Five Secrets to Building an Online Community Business

Apr 6, 2022

The function of online communities in our lives has changed lot over the past decade. From the widespread adoption of social media platforms , to connecting anywhere with our smartphones, most of us have experienced "community" on the internet in one form or another.

Beyond the Facebook group or the Twitter feed The communities are now becoming big businesses in the creator economy. In some cases, this can be due to communities being integrated into digital goods like the online course that you purchased has a group which you are able to join, or the forum for support with software to look up when you're stuck.

However, online communities aren't only add-ons for other products. There is also a productization of online communities as themselves. It's a flipping business model where communities no longer function as an accessory to another product. Instead, communities are the central core of the majority of online companies, and the traditional digital services like webinars or courses provide the primary benefit of being part in the community.

Community business models are effective. They draw us into the person human beings are, helping us build connections and build friendships. They have incredible potential to make your business more effective.

In this article, we'll talk about various aspects of creating an online business for community. Using the strategies in this article, you'll be able to transform your community from non-existent to a powerful, profitable company that will either complement the work you do or can replace it. Here are five secrets to build a successful community-based online business.

If you want more support in building your online community Join OUR Mighty Community for free as well as meet fellow new and well-established community owners! We'd love to have you join us. Sign up to join for no cost!

        In this post...    

1. Have an ideal member

2. Validate the business by proving the sales

3. Get the pricing perfect

4. Watch your churn

5. Pick the right platform

Have an ideal member

When we observe an online community business that's experiencing difficulties, we often identify the absence of a clear membership focus as one of the major issues. Communities that try to cater to all people don't work as well. In fact, some of our most successful communities are built upon a tight area of focus. Teaching people how to make a bullet-journal. Connecting finance professionals from the United Kingdom. The idea is to create a platform for young ministers to share ideas.

These are the kind of clear niches that million-dollar communities are built around not catch-all generic brands that are not serving anyone.

If you're going through the work of identifying the people the purpose of your community is, we teach a discovery process that we call community Design(tm). The first steps we take with it is to identify your ideal member.

If you want your community to become an actual business Do not just think about who your ideal customer will be. Create 15-20 meetings with individuals are likely to fit. Ask them questions about their goals and, most importantly, see if your community could assist them in obtaining an item they'd be willing to spend money on!

When you've done this, you can create what we call a big goal statement. A big purpose statement is as follows:

Validate the business with sales

One of the easiest ways to validate any online venture is to prove it through sales. Ask anyone who's done the hard work of creating an online service and they'll tell you that a lot of people say, "Oh yeah, that's an excellent concept!" But it doesn't mean they'll buy.

If you can presell something then you're sure you can actually sell it as a product. Although it's intimidating to pre-sell, it's worth the effort if you can sell some beforehand to prove your concept.

Depending on your membership structure Can you set up your online community? If you're conducting the interviews, and you've got the perfect idea of the person who is you believe your "ideal person" is, try it! This could be as simple as notifying your ideal clients understand that they have the option of pre-paying for the community membership prior to a specific release date.

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Find the correct price

Pricing is notoriously difficult regardless of the industry that you're working in. Pricing an online community is no any different. It's tough to know the best approach to start as well as there's some trial and failure. For reference, the communities that run on have an average price of $39.55 per month. It's an excellent starting point however it's not by any by any means a definitive figure.

If you are thinking about pricing structure, think about how you want to deliver worth. Do you just run the group? Would you like to increase sales to a virtual event, or high cost mastermind group?

The platform we've developed lets you monetize with about dozen possible combinations. Certain people opt to charge a low fee for membership for their community, making their money at the opposite side of courses sales. Others go in the opposite direction, charging a greater annual membership fee, and incorporating everything. Some charge a high membership fee and also offer a higher-priced course! There's no standard solution.

But, having said that, don't be afraid to make a charge. The people will benefit more out of your community with a sufficient amount of money to value the service. And you can bring much more value to your community if you're not broke working a day job to keep your community going.

It's far more convenient to have 100 members that pay $40/month than try to find 1,000 people who pay $4 per month to pay exactly the same amount.

Check your churn

One of the most important aspects of creating an online community business are the monthly repeat revenues. MRR is a holy grail for businesses. It's why pretty much every firm you've met is switching to a membership or subscription model.

However, if you wish to be successful in running an MRR business, the goal isn't simply getting people into. They must stay there long enough that it is worth the effort. Especially if you are spending an enormous amount of money and time in the channels for acquiring customers.

Pay attention more than how many join your neighborhood each month. Pay attention to how many of them are leaving. This is known as"membership churn. And getting your churn lower is as crucial as getting your acquisition higher.

Make sure you're providing value to your customers.


  • Take it in.        
  • Do interviews or surveys to ensure that people are satisfied.        
  • You might want to conduct an exit interview with those who have left, if you are able. (Just request real opinions. )      
  • Figure out which parts of the community they love most, and then do more of that.        
  • Spend your energy to things that nobody else seems to really care about.        

Each of these aspects help to cut down on the amount of churn that occurs, which is crucial to the success of your community business.

Select the appropriate platform

It should not come as an unwelcome surprise to find that at we think a lot about the best possibility of a platform for an online community. The reality of any online venture is that your achievement will, at least to a certain degree, depend on the choices you make regarding the software you use.

Research shows how powerful small user experience changes can make for a business online. We have learned that making checkout simpler can lead to higher revenue, like. We have observed that adding a community to a course leads to higher percentages of students completing the course because they have the ability to stay committed and accountable. We are aware that adding an app helps you connect to your community online.

For all these reasons and more, the community-building platform you choose matters. And for what it's worth our team has created an incredible all-in-one platform that does everything you want to run an amazing community with no additional software.

Do not believe us when we say it. You can try it for absolutely no cost, with without credit card needed.

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