Characteristics of a Flipped Classroom Characteristics of Flipped Classrooms

Dec 16, 2022

Flipped classrooms are starting to gain in popularity across various levels of education.

Utilizing the latest technology students can take in the information they need on their own and use the class time to practice lessons they've learned.

The teaching process can be conducted in a virtual environment with the help of e-learning, as well as a comprehensive learning management system. It is also possible to administer quizzes at times that are not normal classroom hours so that it can instead be used towards the practical implementation of the ideas that are being taught.

While this structure is primarily utilized in schools (both the K-12 and university levels across the United States), one could see that it can also benefit the commercial sector.

Perhaps the biggest challenge in that space is that there has to have a lot of motivation for employees to take the online classes prior to live classes. It's not impossible however it is difficult as compared to a classroom given that a student's grade is based on their participation.

What would a flipped classroom today look like? There are a variety of features in a flip classroom environment. Below are some findings from a study conducted by researchers at the University of Queensland (Australia).

      Topics that are Most Flipped      

  • Science
  • Math
  • Programming

      Resources Leveraged      

  • Screencasting
  • YouTube
  • Podcasts
  • eBooks

      Tech Used For Access      

  • Laptops
  • Tablets
  • Mobile Devices

      Key Educator Concerns      

  • Connectivity to the home is not always available.
  • Accurately measuring learning gains

      Teachers Tools      

  • Systems for learning management
  • iTunesU

      Motivation For Flipping      

  • Improve grades
  • Improve critical thinking skills
  • Develop professional capabilities