Do you want to make your ABM strategy more effective? Utilize videos

Dec 9, 2022

The concept of account-based advertising (ABM) refers to a highly-targeted method of B2B marketing, which focuses on the most significant accounts, not market segments.

ABM in the past was companies deciding on a limited segment of customers to target and directing a large portion of their marketing and customer performance resources towards closing sales. The tactics were usually based on scraping data from databases, expensive experience for a smaller number of customers and targeted marketing to sales reps through cold phone calls. They weren't always successful.

Nowadays, ABM is a more than just a marketing-plus-Sales strategy to attract consumers. It is a significant distinction because companies are moving away from the notion that stated the notion that B2B Sales and Marketing usually share a more positive relationship.

If it is done right, ABM helps both Marketing and Sales teams focus on the key customer segments and gain new customers.

This article explains what ABM is and the ways it can be used to your marketing programs using accounts, such as targeted communications, ABM videos, and several more.

The things you'll learn

  1.     What is the meaning of account-based marketing?
  2.     the ABCs of ABM The fundamental elements of a winning ABM strategy
  3.     What should you avoid in your account-based marketing strategy
  4.     How do you customize ABM ads for top-tier customers?
  5.     Closing concepts

What is account-based marketing?

Shortly, account-based advertisement (ABM) refers to an approach where an organization can tailor its marketing strategy to target specific customers rather than taking the general approach.

In order to succeed with ABM is essential that you understand the needs of your ideal customer. In this way, you'll be able to develop targeted campaigns which are more likely to appeal to those who make the decisions at your targeted accounts.

"How can you tell account-based marketing from traditional marketing?" you might ask?

Traditional methods of marketing with a desire to create more leads than they could be. With ABM, the focus is on the quality of leads, not the amount. That means that instead of trying to connect with everyone you can, it's about targeting the key individuals within certain accounts who are most likely be converted.

Also, it is important to recognize it is true that ABM is a collaboration. In order to be successful in ABM, Sales and Marketing are well-informed of their goals and actions.

It is crucial for ensuring that everyone is striving for the same end: generating quality leads which will eventually lead to customers.

Every day lives of marketers using accounts

Everyday Here's how the people who work on accounts perform:

  • They create and customize customer profiles.
  • Then, they design specific campaigns and contents to those specific groups and companies.
  • In collaboration with Sales, ABM teams publish and spread the campaign materials through various channels (depending on the accounts they are targeting).
  • They track and measure and then optimize outcomes of their campaigns in order to further improve their ABM method as time progresses.

So...why should you prioritise marketing based on account?

There are a variety of factors which suggest ABM should be a priority for your organization.

First, by tailoring your marketing strategies specifically for every account, you will be able to develop custom content and experiences which are more likely to connect with those you'd like to reach. In turn, you can establish deeper connections with the accounts you want to target and also close more deals and boost the probability of retention.

Through ABM you can concentrate your attention on accounts which are most likely to convert. This means a greater returns from your investment.

Second, ABM also aligns Sales and Marketing. Traditional marketing methods are used. exists a gap between what Marketing wants to accomplish and the way that Marketing is doing. With ABM the two departments are working to close deals with specific customers.

Additionally, buyers of today , both B2B, as well as B2C -- are smarter and sophisticated than they have ever been. They're not going to respond favorably to standard advertising or marketing campaigns which can be used by all. With ABM you are able to modify the strategy and message especially for businesses and individuals. The personalized approach is more likely to be appreciated by existing buyers and may bring about close contracts.

Additionally, ABM is trackable, maybe more so than traditional marketing and advertising. Since ABM emphasizes quality over the quantity of work, it is possible to measure the outcomes of your work and determine if you're making a difference. Transparency is the key to getting the support of your leaders, improving your business practices, and ultimately gaining many more customers in the time.

The ABCs of ABM ABCs ABM The essential elements of an efficient ABM strategy

Through ABM You treat every account as an individual market.

To ensure the sustainability of your company You need the security of an accounts-based-marketing (ABM) strategy. These are some of the key factors to take into consideration in the event that you're thinking of implementing an ABM strategy for your business.

1. Segmentation

The initial step in developing the ABM strategy is identifying and segmenting your accounts that are of interest. In order to do this, you have to know the perfect customer's profiling (ICP).

Your ICP should include both demographic information (e.g. the job title, company size, the location) and psychographic information (e.g. the pain factors, motives, purchasing influence).

For obtaining this information, you can conduct primary research by conducting surveys or interviews with current and former clients. You can also enhance your own brand by obtaining additional research from trustworthy sources such as industry magazines and trade journals.

If you have a solid knowledge of your ideal client/company profile, then you're able to begin by making the list of potential accounts. Additionally, you can employ market intelligence tools to create the list of businesses that match your criteria.

If you've completed your own research Now it's time to split your accounts into various kinds of users. This will allow you to refine your messages and make sure you're targeting the correct users within every account. In this case, for instance one, you might have an individual for those who make decisions and influencers and one that is for the end-users.

Tips: A study from the past discovered that the more detailed your financials are, the more budget your business is likely to allocate for your employees. Think about this when you plan for next year and getting support from your executive team.

Bombora State of ABM 2022 Annual Report

2. Personalized messages and contact via

Once you've identified the target individuals and their accounts then the next thing to do is to design a personalised messages and contents for each person in them. Be aware that when you use ABM it treats every account as an individual market therefore it's crucial to create content that is tailored for each account.

If you are trying to implement the same messages, and information for all the accounts, it doesn't give you what you're trying to find. The best way to achieve this is to design custom messages relevant to every account in your database. This is a difficult task as well as a significant amount of work between teams, however it's worth the effort because personal messages get more responses than generic ones.

It is also important that you align your go-to market (GTM) strategy with that of your ABM strategy. This means personalised messaging as well as making use of an appropriate mixture of channels to connect with your customers where they're using the internet. Like, for instance, LinkedIn would be a great channel for executives of large corporations.

Personalized messages can help you establish relationships with those you are targeting. Today, people do business only with people they feel they can trust, love and believe in. When you send personalized messages to the right channels it will be possible to develop contacts through your specific clients, which makes your customers more likely to collaborate together when they're looking to for a purchase.

3. Alignment between marketing and sales

A further aspect that is crucial to the most successful ABM plan is formation of teams that are multi-functional. It is a matter of forming teams that include individuals from multiple departments within your business, like Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success. A study conducted by Bombora discovered that companies typically have five teams dedicated to ABM.

The goal is to get the employees of your business to the common goal of winning the interest of the target accounts.

4. Customer lifecycle marketing

A crucial but often neglected element of a winning ABM strategy is customer lifecycle marketing. It's about fostering your relationships with the people who belong to your preferred accounts. You can do this through a number of methods, such as sending personalized emails, giving them a call for their birthday or delivering helpful tools. However you choose to go about it, you should ensure that you're adding value while taking note of them.

Most likely, you'll need more than one person in the account to promote the product or service you offer to just one person at an account you want to target. It is likely that you must involve several stakeholder groups to take the deal into the next step. This is why creating targeted content can be used at various points in the buyer's journey as well as throughout the customer's lifetime.

Utilizing a mix of top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) as well as middle of the funnel (MOFU) along with bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) details and available, you'll have the ability to communicate with potential customers at each step of the sales process including post-purchase.

5. ABM software

One of the key components of an ABM strategy is the need to use an appropriate program. ABM software aids B2B marketers manage and streamline their account-based marketing methods. A few of the most well-known platforms include HubSpot Sales, Terminus, Pardot Marketo, and Marketo.

ABM software can assist in monitoring and evaluating customer engagement, that is an important measurement to keep track of in any ABM program (as we'll talk about in the next section). It is possible to alter the parameters of your ABM strategy based on different types of accounts in touch with your brand and the way they interact with you. This will result in increased engagement as time passes, which can result in more complete transactions, and more money.

ABM software is also able to automate tedious tasks in order to let you focus on strategically ABM strategies. Automating your processes will help to create targeted campaigns and more efficiency, ensuring that the correct people are receiving the appropriate messages in the correct time. This will make your ABM process more effective and affordable over time.

Finally, ABM software can help you improve your overall ROI (ROI). It will result in greater revenue for your company by improving account engagement and the effectiveness of your campaign. This means that your ABM program will be more efficient in generating returns on investment which can benefit your financial results.

6. Evaluation of performance

Last but not least, it's essential to analyze your results. Like any other marketing initiative is essential to keep track of the effectiveness of the ABM campaigns. For this to be done effectively track and analyze your data to determine the manner in which each phase of your ABM campaign was perceived by every decision-maker within each desired account.

You can get a good evaluation of whether your ABM strategy is working well for your company by tracking key metrics like:

  • Internet traffic coming from accounts targeted
  • The conversion rate from MQL to SQL
  • The number of meetings that is set by Sales
  • Many opportunities were made
  • Size of deal
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV)

What should you not to include in your account-based marketing strategy

This article has provided a summary of some of the key elements of a successful ABM strategy. In this article, we'll go over the top ABM mistakes to avoid once you begin.

Do not make use of threatening, confusing, ABM techniques

Spammy ABM techniques such as purchasing information to make cold calls or send cold emailing is a guaranteed method of failing in account-based advertising. If your cold-mailing strategy does not have a personal touch or doesn't show the value (e.g. by providing useful materials or invitations to events) are you sure that recipients will be able to respond or schedule an appointment.

The research shows that cold outreach may work...if it is executed correctly. If you decide to implement cold outreach as part of your ABM strategy, be sure you encourage your employees to employ methods that are most efficient:

  • They need to be identified. 79 % of unidentified calls go without response
  • Use "we" statements--Successful cold calls include 65% more "we" statements
  • Customize your content for each person who will be receiving it. 57 % from purchasers at C-level prefer receiving a phone call

Do notrely too heavily on scraped information

Account-based marketers require data to create their ideal client or corporate profile. But, using purchased or scraped data can lead to inadequate ICPs. Furthermore, it may lead your company to reach out to potential customers without their consent, which could damage the image of your business and cause prospects to unsubscribe or flag your emails as spam.

It is suggested to develop your ICPs by conducting primary research, such as surveys or customer interviews. If you need to, enhance your personas by utilizing additional research from reliable sources like magazines for trade or industry publications as well as tools such as Sparktoro.

Do not forget about the return on investment

Calculating the return on investment from your ABM investment shouldn't be difficult, especially if you focus on these metrics and utilize the ABM software program to assist.

However, certain ABM methods (like the ones that involve events) are more uncertain when measuring ROI There's no reason to be hesitant about selecting these methods if there's no proof they'll bring about a change or make deal.

Don't make the mistake of organizing large, costly activities and spending money on merchandise in order to raise "brand recognition" without knowing the connection with these expenses to the primary KPIs and objectives.

Beware to not ignoring accounts that aren't fit for you.

Just because an account isn't an ideal fit for your business or product doesn't mean you should ignore the account completely. Even though an account won't bring in sales, it might offer other benefits, such as public exposure, or insights from interactions through the account.

It is important not to be focused on results that are short-term and instead concentrate on the sport that is going to last for a long time ABM.

What can you do to tailor ABM campaigns for your top-tier clients?

While ABM can be a fantastic alternative, you need to recognize that every account is not made identical. Top-performing clients, those that offer the greatest potential revenues for your business -- are worthy of special consideration.

To select the top accounts, you should focus your efforts on a collection of high-quality accounts with most growth potential.

Top-quality clients have a tendency to receiving the very best of the best. Your content and experiences must reflect this high standard. That doesn't necessarily mean you need to break the budget. But it's taking the time to create quality, high-quality information that is able to draw attention and result in positive outcomes.

There are many ways to customize your ABM strategies to make sure you are attracting high-quality customers. (Hint that they include videos!)

Account-based marketing videos

Marketing videos built on account-based content tell your brand's story with a genuine and engaging manner, which is more than a written marketing campaign. Videos are a great method to demonstrate your service or product in action and give prospective customers an understanding of its benefits and capabilities.

What do these look like in practice? If you're only starting to establish your first account, it's useful to introduce the team by presenting the help of a video. It provides the people who make decisions in the business an opportunity to give a face to a person and begin building a relationship with the staff.

The video you create doesn't have to be fancy--a short tour of the office, and an introduction of every member of your team is enough. It should be clear and professional. Also, it should explain why your team's a good option for your company's account.

Screen recordings that are personalized for the screen

Enhance engagement as well as increase the amount of sales you could make by creating custom screen recordings. Instead of sending a customer-agnostic recording, make the effort to create a custom demonstration with your ICP's needs and your business' details in mind.

A custom-made recording can be an easy way to delight your prospect. Through enhancing your end-user's experience it builds trust increasing the chances that they will continue to the funnel.

Video campaigns via email

Use account-based marketing videos in your emails to nurture. Instead of sending another generic "Look at what we can provide for your requirements!" message, you can personalize your email messages with a captivating video that is that is relevant to the needs of your recipient.

Videos that concentrate on the issues for your company's target market and explain precisely the ways your products or services will solve the problems of potential customers are more effective in establishing a strong impression.

This will allow you to stand out from the competition and prove that you're ready to go an extra mile in order to provide quality. Videos that are quality through emails can lead prospects to the next step in the sales funnel and encourage customers to make meetings with your sales staff.

Virtual Events

These days, buyers are dealing with people they feel they can trust, admire and trust. An effective way of fostering the trust and friendship of your patrons is to hold carefully planned events. A good example is an online VIP experience or an experience designed for executive.

Don't create cookie-cutter services for your clients with the highest value. Spend time to get familiar with their preferences and needs so you can create custom events that provide relevant solutions as well as connections to other networks.

If you put in the extra efforts earlier, you'll be able to make yourself known as a trustworthy business dedicated to helping companies succeed in the over the long haul.

Programs to reduce the quantity of the chaff

ABM doesn't end once you've made the sale. Considering the fact that your ICPs will be your "perfect" customers , and you want to keep them interested, it's best to engage the ICPs after they have purchased.

Encourage Customer Success in order to stay on top of the accounts that you wish to follow up with every quarter or bi-annually, so that they can ensure they had a positive experience. Participate in feedback loops so you get valuable feedback and learn how the users use the program. You can even request they be part of Beta testing groups for future features, or to assist in coordinating to your Product team.

treating your clients as valuable customers could decrease churn and increase retention, as well as increase the LTV of your clients.

Concepts of closing

A successful account-based marketing approach involves careful planning and implementation in a variety of dimensions and teams.

When you spend the time to study the ideal buyer and crafting specific campaigns as well as customized video content to build stronger relationships and make more sales.

And since ABM can be tracked and trackable, you are able to always evaluate the results of your efforts and trace new clients to your original, unique advertising campaigns.

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