ConvertKit review: Best (and the worst) attributes, as per the 31 customers who have used ConvertKit before |

Jan 7, 2024

This ConvertKit review will provide you with information about 31 former ConvertKit clients on the advantages and disadvantages and the reasons how many of them made the move to Email.

ConvertKit is a renowned marketer's tool for email among creators. It's famous for its graphic automation tool, pre-designed sign-up forms and landing pages that provide detailed audience statistics However, is it the right choice for you?

The following ConvertKit analysis, you'll be able to hear from 31 former ConvertKit clients on what they loved, the things they didn't like along with the main reasons why they switched to Email.

The email marketing tool you employ is among the most important elements of your online enterprise. It's the way you can increase your customer base, communicate with followers, and promote your online items. Important doesn't need to mean complicated and expensive.

This blog is where we discuss our results and discuss:

What are the most popular things that ConvertKit's customers love about their tools for marketing emails

The ConvertKit users who previously utilized the product have experienced issues with their product

One reason customers decided to use an advertising platform for marketing via email

Although we would lovefor you to pick  the best option, we've attempted to provide an honest evaluation rather than merely critiquing ConvertKit as we'd like you to find the right product for your organization regardless of what option you choose.


  • Prior ConvertKit clients were happy that there was a free program, however the lack of options makes it difficult to use. 37% of customers said the cost of ConvertKit was the most significant issue they had with the platform.
  • A few users appreciated the ability to design complex automations however some users found ConvertKit to make it difficult and confusing to configure.
  • ConvertKit provides attractive templates for landing pages as well as emails, however they are not easy to modify. Customers who desired more freedom were dissatisfied.
  • 54% of the respondents said that the primary reason why they made the switch to ConvertKit and ConvertKit was because they needed the entirety of their company (email site, web-based products, etc.) all under one roof.  The affordable price was the 3rd most frequently cited reason that led individuals to make the switch.

Simple automations that accomplish what you need them to with full-featured plans for no cost with an unlimited number of landing pages which are customized in any manner you'd like to Try Email for absolutely free today .

Are there any of the efficient features of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit is a platform for email which allows creators to increase their following, interact to their followers, automate email marketing and make cash through digital products.

You can begin with an opt-in form, which you can embed or standalone landing pages that guide people to join your mailing list. Once you're prepared to launch an email or broadcast, ConvertKit has a point-and-click email editor and a set of templates to use to get started and you could also create your own email template beginning from scratch.

Additionally, you can build automated campaigns with the visual automation builder after which you can add tags and segments to your desired people based on their actions (like clicks on links within an email or purchase of digital items).

Out of all the ConvertKit features, which are a lot, here are those that our 31 survey users liked most.

ConvertKit has a free plan

The no-cost ConvertKit program allows you to be able to host up to 1,000 users and also make unlimited broadcasts. It is possible to create any number of forms or landing pages, however, you don't have the ability to integrate or automate in this manner.

The trial plan offers the perfect opportunity to experience some of the fundamental features provided by the program which include the building tool for email campaigns and the creation of landing pages prior to making the decision to sign up for a paid subscription.

Create visual automations

ConvertKit is well-known as a creator of visual automation it allows you to create precise workflows, paths as well as funnels for your subscribers. One of the early users of ConvertKit particularly mentioned that they were happy to have "multiple funnels as well as triggers and tags" to work with, and also that you could use the number of segments or tags you wish to use in managing your subscriber list.

ConvertKit is a great option for designers looking to design elaborate customer journeys which include multiple entrance and exit points. It is also a great choice for designers who need hyper-specific automations to promote particular product.

Design pages or emails with pre-designed templates

Other users who had previously used ConvertKit expressed their appreciation for the fact that ConvertKit's editor of emails as well as the landing page creator included templates pre-designed that let them to create templates for emails, opt-in pages and landing pages within a matter of seconds.

Although there are some limitations in the way you can personalize (particularly for your pages or forms which we'll cover further below) However, they look excellent straight from the box. The only thing you have to do is insert your pictures, text or hyperlinks then you'll be well on your way.

ConvertKit can help you create your own email templates that you can use again and again.

Tracker and stats data per subscriber

Another area where ConvertKit receives highest marks is its audience analytics. One customer said they appreciated the fact they could get "more specific information on each person in my audience for example, the places they click on, the emails they read, etc."

You'll have access to subscriber data and scores (available on the Creator Pro plan) which means you'll be able to see plenty of details about your customers. For instance, you can determine what opt-in forms get the most attention and also which subscribers have gone cold and which email messages offer the highest delivery and open rate.

Like we said earlier, you can also use ConvertKit to create endless tags and segments to your target audience to ensure that you are delivering the appropriate message to the appropriate individuals.

What didn't previous customers like the least about ConvertKit?

The former 31 ConvertKit customers we interviewed were not a fan of the high pricing, the complicated automations builders and the limited the design of landing pages.

ConvertKit's cost is high.

37% of past users said that the main problem they had in using ConvertKit was the high price for the service.

The plan is completely free but it offers basic functions with up to 1000 subscribers. If you want more functionality it is necessary to make the upgrade option to either a Creator premium or Pro subscription.

In both cases, the cost increases as the size of the list you wish to purchase increases. Below are some examples of what you might expect to spend to purchase different levels of ConvertKit:

What's the main difference between the two strategies?

The ConvertKit cost-free program (up 1 000 users) includes:

Unlimited landing pages

Unlimited forms

Unlimited television

Tags for the target audience and segmentation

Sell digital products & subscriptions

Community-based support

Creator gives you everything you require for free, including:

Live chat

Free transfer from another program


Integrations by third party

Another team member

In addition, with Creator Pro, you get everything you need from both plans and much more.

Unlimited team members

A system of referral for newsletters

Scores of subscribers

Advanced Reporting

It's great to have an option that's completely free, however ConvertKit isn't a great fit for many users because ConvertKit restricts key features like automation, integrations and assistance for premium plans only.

You'll need to shell out an average of $15 per month (for the plan Creator that has 300 members) to begin to experiment with automated campaigns or get help with the company.

Plus, the visual automation tool is among ConvertKit's well-known features, however it's not available until you've signed up to a Creator plan. It's possible to see a dramatic increase costs with the addition of more products to your wish list.

Automating funnels and building automations could be complicated

Regarding the builder for visual automation Many users were dissatisfied by ConvertKit's automated system because they're too difficult to set up and manage. A few reviewers were pleased with the variety of choices, however others complained about issues like "UI (user interface) was unwieldy" and "segmentation was so complicated" as the top complaints.

Although it's true that you are able to create many complex workflows and campaigns with ConvertKit, the majority of designers require a system that will create emails, and also run easy automations such as the welcome email, funnels for sales or nurture-based sequences.

If the process becomes too complicated, marketing via email can be a hassle. Furthermore, everyone hates opening their account on email and finding a whole web of automations and not knowing what to do with it.

The majority of creators do not want their businesses to be much more complex. There's no reason to shell out for services you don't need. If you're not sure if you'll require specific automated systems for your company, ConvertKit could be more expensive and difficult than needed.

The landing pages and opt-in forms contain design restrictions

It's not a secret that ConvertKit offers attractive landing page templates and forms for you to opt-in to email However, it has restrictions on the kinds of templates you are able to change. A former user said "I did not like the limitations on the opt-in form I created, as well as the photos weren't viewable."

At present, ConvertKit doesn't have a way to build page templates or landing pages manually. You must instead edit the existing templates that you're given.

In the case of an example, in the event that you pick an example landing page that has two columns you only are able to include elements (like buttons with images as well as bulleted lists, dividers and so on) within those columns. You can't add extra sections that go beyond the basic style. It's not easy to choose the best option in the event that you've an image in your head that isn't compatible with a style template.

Additionally, the landing pages of ConverKit were designed to gather emails, and not to sell products or redirecting users to other URLs. Most templates for landing pages include an opt-in form for email as a default feature, however you'll need custom CSS in order to completely take off the opt-in form for email off your page.

It's extremely difficult to use ConvertKit's landing pages for any other thing than gathering email addresses, so you could be required to pay extra for the creation of a landing page by a third party.

Why are people switching from ConvertKit to?

If asked the reason they switched from ConvertKit to  ConvertKit, the respondents emphasized the lower cost as well as the easy mail builder and the simplicity of all things being together.

It's less expensive for nearly every user

If you do not have less than 1,000 or 100 customers, it's the fact that every Email plans are less expensive when compared to ConvertKit equivalents. Below are some examples of how pricing plays out for ConvertKit and depending on the size of lists.

With a less expensive price, Email plans also have different features that will aid you in running an online-based business.

Its editor for emails is extremely simple to use

Make a design you love? You can use it as your own template in your emails or broadcasts as many times as you'd would like.

In your email messages, it's possible to incorporate columns, text-based sections with highlighted callsouts, social media video links, CTAs, and files that your clients can download.

you can manage all of your business in one location

The majority of people polled (54 percent) stated that the top one reason why they changed from ConvertKit instead of ConvertKit was because they wanted to manage everything in one place.

ConvertKit is an excellent alternative for marketing using email, but the ecommerce features are limited, as are the site and community-based tool. Most creators we spoke to found ConvertKit's integrated approach simpler and cost-effective because they do not have to incorporate (and purchase) many additional software.

You can also customize the method of emailing your followers depending on the degree to which they've made a purchase of the item or joined a waitlist or indicated an interest in an issue. This can be done without the need of confusing tags and integrations.

If you were to establish waiting lists for a course online, then you're looking to sell.

ConvertKit ConvertKit Within ConvertKit You'll have to build an opt-in landing page designed for your waitlist. You'll also need to tag any subscribers who join via the form. At the time of launch, it's possible to mail messages to people who have this tag to market the new service.

Once your course is up and running, you may not wish to continue sending out emails to people who've bought the course. This is why you'll need to link ConvertKit to your course's online platform. Then, you'll need to create a tag for those who've made a purchase and use the tag to prevent them from receiving subsequent marketing emails which you will send to waitlist participants.

In , your course, your email and clients are all located in the same location. The only thing you have to do is create the course, and then put it on waitlist mode. automatically generates a landing page for the course and anyone who signs-up will be added to the waitlist for this course.

There's no requirement to create some fancy set-up behind the scenes or be aware of all the tags twelve are. And you'll never be worried about getting your lines crossed since it contains all the information on the people you work with at one spot.

Below are a few ways that one system that's all-in-one and can help make your life simpler:

Create welcome email templates that are automatically sent out when you receive an email from someone who joins your list.

Customize emails for clients when they buy an item

Only recipients of messages who have (or don't have) purchased a certain product

Follow up with people who are on your waiting list. 's waitlist feature is available in all plans, and even the cost-free plan.

Create lead magnets to funnel people into automated marketing automatizations

Link clicks can be used for adding tags for subscribers. Later, send them automated messages on the subjects they're interested in.

If you're trying to streamline your company's online presence into one location and eliminate all fees and connection, this could be a good fit for you too.

Do I need ConvertKit the right choice for me?

ConvertKit is a great choice for content creators and small-scale business owners that require an email system that comes with many complicated automated features. ConvertKit has a higher price point that platforms such as and however, it could be worthwhile for you if you need a visual automation builder. ConvertKit can also be the best choice if you only want landing pages that gather emails (not selling items) as that's exactly what the templates were designed for.

It is a great option for those who are web designers looking to streamline their business with all the essential information at one place. You can make unlimited emails or marketing campaigns, make use of gorgeous email templates (or create the own) and develop your own website. You can also create complete landing pages to serve whatever purpose they serve, and also sell any type of products you're thinking of.

Since you won't need numerous additional tools or plugins Your overall expenses will likely be lower than if you had to put it all on your own.

For affordable, easy-to-use, and a variety of features which don't seem too overwhelming Try. The cost is free for the first time .

We're eager to see the work you come up with.


Email marketing FAQS

What is ConvertKit exactly?

ConvertKit is an email marketing tool which can help you grow your list of subscribers to your email list by utilizing sign-up forms as well as landing pages. You can also build automatic campaigns, design broadcasts, and also sell digital downloads. It offers a free trial for up to 1,000 subscribers. Plans that are paid start at 15 dollars per month.

Which are the top ConvertKit alternatives?

It's no surprise that our top ConvertKit option is Email! It is also possible to discover different email marketing tools that are similar to ConvertKit through these articles.

What are the benefits of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit lets you make unlimited broadcasts and design unlimited campaigns. It comes with pre-designed templates for email and a simple email creator and an automatic visual builder. You can also give digital downloads via the feature for e-commerce.

What are the negatives to ConvertKit?

ConvertKit is an excellent instrument for managing your email. It's important to integrate with other software to build your website and offer products beyond downloads. As you add more software to manage, the more tech that you'll have to handle as well as possibly more costs. Furthermore, ConvertKit's costs become costly when you add additional instruments to your arsenal, and as you'll need more options.

What's the most effective method of marketing via email?

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