Five essential steps to making of an online online course

Dec 2, 2022

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Learn this step-by-step method to find out the methods to create an online course with CreativeMindClass it is a program available which is free to use and used by the most prominent creators.

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How can you create an online course? In only five easy steps

An effective online course is an amazing combination of video and text along with an online platform that promotes the course.

Illustrators, writers, photographers fitness trainers, coaches and all sorts of professional have online training courses that help students with expertise as well as understanding. The classes could also serve as an income source or their primary job.

The internet-based courses have improved significantly since the time of emails using PDFs, or even sending video messages via text message. Online courses can include video, documents that are downloadable such as exercise documents as well as feedback. Additionally, they receive payments and creating one-stop online social network. This opens many new possibilities for establishing an online-based business.

In this post, we'll walk you through the key steps to creating an efficient online class with CreativeMindClass...

1. Online Course Plans Create an area to design your online course

2. The Course Topic : Define your subject area and who you'll be giving the course to.

3. The outline of the lecture Create a plan for every lesson you will need

4. Videos, content delivery along with downloadable documents as well as worksheets

5. The website you use to promote your course Convince your viewers to buy through text and photos

     1. Online Courses: Plan

Select a website to create your online course

An online course could contain several different websites including social media, payments pages and messages along with email addresses as well as laptop files. A central online course incorporates everything into an accessible location. It can change throughout the duration of the online course however, it will typically include:

  • Introduction
  • Information on Equipment and Materials
  • Inspiration
  • The Planning
  • Class project
  • Summary
Online Course Plan

     What's it? It is in CreativeMindClass

  1. Choose My Classin main menu to open it.
  2. Choose the ADD class button to start the course.

     2. The topic of the class

Decide on the topics you'll be covering and whom you'll teach.

Preparing for an online course can be stressful because you'll need to think of something that consumers are likely to buy. If you pick the correct topic, it will be a success.

An online subject is an easy and efficient concept that will assist you in creating the perfect course for your students.

You're dedicated and possess the expertise, knowledge, and know-how that your customers will spend for. It's the ideal moment to look to it, and then put your thoughts to the world of.

You must navigate to the class page.

The Class page is an option within the Class. Then click the class tab on the page to launch it and begin creating your course's name and description.

First, open the Class page

What's it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Click to start the Class Page tab, and then click to view it.

     Indicate what you need to impart    

What do you love to do? What do you enjoy doing it? What are the primary reasons that people are looking at in your recommendations? What would you like for to learn more about? It will allow you to pinpoint an area you're comfortable with which will help facilitate the design of your course easier.

The course must be assigned a name

A clear, appealing and focused title will help customers make an informed choice. It draws the attention of the reader and prompts readers to think, "Yes, I'm ready to buy the item!". Make use of powerful words and phrases to trigger feelings, as well as the reaction that prompts them to read the book, read it, click and purchase.

Name your course

     What's it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Enter your CLASS TITLEto identify your class.

Make an offering (and determine the people who are likely to buy it)

What are the lessons people will take from your lectures? Which are the most likely attendees to this seminar? What specific problems can that you solve? Do you have competitors offering similar programs? While you're working on the idea for your presentation, look for an individual who's willing to pay money for the chance to study it.

Craft an offer (and find people who will buy it)

What exactly is it? in CreativeMindClass

  1. Create the CLASS DESCRIPTIONto make your offer known.

HTML0 The course is over. the subject!

Your course's topic is completed, you're capable of presenting a your convincing and trustworthy offer to your course online. Be aware that you can make multiple classes in order to study all the topics of your course.

Next, we'll make an outline of the steps to take so you're not confused while recording the video...

     3. The course's plan

Make a plan for each class you'll need.

It could be difficult to understand the course. Integrating content within the course can create confusion while making the decision on what information is required to be included in the class. An outline of the course clearly defined is a good way to ensure you're capable of completing the assignment.

An outline of the online course could be described as a "do-to" overview of video that you'd like film. This typically contains an outline of the lesson in question, and specific notes on the content and learning result to make sure you're not missing every aspect of the lesson while filming the course.

Lessons list

You must then launch your Lessons

The Lessons tab is located under the Class. Click on the Lessons button to open it and start by making lessons.

First, open the Lessons

     What does it mean within CreativeMindClass    

1. Visit the LESSONS tab and click on it to start it.

What are you talking about?

The initial step is to identify the main themes and subjects you want to talk about. These could be introductions, the summary of your course along with a hands-on assignment and then concluding. You don't need to go deep into details now. What could you gain from the course of a video lasting between 3 and 10 minutes?

List the things you're covering

What is the best way to get it into CreativeMindClass

  1. Click on the "ADD LESSON" link to initiate the brand new lesson.
  2. In Lesson page tab, type LESSON TITLE.
  3. Add 10-20 lessons to your class.

     Indicate the exact learning results    

It's the basis of your outline to guide your study. It's where you write down each important aspect of the video you want to keep track of. Write down the results of your learning, as well as information that will meet the requirements of your intended group and then identify any gaps the competition does not fill.

List the individual learning outcomes

     What does it mean to use with CreativeMindClass    

  1. Click here for access to "Course introduction" lesson.
  2. Type LESSON DESCRIPTION to create your lesson outline.

     The transformation from chaotic to well-organized    

It's possible that you've created an instructional plan, but realized that it should be shorter or more precise. If so you should look at breaking down the lesson into smaller pieces. Lessons can be stripped away and there is no purpose to be learned. Make sure to take a hard line at this to be sure that it's feasible.

Go from messy to organized

What exactly is it? In CreativeMindClass

  1. Click on the "Add Section"button to add a section.
  2. Type the Title of Section.
  3. Create additional sections for grouping your students.

HTML0 It is a reference at the time the video was recorded

The past was when you wrote out a schedule of the tasks you had to complete while making films. Nowadays, lists of what you need to accomplish can be downloaded on mobile phones and laptops. This allows you to be sure that the lesson you've chosen to teach is complete, or modify it in the way you'd like.

The final plan of instruction!

After your course outline is completed, you'll be prepared for recording the video.

In the next section, we'll talk about how to most efficiently provide and store the information...

     4. Content delivery

Download videos, make videos and do exercises.

You need to decide on the most effective way to communicate the entirety of your online class. Videos are the most efficient method to share your expertise.

Videos are interactive and entertaining content, providing the most enjoyable learning experience for those studying on the internet. One of the most effective ways to communicate learning results is by mixing different media like videos, screen recordings as well as audio and presentation worksheets, and so on.

Review your outline of the course. What is the most efficient method to communicate the main points of each course?

Once you have that done, you are ready to start your lessons

There is a Lessons section within the class. The Lessons tab will be the first tab you click to begin the lesson, and then you can begin with adding media to each lesson.

First, open the Lessons

What is the exact meaning? It's part of CreativeMindClass

1. Click the the link in the LESSONS tab to display the lesson.

     Incorporate a video into each lesson    

Videos are the most entertaining method to display your information. Videos can be presented in many forms, including videos or screen recording that include audio. It's not required that you must remain before the camera all time.

If you're a professional photographer, it's advantageous to buy an electronic camera and begin shooting. Videos you make are possible to create using devices and equipment that you own at home and using the capabilities you already have your disposal.

After you've finished your editing and recording processes There will be a variety of small, quality, high-quality 16:9 video file files that you can upload. Make sure you consider the quality of your video. Resolution must be at least 1080 pixels.

Add a video to each lesson

     What is it into CreativeMindClass    

  1. If you're currently in LESSON Then you can choose VIDEOlesson Select the type.
  2. Download and save videos to your PC.
  3. Make sure to include a video for each class.

     Make an immersive educational experience that is focused on video.    

A video course offers a totally distinct experience from the reading of text in slides. They require certain functions like layout, navigation, and a particular type of navigation on videos-based platforms. CreativeMindClass is an online educational platform specifically designed for teaching video and is centered to provide students with an enjoyable learning experience through videos.

If a video is uploaded to a website is a good idea to design a custom thumbnail. It's amazing to look at it from a distance However, it's also not the easiest complicated task to master. We've devised an approach that's amazing without having to perform the extra task. We select the most popular videos after uploading the video. We show you the video continuously that lasts 3-8 seconds. You might have seen it on Spotify videos, which play while the music plays.

What's it? Within CreativeMindClass

  1. To use for LESSON Select in the LESSON Select a VIDEOlesson sort.
  2. Save a video to your personal computer.
  3. Go to the preview and view the lesson auto-generated video.

     Uploading a file for download    

Documents that can be downloaded are a great alternative to your class. Downloading files can make the lessons more fun and exciting while also leaving your mark on the classrooms and the pulpits of the students. If you decide to add an extra item of content for your class, the students are able to download the content, print it out  in addition to or change the document.

Video can be created through the combination of worksheets and worksheets, as well as native formats for file. Create downloadable files by using software such as Pages/Word, Google Slides, Prezi, Photoshop or Canva. The combination of downloadable files and an exercise enables students to bring their own documents in class, and then receive feedback from you.

When you've completed creating your files, you'll have them available to download , then you'll be able to download high-quality photos or editable images that you can transfer to.

Add a downloadable file

What is it? It is a part of CreativeMindClass

  1. Navigate to the tab for Lesson Content
  2. Click DOWNLOADABLE FILE to download the file.

     Do an activity as your lesson    

They are an excellent opportunity for students to put their learning in the context of exercises. They help students learn by participating students in. Such active learning typically consists of a task that can be accomplished and then feedback from the teacher.

Imagine an experience of learning which you could create for your students, in order to aid students achieve the objectives of your class. Look at your Lessons list. What lessons may have an entertaining and engaging activity that will aid in learning? Do you have lessons that can be accompanied by homework assignments? Which brainstorming activities could you include? What assignment will you assign in class?

Add an exercise to a lesson

What's it? In CreativeMindClass

  1. Navigate to the tab that says The content of the course.
  2. Pick the EXERCISE for creating activities to help your students.

Students should post their projects and ask for your suggestions

Some online courses need a project for class. Students will be able to use the information they learned in your class to complete the project. It is possible to ask students to submit their work to receive the feedback.

Students can share their assignments and get your feedback

     How to do it within CreativeMindClass    

  1. Visit the tab for Content of the lesson
  2. Simply click for EXERCISE to complete an exercise.
  3. Inscribe the TITLE.
  4. The Description for the Type Description of the Type.
  5. If the student has uploaded an assignment, you can go to the student's workto the exercise inyou give your comments.

HTML0 Join an online group that is based on the subject you're taking.

The process of giving feedback on students' performance is an first stage to build communities around the online course. It's possible to move students' instruction into the next level, expanding your business while expanding your reach as a brand.

An online community platform that is based on communities brings traffic to your website which helps keep your clients, as well as increase your profits. Activity Feed lets you engage with your blog readers by allowing comments on blogs.

Incorporate some inspiring posts into the classes online you are taking. This can give you the foundation for creating a community engaged for your company and your brand.

What are you doing to engage students? What kinds of posts are you sharing via social media? What advice and tips do you have to share? An excellent way to keep your students interested and motivated to complete your class is to provide daily updates and motivations to the end of the class task.

Build an online community around your course

What do you need to know to get started in CreativeMindClass

  1. Simply click My Postsin the main menu and it will launch it.
  2. Hit The "Add Post button to create a new post.

     Content is ready! content!

Now that your information is compiled then you can build a powerful online course. Your next task is to create copies and then upload your images on your site...

     5. Website for the Course

Persuade your customers to buy by using images and text.

A well-organized, informative website will convince visitors to purchase the course. What are the reasons people choose your course in comparison with other courses? What promises do you give your clients?

The website of a course online generally has attractive and engaging content along with images that illustrate the most significant advantages. It is then closed by an explicit message that urges you to take action things to change it.

To begin, first navigate on the website

Go to the website for loading the content, which includes your headline, photos as well as copy.

First, open the Website

What's it? It is in CreativeMindClass

  1. Select on the Web pagein the Main Menu to open it.

     Draw the attention of the viewer    

If you're developing your site ensure you've made sure it's done correctly before the user is capable of moving on.

The first thing you are likely to notice is the name. It will clearly state the advantages of your program as well as the benefits that one can get.

It must be brief, easy to read and simple. The most effective way to ensure that the headline is succinct is to make an enticing headline. It could be added at the end of the headline phrase or added as an additional paragraph in order to back up the headline's main message.

Grab the visitor's attention

What's it? It is in CreativeMindClass

  1. Click the Edit button in the welcome area.
  2. Input the your HEADLINE.
  3. Write into the box SUB-HEADLINE.

Add inspiring visuals

Be sure your students are aware of the offer with the image of the hero (or backgrounds for videos) on the top of your web page. What do the images convey about the advantages of your online course? Imagine your prospective customers using the scenarios you've designed for them. The images you choose to utilize should be massive, crisp, and high-quality.

Add inspiring visuals

     How can I access it within CreativeMindClass    

  1. Click upon the Edit button, which can be found in "WELCOME" section.
  2. Click to add HERO images, BACKGROUND VIDEO or Animationto include your images.

      Get your class started    

Provide a few basic details regarding the course online you're providing. What is the purpose? How long will it last? How many lessons do you provide? Are you offering any bonus products? What's the goal in the classroom? What's the objective of the class? This class helps those who visit your site to quickly grasp what they are getting.

Introduce your course

What's it? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Select"Edit" or "Edit" button to go to the section that is called the"Overview. section.
  2. Header of Type Header.
  3. For input PARAGRAPH.

Highlight benefits

It is important to state clearly the benefits which will convince all of us. More details about the results of education and their importance. What will the students acquire? What role will the class play in helping students? What changes will they go through? What pain-related issues will you be addressing?

An easy way to get users aware of positives that the products offer is to write the headline in a simple and straightforward method. After that, you can include a subheader that supports the main claim. In your paragraphs, you should note the most important educational outcomes and provide a brief explanation of the benefit that you've provided.

Another way to highlight the positive aspects of your class is by taking a stunning photo.

Highlight benefits

What's it? Within CreativeMindClass

  1. Click Click the Edit button in the Benefits section.
  2. Header. Type Header.
  3. Make use of using the Sub-Header.
  4. Note Make a note: write PARAGRAPH.
  5. Select SECTION and add an imageand upload the image you wish to upload.

Give it a shot

Anyone who's thinking of taking the course on the internet, is seeking a sneak at what's included. It is the best method to present the details about this course by way of a visually appealing trailer. For a promo trailer, it is possible to create an engaging video with a duration of between 30 and 60 minutes.

Give a taste of your course

How can I obtain it within CreativeMindClass

  1. Just click My Classin menu in the menu bar to open it.
  2. If you're in the class When you are in class, click the hyperlink on the page of class tab to open it.
  3. Hit VIDEO TRAINERto upload your promo video.

Utilize it to send out an email to your followers

Congratulations! If you've created your own website for your course the creation of your course online is complete. It's an amazing time following all the hard work.

A new kind of job starts! The time is now to share the news with your social media followers. Include the URL to your site, social media email address, blog, or website for the purpose of launching your promotion.

Share it with your audience

     How can I obtain it in CreativeMindClass    

  1. Click Settingsin main menu menu to access it.
  2. Copy CreativeMindClass site address.
  3. It is important to discuss the lesson with your students.

You're all done!

I'm hoping this article will help you organize your life routine and supply you with all the space you need for creating a stimulating learning environment for your pupils.

If you are starting an online class then you could employ this template that can be set up in just minutes. This is a great way to save time when creating your online version of the course. It's made to allow you to transform (sell your course online) Also, it has all the features you'll need for you to make the final touches. Upload your pictures, modify the content, and add photos then voila! Your class is now a successful online course. That's it.

     Create your online course. Today.

Start for free by using our template.

Create your online course. Today.

      - Start creating your online course

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HTML0 Learn with videos and feedback materials for exercises, and much more on an additional platform. Join now to develop online courses that have a distinctive layout and sell your goods globally. Create your own online course. You'll be completely cost-free! Credit card not required

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CreativeMindClass is an ever-growing community of creators, teachers as well as students who join the platform to learn to create the capacity to teach, learn and grow while also interacting with each other and to inspire.

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