Cloud-Based Vs Self Hosted LMS A Comprehensive Comparison

Aug 2, 2024

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If you go online to search for "How to market online courses or classes," you'll be flooded with ads for various Learning Management Systems (LMS).

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Given how trendy online learning has grown in popularity so it's not surprising that so many different solutions are available now.

With numerous options available, how do you decide which is the right one for you?

This is where the ever-changing contrast between self-hosted and cloud-based LMSs comes in. In the first place, LMSs are divided into the two types.

If you've done some research, but you are in a state of confusion about these two options We have the solution for you. In this article we'll look at their distinctions and what one is best to whom.

Cloud-based LMS vs Self Hosted: Detailed Comparison

As both self-hosted and cloud-based LMSs have their perks and drawbacks, it boils to the requirements you require. That's why you need to carefully consider every component of an LMS, and decide the one you prefer.

However, in order to help you save time, we have done some research and then compared few key points between them.

Easy of Use

 Cloud-based LMS:

Cloud-based LMSs strive to be user-friendly to use even for those who aren't tech-savvy. Setup is generally straightforward. You'll only need a couple of clicks to get started.

The service you choose to use as your cloud-based LMS manages updates and maintenance, so there is no need to fret about how the servers are set up or how you can address problems with the software. As a result, you can focus more on creating the best program.

 Self-hosted LMS:

On the other hand, the set-up process of a self-hosted LMS can be a little more complex. This involves setting up, configuring and maintaining regularly the system's content management, which isn't easy for those who don't have the technical expertise.

Once it's up and running it's possible to customize the LMS will become much simpler. It's usually well-worth it due to the features for customization and additional functions that self-hosted LMSs provide.


Cloud-hosted LMS may be adequate in the case of building an LMS without a plan or vision for growth. If you want the long-term development, opt for the self-hosted option, even though the initial configuration process may be somewhat difficult.


 Cloud-based LMS:

Security is a major factor in the success of cloud-based LMS providers. They take strong security measures that include firewalls, encryption, and regularly updated security features. They are always in compliance with industry standards and regulations, like GDPR and HIPAA.

But, in the end the data you store is the data you have on another server. This is an enormous privacy issue for a lot of people.

 Self-Hosted LMS:

With a self-hosted LMS You have total control over your data security. It is possible to implement custom security solutions that meet the specific needs of your company.

In accordance with what you're selling on the LMS and how much you'd like to concentrate in security. You'll be able to choose every option available in a self-hosted LMS. As a result, there is no need to sacrifice security considerations.


Although cloud-based LMS has strong security capabilities however, the dependence on third-party servers may be a concern for certain. For those who want to be on the safe choice, choose the safer self-hosted LMS option.

All Control

 LMS that is cloud-based

Cloud-based LMS offers limited access to the platform. You are generally confined to features offered by the provider and configurations, which may restrict customization and flexibility.

You'll have difficulty with managing your data since you have no control over your data. If you're using the cloud-based LMS system, it's often observed that the service provider is the one who handles data and users.

 Self-Hosted LMS

A self-hosted LMS provides unrivaled control when compared to cloud-based ones. You can customize the software to suit your specific needs, integrate with other systems, and organize your data in a way that you can provide the best customer service.

This level of control helps to build credibility with your users and makes acquiring more users much easier.


In terms of overall control, self-hosted LMSs are the most effective choice. When you have a self-hosted LMS it is possible to fully modify and control every part of the LMS.

All Costs

 LMS that is cloud-based

The cost for cloud-based LMS generally is lower as it is not necessary to buy hardware or set up infrastructure. However, cloud-based LMSs come with ongoing subscription fees, which may increase over time.

Some cloud-based LMSs even charge based on the amount of users. Thus, as the number rises, the cost rises. It is a common problem within a set time.

Therefore, if you intend on scaling up your business or expanding the number of users on your LMS site, then a cloud-based LMS may not be the best option.

 Self-hosted LMS

Self-hosted LMSs come with higher costs at the beginning due to the necessity of servers, software licensing, and setup. However, once the self-hosted LMS in operation, you'll no longer have to spend any more money.

It is only necessary to plan for maintenance, hosting as well as occasional updates. They will cost the same amount as you paid for cloud subscriptions.


To save money, a self-hosted LMS usually provides more value over time, despite the cost of initial investment. This makes them a more affordable option for use over the long term.

Integration and Flexibility

 Cloud-Based LMS

Cloud-based LMS typically offer seamless integrations with popular tools and services, but there may be limitations to the integrations that are supported by the provider you choose.

It's the reason you must be careful about the capabilities of integration offered by your cloud-based LMS.

 Self-hosted LMS

Self-hosted LMS has a wide range of integration possibilities. It is possible to integrate any third-party tools APIs, applications, or even custom solutions whenever you need to. This flexibility allows you to create a highly tailored learning experience that will meet the requirements of your particular needs.


In terms of flexibility and integration Self-hosted LMS is the superior option. Its ability to integrate with a wide range of tools will help the users of your LMS in many ways.

The benefits of having a self-hosted LMS on WordPress?

WordPress has proved to be a boon for people with creative talents who do not have a passion for coding. With its unique drag-and-drop feature combined with the LMS plugin, you will be able to ensure the best possible user experience.

Here are the most important benefits that come with self-hosted LMS on WordPress:

Control Over Content

One of the greatest benefits with a self-hosted LMS is that you have complete control over the content you post. You choose what to post, how to present it, and who can see the material.

This level of control ensures the course materials are protected and handled properly. It is also possible to establish specific rules and instructions to ensure that you follow all applicable laws and policy.

Branding and Personalization

WordPress provides more opportunities to make changes than other platform, so you can make your LMS communicate your brand's message through every angle.

With so many themes and apps to choose from, it is possible to enhance the user experience for your users. By adding particular tools and features to your LMS, you can enhance the user experience for the customers.

Other Options for Integration

With a simple integration process with your own self-hosted LMS can grow and change in line with the needs of your company. In the end, it won't cause you to feel trapped.

A Better Learning Environment

It is possible to make your learning environment more exciting and engaging by making use of the latest features in self-hosted LMS.

These features include videos, quizzes, a progress tracking bar, etc.

It is also possible to use gamification tools like badges and leaderboards to get students more interested and engaged. The overall learning experience will be better for the students when you select a self-hosted LMS platform to instruct them.

Most Effective Methods for Building a Self-Hosted LMS

It offers extensive access control as well as content drip, seamless integration with different payment gateways, making it perfect for making money from your courses and providing the most structured course experience.

But that's not all that makes amazing. You can:

  • define and manage detailed access policies to safeguard your data, and create different access levels effortlessly.
  • Schedule the release of content for the course over time, ensuring learners stay active and make steady progress.
  • Supports numerous payment gateways which include PayPal and Stripe, for smooth transactions.
  • Comprehensive reports are available on registrations, transactions, as well as learner progress, giving you insights to improve your courses.
  • Set up this LMS tool with ease in just a couple of steps.
  • Make your content more interactive so that your audience is more active.

It's possible to start with for as low as $179.50/Year. To enjoy the pro benefits, you'll have pay $499.50/Year.


MemberMouse is a multi-faceted and powerful WordPress plugin designed to help you create and manage websites for membership. By using this LMS it is possible to protect your site's content, control different levels of membership, and connect with other helpful tools.

What this plugin offers:

  • Simple interface to set up and managing memberships.
  • Advanced Content Protection to manage access to your classes.
  • Integration with payment processors such as Stripe, PayPal, and
  • Flexible membership options, including free trial and paid memberships.
  • Comprehensive reporting that tracks member activity and engagement.

You can get started with MemberMouse at $399 per year. However, if you want to gain access to more features as well as a greater member base, the cost will increase to $2399 a year.


AccessAlly is a comprehensive LMS plugin for WordPress which combines the management of memberships, courses design, as well as marketing automation. Alongside these functions, this LMS provides an impressive community-building feature that most LMSs lack.

To name some of the AccessAlly features:

  • Make interactive, multimedia-rich and engaging courses easily.
  • Offer a variety of levels of membership and subscription plans.
  • Robust community features like forums as well as member directories to foster engagement and interaction.
  • Advanced reporting and analytics that monitor learner progress and learning effectiveness.

AccessAlly Pricing starts at $99 per month AccessAlly pricing includes more features and options available in higher-tier plans.

What is the best choice?

Although LifterLMS and LearnDash provide valuable functions, LearnDash is the latter one stands out as the best choice for creating self-hosted LMS using WordPress. Here's why:

  • Superior Access Control gives you unrivaled control of who has access to your content, allowing for extremely customizable membership levels and content protection.
  • effective content drip The capability to drip feed content will ensure that users receive the information they need regularly improving retention and engagement.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Detailed reports on memberships, transactions, and learning progress will give you the insights needed to refine and optimize your lessons.
  • Easy Monetization seamless integration with several payment gateways allows you to easily monetize your course and track the transactions.
  • User-Friendly Installation: Despite its sophisticated features, is easy to set up and manage and is accessible people with no technical expertise.

Make a self-hosted LMS by following these 4 simple Steps

Once you've figured out the best way to operate an LMS It's time to make it happen. But before we dive into the details, let's make sure that this isn't rocket science.

Step 1. Download and install

  • Log in to the WordPress dashboard on your site
  • Click Plugins and then Add New and then upload
  • Pick the .zip file that you downloaded previously

Once you have installed the plugin, be sure to turn on the plugin.

Once you've activated your WordPress, you'll see the menus on your WordPress dashboard.

From the Settingsmenu, you can configure basic settings like payments gateways, currencies, and payment methods etc.

Step 2: Create Membership Levels

If you're making an LMS, there will surely be multiple membership Levels that are free of restrictions on the number of membership levels. You are able to design any number of membership levels you want.

Go to Membership on the dashboard and click on Add New.

You should give your membership an appropriate name, and be sure to pay attention that you have set the payment type to be. It is possible to set up an annual, one-time annual, or monthly payment.

If you'd like, you can also add a welcome message to your customers.

Once everything looks good, hit publish, and your membership is created. If you wish to create several memberships, follow the procedure.

Step 3. Upload Your Member-Only Content

Navigate to Rulesfrom the dashboard and Click Add New. The next page there are dropdown menus that allow you to select the rules you'd like to establish.

You can create multiple membership rules by repeating this process. When you're satisfied with the rules, simply click on Save Rule.

Step 4: Create a Pricing Page

The pricing page is an absolute must have for your Membership site to assist visitors decide on the plan that will best suit their needs. The page can also prompt visitors to sign up for a more costly option by showing its additional features and benefits.

However, how do you design one?

Well, will do it as it is your intention to invest as little effort as clicking several times.

For creating a pricing page, visit Groups on the dashboard, then click on Add New. Choose a catchy name, then scroll through the group's Options section:

You can then click on"plus" (+) icon to add all of your memberships on this page. You can change the order these plans appear in by dropping and dragging them onto the page:

Choose the theme from The pricing page theme dropdown. Once you're happy with the result and you're ready to go live, you'll be able to post your page.

Your pricing page should be easily accessible. Make sure to add it to the navigation menu at the top on the left, at the bottom, or even in the on the sidebar.

If you ensure that your pricing page is readily reachable, prospective customers will always be just two clicks away from buying an agreement.

What is the difference between a Cloud-Based and Self-hosted LMS? It's a fact that you Know already!

I hope that this article has been informative enough to inform your about the distinctions between self-hosted and cloud-based LMS as well as which would be better for you. If you are really serious about your organization and have a larger idea in your head, then self-hosted LMS solution is your best choice.

Although a variety of options are offered, it is the ultimate solution for your LMS requirements. From gathering leads to your LMS to granular details about the members, they can aid with every step.

Do not forget to share with us your experiences with different LMS solutions, and what one you prefer.

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S Showrabh       From writing poems and short stories to writing technical stuff on WordPress and managing an online membership website, a lot of things have changed since Showrabh. The one thing that hasn't changed was his enthusiasm of writing and the time he spends. He is a fan of football, music and cricket. He either spends hours looking at his cell phone, or puts on his headphone and write for hours. When he's not doing any of the above it is not uncommon to hear him explain why someone could love football and cricket equally the same time.