Five fundamental steps to create an online illustration course

Apr 15, 2023


Follow this step-by-step guideline to find out the necessary steps for creating an online course in illustration with CreativeMindClass, a free tool used by some of the famous illustrators.

      - Start creating your online illustration course

The process of creating an online illustration course, regardless of whether you're new to teaching or an experienced expert, it can be a daunting task. From initial concept to researching and then preparing to begin production and even beyond there are a myriad of things to think about. The importance of having a plan in place is to achieve success since it will assist you with organizing each step so that you can concentrate on creating an unforgettable experience for your students.

In this post we'll present the five most important ways to make the most successful online course for illustrations...

1. Online course planning Create a space to develop your online course

2. The topics to be discussed in this course. Choose the topics as well as the instructor.

3. Class outline: Plan every course you'll be required to teach.

4. Content delivery Create video or downloadable files with exercises

5. Your course's website. Convince customers to buy your course using text and pictures

     1. Online course plan

Locate a place to take the course online you wish to complete

An online course may contain several websites including social media, payment websites, in addition to messages and e-mails and laptop folders. An online central course integrates all of these into one, simple-to-access area. The course will change over the time of the course, but typically will comprise:

  • Introduction
  • Work Examples
  • Materials
  • Inspiration
  • Planing
  • Class Project
  • Summary
Online Course Plan

     How can I achieve it in CreativeMindClass    

  1. Select My Classin main menu and then open it.
  2. Select "Add an Instructor" link to add the class.

     2. Topics for the course

Decide on the topics you'll be covering as well as who will be your instructor.

The process of establishing your online class in images can be stressful since it is necessary to find something customers will want to buy. The right issue to consider will allow you to be more effective.

A course topic can be a simple but successful idea for creating an appropriate course that is specifically designed for people who are interested. Illustration is your specialty. You have the knowledge and expertise your audience is willing to pay for. This is the perfect time to further study the subject and then put it in the words of others.

To start you can go to the web page of the class.

The class page can be found as an option within the Class. Then click the class page tab, and then begin by entering your class's name as well as an overview.

First, open the Class page

     What exactly is it? CreativeMindClass    

  1. Click on the tab for the class page tab to open it.

     What is it that you'll teach your students    

What sort of illustrations do you create? What is it that you love the most about it? Do other people come to you for advice? Do you wish to learn more about? This will help you find what you're most at ease with, making the process of creating a course more simple.

The course's name

A simple, appealing and beneficial name makes it easy for users to make an easy selection. It grabs attention, and also prompts users to stop scrolling and to say, "Yes, I want to buy the product!". Make use of words that cause an emotional response is what makes them look at, take a look and then buy.

Name your course

     How to do it inside CreativeMindClass    

  1. Create the title for the classto explain your class. As an example, you could say "Surrealistic illustration that has an intention to tell the story".

     HTML1 Create the details of a deal (and identify people who would be willing to take it up)    

What can people expect to learn? Do you want to focus on editing or shooting? Do you know of any students that could benefit from the program? What are the most important questions you will be addressing? Are there competitors who provide similar services? When you're developing your offer, find someone motivated enough to invest the opportunity to study it.

Craft an offer (and find people who will buy it)

     What is the best way to get it within CreativeMindClass    

  1. Write a descriptions of the classto create the descriptions of class to conveyyour your.

The course is now over. the course the topic!

After your topic has been completed and you have an effective and convincing concept for your online illustration course. Be aware that you can create multiple classes that cover different aspects of your topic in addition to testing them out.

After that, we'll develop a program to ensure that you don't are missing while recording your video...

     3. The outline of the course

Make each lesson plan that you'll need.

Incorporating all the elements of an online course could be a challenge. The process of sorting through an abundance of information may cause confusion while deciding what content is required in an online course. A clear plan of instructions will ensure that you're able to handle it.

An outline of the course course outline is a list of the things you need to accomplish in the films you're planning to film during the course of filming the class. It will usually include a summary of the particular lesson and notes about what's covered and objectives of the lesson, so it's easy to recall everything.

 Lessons list

     First Launch the Lessons    

There is an option for the lessons that are in the course. Click on the Lessons tab to show it in the view, and begin adding lessons.

First, open the Lessons

     How do I get it within CreativeMindClass    

1. Click on the LEARNING tab to start it.

You should list your sources for writing

First, you must list the major topics and the elements you'd want to include. The list could comprise introductions and a short description of yourself, displaying the best of your work, including a summary of your material and projects. It is also possible to complete the project and then revise it, ending. There is no need to get into the finer specifics yet. What subjects could you cover in a course that lasts between three and ten minutes?

List the things you're covering

What can you do in CreativeMindClass

  1. Select the ADD LESSON option to begin with a brand new lesson.
  2. In Lesson page tab, type LESSON TITLE. Example: "Introduction".
  3. Include 10-20 lessons in your course. Examples include "Materials", "Inspiration", "Class project", "Conclusion"etc.

     Indicate the specific learning result    

Your outline is the central point for your course. This is in which you record the most important aspects of the lesson that you want to record. Write down specific learning outcomes as well as the content that can answer your audience's questions or fill in the gap that you have not addressed by the competition.

List the individual learning outcomes

What's it that goes into CreativeMindClass

  1. You may learn the "Inspiration" course.
  2. Type LESSON DESCRIPTION to create your lesson outline. For example: "Explain the inspiration for your illustration process, provide some examples, sources to find the inspiration and exercises to discover the source of inspiration".

Transition from chaos calm

Maybe you've written the outline for your class which you now find too long or confusing enough. If you're overwhelmed by items to cover You should look at splitting your lessons into smaller parts. Take away the lesson without having a specific goal to be learning. Make sure to remain ruthless this point to ensure that this isn't difficult to complete.

Go from messy to organized

     HTML1 What exactly is it? CreativeMindClass    

  1. Select"Add Section" or click the "Add Section"button to make a new section.
  2. Enter the Section's Title. Example: "Let's begin" section to teach "Introduction" and "Inspiration" lessons.
  3. Add additional sections for your students.

This is an ode to the day that the film was created

The way you used to do it was to write down your schedule of things to do during filming days. Nowadays, it's feasible to build a list of tasks that are accessible through laptops or phones. This lets you be sure that each course is completed or to make changes as needed.

This is the last outline of the course!

When your course outline is done, you now have the plan for your recording.

Then, we'll discuss the most effective method to distribute and store the contents...

     4. Content delivery

Create video clips, create files that can be downloaded and exercises.

Once you've got an outline of the curriculum, it's time to contemplate how to show each component of your online course diagram.

Videos include engaging, interactive entertaining video content that offers a great educational experience for learners who study on the internet. One of the most effective methods to present learning results is mixing different types of media, including video screens, recordings of the screen, presentations and handouts. and exercises too.

Look at your lessons list. What is the best method to convey the objectives in every lesson?

     First Launch the lessons    

Lessons are accessible within the class. Click on the tab for lessons and begin the lesson. Then, you can begin by including media in each lesson.

First, open the Lessons

     What is the best way to get it from CreativeMindClass    

1. Click on the "LESSONS" tab to play the lesson.

Each lesson is accompanied by a video.

Videos are a great approach to showcase your work. There are many types of videos, which include presentation and screens that can record audio. However, that doesn't mean that you should be using your camera every minute of every day.

You can make videos by yourself, using the information you have at hand. Once you're finished recording and editing your videos there are a variety of small videos in high-quality, high-quality 16:9 formats to upload. Take note of the best quality of the video. Resolution must be at least 1080p.

Add a video to each lesson

What is it? It's part of CreativeMindClass

  1. To watch your LESSON Choose your VIDEOlesson type.
  2. Download a video to your computer.
  3. Incorporate a YouTube video in every lesson.

Download a file to upload

Downloading documents is a great option to enrich your classes. These files make learning more enjoyable, interactive and engaging. You also leave your mark on your pupils' minds and working stations. Once you've uploaded additional files to your lessons your students are at a point to download the documents, print them or fill it in the edit mode, or even modify it.

You can create videos with additional files like worksheets, or native documents. It is possible to create files that are downloadable with programs like Procreate Pages/Word Google Slides, Prezi, Photoshop and Canva. A combination of downloaded files and an exercise lets students submit document to the instructor in the future, then receive comments.

After you've created your downloadable file, you'll have professional image files and native editable files you can upload.

Add a downloadable file

How can I obtain it into CreativeMindClass

  1. Select the tab that contains lesson content.
  2. Select DOWNLOADABLE FILE to upload your document.

     Create an exercise for the current class    

Exercises are a great means of helping students learn. Students are able to learn by doing. The type of learning typically consists of a task which can be accomplished and feedback from the instructor.

Consider the learning experiences which you'll create to help students reach their goals. Look at your Lessons list. Could there be lessons that are engaging and informative as a learning method? Which lessons could have homework? What brainstorming activity could be incorporated? What is the final project of your course?

Add an exercise to a lesson

     How can I access it in CreativeMindClass    

  1. Click on the tab for the Content section of the course.
  2. Simply click on EXERCISE to create an exercise for your pupils.

     Students are asked to present their works and ask for your comments    

A course online in illustration will require a classroom or lesson plan. If you include such an exercise, make sure to your class, students will be able to put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during the course, and then send them over to CreativeMindClass where you can give critique.

Students can share their photographies and get your feedback

How do I get it within CreativeMindClass

  1. Go to the tab titled Content
  2. Click the"EXERCISE. "EXERCISE" to make an exercise.
  3. Type TITLE. Examples "Mixing words and worlds".
  4. The text's description is the text you write. In this case, for example "In the game we'll create pictures using random words. This activity will stimulate your imagination and will be fun in creating things that don't originate from the same origin. If you're pleased, be sure to share your ideas in the lessons and be sure to get some feedback". Upload Exercise
  5. Once your student has uploaded their task, you can visit the student's workto provide feedback.

     Start a community on the internet to promote your class    

Feedback and the learning activities are the first steps toward creating a strong community in your online course. You don't have to go on and increase the learning experience of your students and allow them to progress to the next level. This will help improve your organization's efficiency and boost the exposure of your company.

What do you need to do to get your students involved? What content are you sharing on social media? What advice would you like to share about composition equipment, or software? A good idea to keep your students entertained and motivated to finish the course is posting weekly messages to inspire them to complete the assignment.

Build an online community around your course

     What's it? within CreativeMindClass

  1. Just click My Postsin the main menu to open it.
  2. Select the Add Post button to create the new post.

     It's time to organize the tasks!

Once your course is finished, then you can create an online course which is extremely successful. The location you will require is.

Then, we'll create copies of the course and upload them onto your website for the duration of the class...

     5. Site for the course

Make your readers buy from you with images and texts.

The videos are recorded and you're sure that you've made an amazing course. It's time to sell and package your video lessons. The most straightforward way to accomplish this is create a website (sometimes called a selling webpage or E-commerce web site).

A web site which is straightforward and focuses on the benefits can help make your course appealing to potential students. What makes someone choose the course you offer over the others? The answer lies in your promises to your customers. pages that convert well typically contain attractive text and images with the biggest benefits, and end with a clear call-to-action.

     First, go to the site    

You can visit the website, open it and include your headline, images and your text.

First, open the Website

What's it? In CreativeMindClass

  1. Select on the linkin the menu bar to open it.

     Get the attention of your customers    

If you're building your website you must have the ability to complete your work quickly so that your potential customer is ready to proceed.

The first thing your users will encounter is the headline. It describes what a visitor will get from online training. It clearly describes the advantages of the course.

Be sure to keep it brief, punchy and concise. One of the easiest ways to make your headlines short is to have an accompanying headline by. This can be done the same to end a sentence or even another paragraph that supports the initial statement.

Grab the visitor's attention

What's it? It's in CreativeMindClass

  1. Hit Edit button located in the Welcome section.
  2. Make use of to write the Headline. For example, "How to create stunning, dream-like images".
  3. Make use of your SUB-HEADLINE. In this instance, "Discover your imagination and create an image that's lively".

     Add inspiring visuals    

Upload your hero image (or video background) to the top part of this website to promote your class to allow visitors to be aware of the information they should expect from the course.

What can the pictures of the hero reveal about the positives that your institution has to offer? Put students in a scenario which demonstrates the benefits you can expect from your students. If your students were focusing on book illustrations or magazines, then you might create collages or even creating a background video using the images. The images you create are required to be huge in scale as well as crystal clear.

Add inspiring visuals

What is the exact meaning? inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Click on the "Edit" button within Welcome section.
  2. Click on the HERO picture, BACKGROUND VIDEO or Animationto upload your own images.

An Introduction to the class

Give a brief description of your course of study.

What's it? How long is it? What's the average number of classes that you offer? Can you provide extra material? What's the objective of the class? What's the goal of the course?

The information provided can assist customers browse your website quickly to understand the products they're purchasing.

Introduce your course

     What is it that's in CreativeMindClass    

  1. Select the "Edit" button that is located in the Overview section.
  2. Header of the type Header of the Type. Example: "3 classes".
  3. Input PARAGRAPH. Example "Enjoy attending three different classes. Discover your creativity ".

     Highlight benefits

Benefits that stand out convince the people. Include more specific information on your course, your performance and outcomes in addition to the importance.

What will students can acquire? What does the course offer for the student? What kinds of adjustments will it experience? What issues do you need to address?

An easy approach to make users aware of benefits of the product is to write advantages in a brief, easy and succinct head. Include a subheader to support of the primary statement. In each paragraph, write an outline of the key learning outcomes, and then put with clarity the results that you can offer.

Another way to draw your focus on the benefits is to use images or drawings that catch the attention of your viewers.

Highlight benefits

     What do I have to do to get it within CreativeMindClass    

  1. Click the "Edit" button to edit the information, located within the Benefits section.
  2. Write a HEADER. This is for an example "Unlock the creative side inside you".
  3. This kind of is known as the Sub-Header. Example: "Discover".
  4. Make your own PARAGRAPH. For example "Learn to express your thoughts by drawing an image. I'll show you how to discover your treasure hiding among the trees and put it into the form of an illustration. Start thinking creatively, dream and then speak out ".
  5. Click the SECTION imageand upload the photo. The key is to focus on three main benefits. Your text must be brief and easy to catch the attention of readers. You should make sure you circle the content you find difficult to comprehend.

HTML0 Provide the purchaser with the chance to "try before buying"

If you're looking to buy the illustration course's website would be interested in seeing some of the content. It's thrilling, and it provides prospective students with an understanding of the potential of the course. This will help them when making a decision on whether or not the course is suitable for their preferences and personal preferences.

Create the most impressive promo trailer to draw interest of a larger number of people and increase the sales. To create a promo trailer, it's possible to make an original and thrilling film that runs between 30-60 seconds.

Give a taste of your course

What is the exact meaning? It's part of CreativeMindClass

  1. Click on My Classesin the menu bar at the top, to open it.
  2. In class, go to the class tab. The page tab will open it.
  3. Hit VIDEO TRAILERto upload your promo video.

The video is free to share by sharing it with viewers

Congratulations! After you've made your own site for your class, the web-based illustration course is complete. This is an exciting moment after all the effort.

A different kind of project is about to start! It is time to present your work to your followers. Include your URL for your site and also email addresses and social media, or even your blog. Then launch the promotional campaign. Tips: Before your lecture to your students, make sure you have your class and all courses, as well as assignments are uploaded.

Share it with your audience

What exactly is it? within CreativeMindClass

  1. Select Settingsin the menu bar at the top after which select Settings to open it.
  2. Take a copy of the CreativeMindClass website address.
  3. It is possible to share your class with the class.

You're all done!

This article will assist you with organizing and provide you with the opportunity you need to make an amazing learning environment for your students.

If you're thinking of starting your own online course on illustration, then you may utilize an Illustration Course Template here to get started setting the course in just only a couple of minutes.

Create your online illustration course. Today.

Start for free with our templates.

Create your online photography course. Today.

      - Start creating your illustration course

You can sign up for free and there is no time limitation to share the link. is duplicated!

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Discover with the help of exercises, videos, and exercise in a different platform. Join today for classes online which are inspirational and enable you to market worldwide. Personal course. It's free Credit card not required.

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CreativeMindClass has been growing the number of teachers and authors, and students who join the platform of education to help improve teaching, communicate ideas, as well as connect with and inspire.

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