Each business must have an up-to-date video (plus six examples from employees)

Dec 10, 2023

Top branded videos for your marketing plan

1. Explainer videos

At the end of your explaining video viewers should know the answer they've been searching for. Explainer video tutorials are instructional in nature they can be available in all formats for answering customer queries. They demonstrate the procedure of using the product, or present an idea of thinking-leadership through a speaking-head style.


Explainer videos can be a great source of to customers by providing information on questions that can be asked at any point in the buying process.

A key characteristic that makes an effective explainer videos is that it isn't sales-driven. There is no need to convince people to purchase any product. Instead, describe a problem and come up with the solution. You can also address a frequently asked question such as this straightforward but powerful video:

  Explainer videos tend to be extremely detailed. They are created for those who are in the initial stages of the funnel and can occur at the beginning research stage.
  For a better understanding of the type of explanation you require to explain your video marketing campaign inquire with your sales representatives what questions they get frequently asked. Find out about your customers and what they're experiencing and experiencing and.

If you're about to launch an innovative product and you need to create an video explaining the product discuss with your marketing department to identify what aspects are most important to emphasize and the most impactful way to do so.
  Illustrations and animation is an excellent way of communicating new product features or ideas which require lots of time to grasp. from the visualization.

For a compelling explanation video, consider these suggestions to keep in the back of your mind:

  • Be sure to know your plan and organize the way you present yourself to your target audience.
  • Keep it simple. Don't waste your time with unnecessary information or pictures that distract from the point.
  • Be professional and friendly. tone.
  • Give captions that can be accessed and preference of the user.

Staff Pick example

It's time to go on the road in this explainer in the style of a docu-docu the 2020 Norco Optic. Bryan Atkinson flies down the tracks of the interior of British Columbia while narrating how he conquers the terrain with his bicycle's capabilities. The bike is all that's needed as well as the rider and the surrounding.

The reason that it is effective:This video captures perfectly the experience of using this product on the professional level. It's geared toward those who enjoy outdoor activities along with adventure seekers and bike riders. The video is also visually stunning.

2. Videos for promotion

Promo video, sometimes referred to as a promo video, is all about creating an awareness of the brand. The goal is to create excitement or tease the launch using a brief video.
  Promo videos provide a brief clip of information about what's coming designed to draw interest and draw attention through social media or other platforms. The best promo videos are quick, interesting and swiftly establish an impression (hopefully to be in tune with the band you're promoting ).

  Promo videos also provide a great opportunity to tap the most popular artists that the audience you are targeting is acquainted with, or could be an enthusiast of. By establishing relationships with people behind the videos, you'll be able to boost the number of people who see your video.

Staff Pick example

The reason it works It's a good thing, Raheem Sterling. In addition, in contrast to the suggestions above, the promotional video in question might be a little longhowever, the length is a way of expressing the absurdity of the scenario occurring. Are you of the opinion that laughter is the best way to market a mobile phone? This seems to be the case.

3. The brand story as well as BTS videos

A Brand Story video is basically a "get-to-know-me" video or a story about the beginnings of your business.
  If you've got the budget and the right team A brand story video is a great marketing asset for years and years.
  The importance of brand story videos is to get right and before you begin production, ensure that you have a plan, a outline, and script ready to go.
  By using the aid of a behind-the scenes video viewers are given an insight into your business' appearance. They see the team as well as your process for getting tasks accomplished, or demonstrate how it is accomplished. It could also give the event or promotion with the benefits of fresh perspective.

4. Webinars

What do you need to be aware of when creating a successful webcast?

Concentrate on the content, design the best experience possible find methods to connect with your audience.

5. Case study videos

6. Branded content containing a narrative

The narrative video is an account with the intention to entertain. That's it.
  Even though all your business's videos are supposed to be entertaining, that doesn't have to be your primary objective.
  Brand narratives tell the story. As opposed to a narrative-style video that is a branding tool it is not required to mention your history. The more common type of advertisement commercials provide a purpose for their products that is far more significant than the company they represent.
  The majority of brand narratives focus on bigger themes such as the family unit as well as love, compassion, and loyalty. These videos are built on an outline of a narrative. The story is told through exposition, conclusion as well as a an climax. After that, we have a a character who changes.
  Narrative brand content is sometimes employed to promote or build the meaning of a slogan, for example such as Nike's "Just Do It" or "Dream Crazy" campaigns.

Staff Pick examples

  Rimowa utilizes the same strategy to tug at the heartstrings by promoting a meaningful campaign for travel. The movie is about luggage as well as missed phone calls.

Why it works: Both narrative examples follow a similar formula: problem-agitate-solution. We learn about the use example of one particular person and the challenges and triumphs and tribulations of their life. They're intimate and guide us on a journey without having to be acquainted with the item or company.

7. Innovative branding campaigns to promote brands

A catch-all category for the video content that isn't suitable to any other type of. The term "creative" for a brand could be simply a matter oftaking a different approach that differs from a formulaic marketing video. There's no standard for this. The key is being completely committed to a concept that is something that you're enthusiastic about and that is in line with your brand identity.
  If you are a business looking to adopt an innovative approach, take a take a look at the filmmakers, agencies or groups behind the most innovative and inspirational videos. Get in touch with them and find out the ways they collaborated with these clients. What was the timeline and budget? How much input from a creative perspective would you like to have? Define the goals of the video-based campaign. Could it be connected to an event? A rebrand? Is there a particular product?
   Staff Pick examples

  It's hard to determine what type of movie "Obscura" is, maybe because it's an art film disguised as a commercial. This is a great example of a business trusting a creator to treat their name with respect as well as creative thinking.

  Reading of Mary Oliver's poem "Wild Geese" with beautiful mornings of the North Coast. In capturing the wonder of nature, the Patagonia Australia video has everything necessary to be.

What is it: Surprising your audience is great because it signifies that you will stand out similar web pages.

All businesses of all sizes will be able to impress with a content library which is impressive and visually appealing brand videos. Only you are the one to create your distinctive style and convey your message in any type of video placing your client at the forefront of everything.

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