How do you create a marketing Funnel: A Strategic Guide for 2024

Apr 3, 2024

Marketing-related content that is not created with the assistance of funnels or a method for marketing could be as if you were sailing without a plan or course. The funnel that you use to market will aid in forming your strategy in the background so that potential customers are guided through the process from brand awareness up to a purchasing decision.

This article will start by providing a thorough look at what marketing funnels are as well as their purpose along with a few words that should not be interpreted as funnels that are used for marketing. Then, we'll dive into nine easy steps that you can follow to create your personal marketing funnel now.

Go ahead:

What are funnels in marketing?

A marketing funnel represents the buyer's journey. The funnel's marketing procedure begins by gaining awareness and ends by converting.

The funnel of marketing is the ideal tool that for marketing experts to visualize the journey because marketers expect to witness anywhere from 20% to as high as 80% of their customers drop off at each stage of the funnel. When people stop dropping off, the number of prospective customers becomes smaller and smaller. Only one percent of the people who are in the initial awareness phase reaching the conversion phase.

The number of stages within the marketing funnel is determined by the business's strategy. The company may have three stages, while another may include four or five. Our own guide on making a funnel to market can guide you through the five.

MOFU ToFU and BOFU: What they are

Because funnels are different from one company to company, it's common to hear phrases in the field of marketing such as top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) as well as middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) and bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU). These terms are used to describe the general position of content or a client within the funnel overall.

Content from TOFU is all about increasing awareness. BOFU content can be described as creating content that is driven by conversion. However, MOFU content falls between these two categories and has often blurred borders with its neighbors.

The purpose of a blog post is typically focused on generating brand awareness and this is especially true when it's educational. A blog post which compares two software products is designed to draw in potential clients who haven't reached the stage of awareness. However, it could be driving traffic to websites in addition to increasing brand recognition, and thus accomplishing the goals of both MOFU and TOFU contents.

When we break down the marketing funnel stages in the next section We've included five complete stages because we consider this to be the most adaptable approach. The majority of funnels consist of at a minimum, three stages with the stages four and five being additional.


The first step, awareness, refers to brand perception. This stage's goal is to create a sense of trust and make customers aware of your brand or the particular product or service. The people in this stage are the most prominent in the funnel of marketing.

There are times when prospective clients in the awareness stage face a challenge, yet they may or may not understand the answer to the issue.

Additionally, it's likely that customers in the future will be more aware of your business's image if there isn't the issue your business can solve.

For instance, a customer, could find out about your cooler company shortly after purchasing a cooler. When they've followed you on Instagram your account, they've entered the point of becoming aware, even if they're not shopping to buy a new cooler.

The awareness phase typically involves social media, digital marketing, and other strategies for marketing content. The search engine optimization (SEO) can play essential in this stage, as it's a strategy that can be used through YouTube, Google, and even Instagram to help get your information in front of more people.

Then there is the consideration

Customers in the stage of consideration in the marketing funnel are past awareness and are actively pursuing a solution to an issue. They're in the middle of the funnel.

The consideration stage typically includes information designed to bring people towards making a purchase decision. This often includes ebooks and research reports as well as webinars, demos, tutorials as well as white papers and templates. It could also be websites or blogs such as the one in the above example.


At the point of conversion at the point of conversion, potential buyers make the decision to purchase.

This stage in the buyer's journey customer is familiar with your brand as well as your products and services and is looking for details to aid in making a decision. They are considered to be on the lower part of the funnel.

Marketing tools in this phase typically include demos of products Trial periods for free prices, breakdowns of plans, case studies along with social evidence. With these types of assets, they aim to strengthen the prospective buyer's perception of your product or service's value for them.


Certain marketing funnels are brought to an end after the stage three. This may sound reasonable in some situations, we know that a customer's experience doesn't end when they make a purchase. It goes far beyond that.

Imagine Alex's story. Clients walked through the sales funnel then they reached next level, the purchasing decision. It was only after they made a decision to purchase that they began to drop off to the business and the product to search for alternative choices. This indicates that they weren't loyal to the company or product.

The term "customer loyalty" refers to the continuous positive and lasting relationship between an organization and its customers. Since it is less expensive to retain customers rather than get new ones, the retention phase of your marketing funnel could be the one that offers the greatest returns on investment.

Things you can try to get customers to stay loyal are:

  • Providing excellent customer service
  • Inquiring for input from the customer and then acting upon the feedback
  • Always seeking methods to understand better your customer's needs
  • Offering comprehensive customer education


Fifth stage of our funnel of marketing is advocacy. The customers at this point go beyond your average loyalty; they're your company's biggest fans. If asked to recommend you to friends and friends, they reply with an affirmative way. They'll then perform the suggestion.

To further increase your investments to improve customer satisfaction, customers who are your brand's advocates are able to bring more people into your advertising funnel in a way that is completely independent, by the word of word of.

It is possible to assist clients at this point with referral or affiliate program. These programs are intended to help clients to increase your brand's visibility by sharing their experience with family and friends and coworkers. They can also be able to share the experience with their neighbors or any other person they believe will benefit from what you have to offer them.

     Marketing funnels vs. AIDA funnels: What's the distinction?    

Marketing funnels AIDA funnels have gained an entry into the halls of famed marketers. They were created by Elias Lewis in 1898, AIDA funnels are often employed in conjunction with funnels to aid in marketing, however AIDA funnels have distinct differences.

Let's start by looking at the causes for why they're in a jumble.

Both AIDA funnels, as well as marketing funnels guide potential buyers to the consideration, awareness and buying phase.

AIDA can be an abbreviation that means: AIDA acronym means:

  • A Attention - Customers who are interested in your product or service notice your company's name and its product or service
  • I am interested - Conscient of who you are as well as the services you provide, prospective customers are intrigued by what you have to offer them.
  • D Esire - The moment is now, potential clients are already familiar with your company and your offering and have begun to envision what their life would look when they make a purchase
  • The action buyer is able to take a decision about buying

AIDA funnels are described as linear that have only four steps. Marketing funnels, however, can be more complicated. The five-stage marketing funnel is an example of the funnel which goes much further than the AIDA model.

The AIDA model will never incorporate loyalty or advocacy due to the 4-stage limit. The funnel for marketing will allow marketers more flexibility, because they are able to add and eliminate the stages in order to explain their customer journey better, or go in the direction of creating a cyclical funnel.

     The contrast between sales funnels and marketing    

Sales and marketing funnels that are similar to AIDA funnels, can be commonly used to describe them interchangeably.

In the case of an automobile business could make use of online marketing and PR to build brand brand awareness (stage one) however, the salesperson who works at the dealership helps customers throughout the buying process (stages 3 and 2). If this is the case there is a clear difference between sales and marketing.

Conversely, for an online business, such as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company, a marketer might be able to guide a potential customer from the awareness stage to making a purchase, potentially bypassing the need for direct contact with a sales representative. If this is the case, funnels work the same way.

No matter what the circumstance, salespeople as well as sales specialists play vital parts in both funnels. Both often overlap and merge. There is a difference between the final stage of a marketing funnel as well as the start of a sales funnel may not be universal, however it's specific to your organization's method of operation and approach. Knowing when it is possible to determine where and how to determine the difference is vital, yet it's a decision which only you can to make.

Make a funnel for marketing using 9 steps

After gaining a thorough grasp of how a funnel works and what it does in the first place, let's review of the essential steps involved in creating your personal marketing funnel starting by identifying your target audience.

Learn about and identify your target audience and how you intend to connect with.

The very first stage of designing a marketing funnel that is effective is comprised of two phases.

By having the proper information you'll be equipped to tailor your marketing strategies to meet the needs of potential customers you'd like to connect with and increase the chances of your funnel's success.

Sketch out the customer's journey

The route of your customers' journey outlines every interaction potential customers have with your business from the start of the funnel to the end of the funnel's marketing plan. It will include interactions that you've through your social media channels along with your website as well as your support team.

It is necessary to identify the different stages of your funnel, and mapping customer interactions and experiences to each of them. For example, in the awareness stage, potential customers might first encounter your business through posts on social media or blogs, and in the consideration stage, they might explore your website or engage with your newsletters.

Understanding the way that customer journeys interconnect with every stage of the funnel that leads to the market is vital to optimizing customer experiences and leading customers to convert

Set objectives for your marketing funnel

Once you've created your customer flow map and funnel marketing strategy You can then set clear defined goals for each stage of the funnel. It is recommended to set SMART goals. The term SMART stands for: Specific, measurably, achievable, meaningful, and time-bound.

An excellent example of a SMART target in the upper part of the funnel is "boost the traffic to your blog by 5percent between 2024 to 2024%." One example for from the middle to the bottom of the funnel could be "Increase the volume of ebook downloads from 10 to 10%."

Set SMART goals similar to those will let you evaluate the progress of each step in addition to the overall performance. If your funnel's results don't match your expectations it will be easy to figure out what you can take action about it. efforts (more on this later).

Identify the best ways to connect with your audience

Step four in creating a marketing funnel is the initial step that is the most significant one. It's what pulls together all of the efforts you've made up to now.

In this case it is necessary to mix information from your study of your target market (step one) together with the actions in your channel (step two) as well as your SMART goals (step 3.) in order to identify the most effective strategies for engaging customers. The goal is to align the appearance of your business to the preferences of your audience.

If, for instance, your target audience are GenZ university student (step one) and the objective is to raise awareness about social media by 10% over the next year (steps two and three) A social plan that prioritizes TikTok along with Instagram will benefit your business better than focusing only on Facebook as well as Pinterest.

Other channels for engagement include platforms such as Reddit, YouTube, and X TV, as well as podcasting and also printed media.

Create a content strategy creation and optimization strategy

Once you've identified channels for engagement, it's time to create content for the top and middle-of-the-funnel.

Similar to step 4 which was dependent on steps one, three and two, this stage depends on the four of them. Your content must be specifically designed to be based on your target viewers' needs, the funnel stage, channel for participation, as well as the objectives you've set for yourself.

In this case, prospective customers in the awareness phase would benefit the most from educational materials. If you are aware of the possibility that your audience is searching for information on Google and your goal is to increase visitors to your website, the creation of an SEO blog article about a question frequently asked in the industry you work in is the best method to attract people to your site and increase brand awareness.

The key is to not simply optimize your content for the specific funnel stage or pain point and pain point, but also optimize your content for the specific search engine that is that is responsible for the distribution of your content. Google is the most used website traffic and search engine. But social platforms are also search engines, each with distinct algorithms.

Make use of lead captures to apply nurture tactics

If you're writing your content and moving toward the middle and at the bottom of your funnel, it's the time to offer different types of material.

Be aware that customers who are at the end of your sales funnel, are at the conversion and consideration phase, are seeking to learn about your service or product better.

The kind of content that will help your clients comprehend your brand more clearly is made up of webcasts, ebooks and live demonstrations. But, it's essential to realize that creating these kinds of content can incur higher expenses when compared to TOFU content. While businesses generally don't charge for content of high value however it is common for them to require some sort of exchange, usually in the form of details.

Lead magnets are available.

Lead magnets are a great tool to attract and capture leads efficiently. They're usually larger and more valuable than material from TOFU, causing businesses to request contact information, such as email addresses and phone numbers to gain access to valuable content.

For instance, writer George Pitts is able to find his lead-in magnet within the bio section of the Instagram bio. It could be a guide to resources as well as a workshop or an online webinar. The instructor can use it to create an email list and present his teaching style with his students, provide the value and eventually, create an offer for a class. Lead magnets can be used in the same way to collect emails from individuals who are attracted to your company and aid in the growth of the point of a sale.

Other details such as title of the job, income, etc. can help businesses ensure that leads are more qualified.

When you've got your leads, you're now able to either do two options: take the leads to the next level or nurture the leads.

A lead nurturing campaign is straightforward: the goal is to be at the top of their mind, whether it's through pop-up advertisements or a customized mailer or another way. At some point they'll be interested in the service you offer which is why it's important to be the first brand you consider in the event they decide to buy.

Convert your target audience

The leads that are in the process of change require a more precise method than those who have been well-fed.

Think of lead nurturing as a way that keeps individuals interested, and not letting them fall off. For those who are eager to move on the focus is on getting them moving forward and not letting their attention wander or withdraw.

Here's how you push people to change their behavior:

  1. Utilize social proof. Customers who are during the conversion process are likely to be influenced by customer testimonials along with relevant case studies that reflect the requirements of their clients and their personal experiences.
  2. Set up offers in a strategic manner. If your target audience is nearing a purchase decision, they'll be most likely drawn to bundles and discounts or deals that last only a few days, especially if these offers create the appearance of the urgency.
  3. Leverage persuasive calls to action (CTAs). Your CTAs should be clear convincing, persuasive, and demonstrate the importance. For instance "Launch your first class and start earning for free" are more action-oriented as in contrast to "Get underway right now ."

Review, analyze and enhance

The effectiveness of your marketing funnel might last a long time, however, it's not "evergreen." The funnel's effectiveness requires constant monitoring and analysis.

It is possible to evaluate the funnel's success using tools like Google Analytics and Hubspot to track downloads, traffic to websites along with other indicators.

If the product you're offering is housed on a Software-as-a-Service, you may be able to track some metrics directly on the platform. For instance, Funnels allows creators to develop leads and keep track of their leads by offering digital goods at no cost, or components of premium products at no cost.

The numbers you should be monitoring will differ based on the funnel stage as well as your goals that you wish to achieve. In order to help you start, we've compiled a list of the most commonly used measurements that you should be monitoring in relation to the stage (TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU). ).


On the other end of your funnel, you are looking to understand the behavior of your customers. Examples include how your users are interacting with your content, and what is their method of engagement?

The most useful metrics for tracking ToFU These are:

  • Website traffic - The unique amount of people who visit your web page will let you know the number of new users have visited your site.
  • The source of traffic - It will tell you the source of traffic and how visitors arrive at your site. The kinds of traffic you can count on are organic (the consequence the result of SEO) traffic (the result of an SEO strategy) and also paid, social, and referral (the consequence on backlinks) traffic.
  • Brand mentions and PR coverage Though they're not necessarily a factor, these things can indicate how others feel about your business.
  • Social media engagement is composed of impressions, likes comments as well as shares and followers. It is also a sign of how effective your strategy for social media marketing is.

The goal behind these measures is to observe growth in amount of months, or perhaps year-over-year.


The data you collect in this section of the funnel will allow you to determine how valuable your content is to prospective buyers.

MoFU-related indicators that can be useful to monitor can be used to track:

  • Lead conversion rate. It determines the degree to which your visitors are converted to leads.
  • Time on Page and Site Time Page and the time that visitors spend the time they spend on a particular page or your site (if they visit many pages) could indicate the value of your web content.
  • The number of page views and bounce rates per session show the level of high quality and quality of content. The higher bounce rate along with the lower number of page views per session indicate that users aren't happy with what they find on your site.
  • Cost per lead is an indicator of how effective or expensive your lead generation efforts are. However, the cost per lead doesn't always indicate of a "good" funnel, or a "bad" funnel, smaller numbers will be better.
  • Click-throughs, opens and opens to emails This indicates how successful and persuasive your copywriting is in advertising via email. Effectively written headlines and emails can generate more clicks, opens and opens. They also bring traffic to your site.
  • Landing page clicks and scrolls An abundance of scrolls and clicks indicates that visitors are keen on the information of the landing page.

If the information you're testing in this section isn't enough to meet your expectations this could be a sign that the quality of written content isn't adequate or you're targeting at the wrong people, or that you aren't providing enough value from the marketing funnel.


Due to the fact that BOFU indicators are linked to purchase behavior They are readily tied to revenue that is generated. These metrics can help you determine the efficacy of conversion initiatives and give clear insight into your strategy's financials.

The most useful BOFU measurements you can track are:

  • Conversion rate is also referred by the name lead-to-customer-conversion rate This indicates how efficient your funnel has been in converting leads into buyers.
  • Your sales cycle's duration determines how effective your sales funnel (the BOFU phase of the funnel for marketing) is.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) The ad spend on the highest point of your funnel may be used to raise the awareness of. As it's not tied to a purchase, it's difficult to know. In the opposite end of the marketing funnel the ad's spend could be tied to purchase behaviors. An increase in ROAS suggests your ads are effective in creating sales.

A poor BOFU indicators are a lower conversion rate, high CAC, poor CLV and a longer duration to sell and poor ROAS. If you're noticing any of these indicators that indicate your conversion process is inefficient or you're paying more to gain customers, compared to what you'll earn from that partnership.


Similar to a bounce rate for your website Post-purchase metrics enable you to assess your clients' overall satisfaction with your product or service.

Useful BOFU metrics to monitor are:

  • Rate of retention - This measurement determines the amount of customers a company maintains over a certain time measuring customer the level of satisfaction as well as loyalty.
  • Net promoter score (NPS) The score a measure of loyalty and satisfaction, which asks how likely customers are to refer your service to family members, friends or colleagues.
  • Churn percentage customer churn refers the amount of customers that have stopped from using your service or product during a time-span.
  • Rate of Cross-Sell or Upsell - This refers to your ability to promote more products or services your current customers.

The post-purchase metrics are linked to the loyalty and advocacy stages of the marketing funnel, and don't appear in the entire funnel of marketing. We'll look at ways you can include post-purchase data into your funnel.

Make sure that customers are engaged with you after the purchase

Making sure that existing customers are happy is almost always more affordable as compared to gaining new customers. In the same way, loyal and satisfied customers may become brand advocates and recommend you to relatives and friends, as well as coworkers. This type of endorsement could be classified as word of mouth marketing, and it is highly sought-after for its incredible return on investment.

Customers who've already invested money nudge their families and friends through the path you've set for them. Often, it's absolutely no cost. Though word-of-mouth marketing isn't costly, it's not a justification to avoid spending the money to help your customer after purchase. There are many methods to assure that customers are happy about your service or product:

  • Relevant product recommendations Cross-selling or upselling in the right setting, can bring the most value for your customers.
  • Content that's engaging Customers have a desire for content. Therefore, make sure to incorporate these elements into your strategy for content. For the best outcomes, we suggest developing content targeted to existing customers.
  • Community building - Establish an online community which allows your clients to discuss ideas, to solve issues, as well as celebrate the accomplishments of each fellow.
  • Customer surveys collect data from existing customers. They make use of the information to improve their experience and also for new customers.

Final Thoughts

A successful marketing funnel isn't an overnight process, but a cyclical journey of growth and improvement. When you gather data about your current clients, past customers and potential clients, you'll be able to improve your funnel's efficient through the entire procedure. Keep in mind that optimizing your funnel doesn't only focus to achieve better results. It's about offering a more pleasant service to the people who utilize your services. Every move you take can help your company get closer to serving your own community more effectively.

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