
Oct 7, 2022

After consecutive quarters of negative and uncertainty Third quarter of the 3rd quarter of Q3 represents significant in terms of what the future holds of the economy of membership.

The membership economy has been going through one of the most challenging periods in recent times. Inflation is rising, there's more uncertainty and an increasingly cautious consumer have been dominating trends through 2022. The downstream effects of these trends along with intense volatility in the markets for financial products have now spread to virtually every industry.

The membership industry isn't the only one. The 2022 forecasts for revenues generated by the 2021 membership boom were quickly deemed out of reach the course of this year, operators managing membership are forced to look more closely than they have ever looked at every facet of their overall plan.

In simple terms, for those who manage memberships 2022 repeatedly test your belief repeatedly.

Each and every report that has been made up to now would make you believe that 2022 will be devastating for the members of the union and it is imperative to prepare for a slowdown in every sector of the consumer, every industry and in every market.

But not so quick.

Do you need this moment?

In difficult markets and business environments, we constantly look for signs, signals and signals that suggest the turning point could be in our vicinity or imminently approaching. While we don't usually realize a turn has occurred until months or even weeks in the aftermath of the event , there is one aspect that is always present at the turning point that is the moment.

It was precisely that.

It was a moment where the members' managers saw incredible positive outcomes despite negativity. This was the moment when the silence was stronger than the chaotic. It was a time when the people who were using their product are so beneficial that customers just refused to be without it.

The moment marked a shift.

The greatest risk faced by the members of membership companies during recessions is the chance of going negative. Members who are committed and optimistic regarding their business throughout the tough times continue to plan, build and anticipate the next phase without knowing the exact date the event will occur. The third quarter is in the books and we can look in the rear-view mirror , we can be confident that it's, indeed happening.

Uncertainty opens opportunities

Our customer's memberships outperformed significantly throughout the third quarter. Through our entire portfolio, we've seen memberships surpass records in terms of revenue, retention rates as well as member count. Being consistent and staying free of the larger news stories enabled our customers to benefit of the increased membership numbers that we witnessed in the third quarter of this year.

A well-planned and managed members strategy is often the driving force behind member outcomes in challenging landscapes. The best returns are occurring when companies decide to invest heavily in their businesses during times of recession, while being towards more prudent times of rapid growth. Our approach has helped our clients have funds available to invest in their businesses at the appropriate timing, like the one we witnessed during the first quarter of 2022.

It's a long-term game and customers who operate with similar mindsets will realize that outside uncertainty and negative feelings create long-term opportunities for sustained growth of membership.

In the case of a company operating members, it's impossible to predict the time of upwards and downs as the Q3 saw , but you are able to be prepared for the possibility of them.

One thing you can guarantee is the fact that these moments will come at the time you might not anticipate them to.

Build on your progress.

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