How do you create an online Course Website: Step by Step Guideline

Dec 2, 2022


Take this step-by step tutorial to learn the process of creating a site to advertise the online course of training using CreativeMindClass which is a tool for free used by top creators.

      - Start creating your website

website for an online course guide example

How do you create an online web site for your school in just 6 simple steps

Persuade your audience to buy by using visuals and text.

A well-organized, informative site will promote the course to the people around. It all boils down to the simple question: why should people choose your program over another? Provide a sense of security to your customers and let them are aware of what they can expect from your course. A course site that is well-converting is usually simple, original and full of inspiration. The site has attention-grabbing content along with illustrations that illustrate the major positives, ending with a simple call-to-action.

This tutorial will teach you the best method of creating an attractive site with CreativeMindClass. The software lets you continuously display the strengths of your application using copy, images and promotional videos to make a web page that is awe-inspiring to your visitors.

Steps in this guide

  1. Draw the viewers attention
  2. Add inspiring visuals
  3. An introduction to the course
  4. Highlight benefits
  5. Give an example of the course
  6. Use it to share with your followers

     1. Get the attention of your visitor

Your website must get your message quickly so that your prospective customer leaves. The first thing that they see is the headline. It clearly states the benefit of your program and explains the advantages a prospective customer is likely to enjoy.

Make sure it's short as well as sharp and clear. One of the most efficient ways to ensure the headline is short is to make a supportive headline. The headline could be at the end of the headline phrase or an additional paragraph that supports the primary statement.

Online course website guide Step 1: Grab the visitor's attention

What is it? within CreativeMindClass

  1. Click on the edit button, which is in the Welcome section.
  2. Write HEADLINE.
  3. Utilize the phrase SUB-HEADLINE.

     2. Add inspiring visuals

It is important to ensure that the visitors know about the promotion with the hero image (or backgrounds videos) located in the upper part of your web page. What do the images tell you about the value of your online course? Imagine your prospective customer in the scenario that you've created to assist your students. The visuals should be large in size, as well as sharp and sharp.

Online course website guide Step 2: Add inspiring visuals

What's it? Within CreativeMindClass

  1. Click the Edit button on the Welcome section.
  2. Click HERO Image, BACKGROUND VIDEO or Animationto include your images.

     3. Present your course

Include a few key information about the online course you are offering. What is it that you are teaching? What will the time frame be? How many classes do you provide? Are you able to provide any bonuses material? What's the assignment of the class? What's the goal of the course? It allows users to browse your website swiftly to comprehend the value of what they're buying.

Online course website guide Step 3: Introduce your course

How can I obtain it inside CreativeMindClass

  1. Click the the Edit button, which is in the the Overview section.
  2. Type HEADER.
  3. Write PARAGRAPH.

     4. Highlight benefits

The benefits clearly stated will convince the majority of individuals. Provide more information on benefits of the learning process and its importance. What can the students learn? What can the class accomplish to the students? What changes will they undergo? What are the most painful challenges you have to face?

The easiest way to highlight positive aspects is to compose your headline in a clear and straightforward manner. Add a subheader to support the main statement. In your paragraphs, write about your primary learning objectives in detail, and then describe the value you're providing.

Another way to highlight the advantages of your program is by using an attractive photograph.

Online course website guide Step 4: Highlight benefits

How to do it within CreativeMindClass

  1. Click to the edit button located in the benefits section.
  2. Type Header.
  3. Use the Sub-Header.
  4. Create a PARAGRAPH.
  5. Go to the SECTION imageand upload the image that you wish to utilize.

PRO TIP: Keep your focus on the three benefits. Write a text that is concise and easy to hold your reader's attention. Make sure to circle back any information which is difficult to follow.

     5. Give a taste of the food you will be serving

If someone is thinking about purchasing your online course , they're looking to have a sneak look at the course's content. You can show what your program is all about through creating an entertaining promo trailer. To create a promotional trailer, it is possible to produce a compelling video of an average of 30-60 minutes.

Online course website guide Step 5: Give a taste of your course

How do I get it in CreativeMindClass

  1. Select My Classin the main menu, then click to open it.
  2. When in class, click the Class page tab and it will be open.
  3. Click VIDEO TRAILERto upload your promo video.

     6. Share it with your friends

Congratulations! Once you've built your site for your online course, your creation is completed. It's an exciting time after all the work.

Another type of job begins! The time is now to communicate the latest news to your target audience. Add the URL of your social media or website account, your emailor blog and begin your promotional campaign.

PRO TIP: Before you present the class to the public, be sure all the lessons and exercises have been published.

Online course website guide Step 6: Share it with your audience

How to do it within CreativeMindClass

  1. Choose the Settings optionin the primary menu and after which click Settings to open it.
  2. Copy CreativeMindClass web address.
  3. It is possible to share your class with your students.

And you're done!

When your site has been completed, you will are now able to promote the online course. If you're launching your online course today, you can use the no-cost template below to create a new website, or review our detailed guide to the process of creating an online course.

     Create your website for your online course. Today.

Get started for no cost with the easy-to-use template of CreativeMindClass.

video lessons for online course guide example

      - Start your course website

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