources? Start by taking the videography classes with Video School.

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