How To Create A Promo Video For Your Online Course

Jun 13, 2024

The marketing strategy which is most suitable for your course is dependent on the content of your class along with your desired group of students, however no matter whom you're trying enrolling in your course, there's a marketing truth that will help you in your endeavors: video marketing is one of the best methods to connect and interact people via the web.

If you're just beginning to learn about videography, it might seem difficult to grasp, but don't be! With the right tools, and a bit of direction it's possible to make videos that accurately represent your business plan and grab the attention of your target audience. Let's first explore the specifics of video marketing and why it has considered to be a successful tool.

     What is video marketing?

Videos are used for video marketing. Videos can be used for promoting your company. That's it! It's incredibly simple and effective. The term "promotional video" refers to a promotion video is a specific video created for the sole purpose of advertising a certain event, product such as an event or offer, or even online courses. Most promo videos are short (ours typically last around 15 minutes) with one main focus on the registration of prospective students for instance.

Actually, it's not something new using video for marketing. The concept of using video in marketing has been around for quite a while. The thing that makes the current landscape of marketing distinct isn't necessarily a new technique for video, but it's the rise of social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat--these are all platforms on social media which provide (relatively) new way that people can exchange thoughts and stay connected. Since all the social networks are accessible in apps that can be downloaded on phones and tablets, users have access to them at any time at any time and anywhere. So, your course has the possibility of being connected all the time to your audience.

     What impact has social media had on marketing through video?

While also changing the way people interact and communicate with each other Social media has changed how you connect with people in the group that you're attempting to reach. In contrast to television and radio, the social media channel always on. Furthermore, the amount of viewers that video advertisements through social media is able to connect with is astounding. Consider this:

  • According to Statista According to Statista about a quarter of the population of America has a profile on social media. United States has a social account on a social network.
  • As of December, 2015, over 59 billion people are using Facebook. From these 1.59 billion users, 1.4 billion users are active with the platform through their mobile phones.
  • Instagram has 400 million users when it was writing this article in September, 2015.
  • While they are smaller than Facebook as well as Instagram, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Snapchat all have at least one million users active.

     Does the value the video marketing can bring is worth the effort needed to create it?

The short answer to this question is undoubtedly yes. If you'd like to understand more about the question in a deeper approach, let's first look at why your course's target audience might be an ideal choice for your marketing video strategies:

  • When you make videos with high-quality content it is possible to create a bond which is emotionally connected to your course's target viewers. Videos may bring out the features of your company that are most popular with your target audience, those who view your video may think that they have a better understanding of the brand's image that they do have if they had read the exact information presented in written form. This is crucial when your course is part of the company you run.
  • It is much easier for people to read than text. Through providing visuals which people are able to concentrate upon the content, video marketing is able to convey the message in an easily understandable way that blends sight and sound--making it memorable.
  • Marketing via video can boost the likelihood of audience members to purchase whatever product is advertised. This means those who watch videos are more likely enrol to take online courses.

Although engagement with your target audience members is certainly the goal behind videos marketing, it's equally important to study the technical side of video marketing in order to figure out how best to get engagement. After all, you can't leave a lasting impression with viewers if they don't see the video you've created. Below are a few methods which video marketing could add greater worth to the promotional campaign, bringing your message to a greater number of people:

  • Many people love sharing content they like via social media. videos are a great method to let them spread your message. If you create video content for marketing which will be valuable to your intended people, they'll feel compelled to share your content to their families, friends and professional networks. They're more likely to enroll in the online courses that you offer.
  • Video marketing isn't a requirement for the expense of expensive equipment and extensive editing It can also be utilized to advertise your business on the spot (it's much faster to make videos than blogs!). You can actually to produce a promo video that you post in the space of minutes (not hours) It means that it is possible to continually make video marketing content that is relevant, interesting as well as engaging. This results in content users will want to take to social media and publish.
How to create a promo video for your online course | Julie Ball |

     Can video marketing keep your course relevant?

Apart from the benefits of video marketing we've discussed but there's an important advantage to incorporating videos into the school's marketing plan is an excellent idea: relevance.

With the advancement of technology over time, companies have had to keep up to stay competitive in the eyes their target audience members. Video marketing is one more stage in the long line of technological advancements as well as strategies for marketing. In actual fact, Cisco predicts that video will account for about 69% of total consumer internet traffic by 2017. Nielsen predicts that 64% market think that video will be a fundamental aspect of marketing plans.

Here are the steps I follow when putting together videos for promotion:

Step 1: PLAN

It is essential to establish a clear plan before spending the time to create the video.

  • Decide the goal for your film. What is the action you'd like viewers to follow when they view the video? Write it down! Make sure you are completely clear prior to proceeding further
  • What is the content you're looking for to include in your video? Include specific photos or video videos you'd like to incorporate.
  • What are you looking to add? Provide specific promotional events and details on the occasion Coupon codes, the need to take action.


The majority of people get stuck because of insufficient tech knowledge. But you don't really require any tech expertise anymore! We create all of our videos for promotion on smartphones.

  • Choose where you will record your video. Choose one of our top apps to make amazing video in five minutes or less. The best five iPhone games for video are Quik, Legend, Stop Motion, Flipagram, Ripl and Boomerang. Some are paid, some offer no cost. Some even include templates, meaning you do not have to "design" everything. If you're not tech-savvy you can try Flipagram initially, since it's an easy slideshow.
  • Drop in your images along with your text in your application of choice. Be sure to only use your own pictures or images that you own the right to utilize. Make sure you don't copy images or images from Google!
  • Want music? There are apps with built-in musical beds, which could aid in making your video appear amazing. Be aware that the vast majority of music included in the iTunes library are protected by copyright. It is possible to face sanctions if you decide to use these songs for your videos, without a permit to use the clip. (i.e. it is possible to be sued, your audio may be blocked, or even your post could be removed from social media - gaaaahhh!) My preferred place to buy music or sound enhancements are The Audio Jungle.
  • When you've completed the video, save the clip to the camera roll or share it directly through the app.

Remember that, if you plan to post your video on Instagram your video should be between 3 and 60 seconds in length. Remember that attention spans are limited... so ensure that your posts are short.

Additionally, if you would like your video to look good on all devices, you should choose a square crop. So, everyone is forced to open their mobile to watch the video.

Here's a sample of a video for promoting a course that I uploaded to Instagram (about 15 seconds in length):

Course Promo Video Example


  • Upload the video to your social media platforms by including a quick text message and a link. Inform your followers what to do. (i.e. boost the effect of your video's call-to action)
  • Include the video on your YouTube channel. You may embed it into blog articles, guest posts on other sites, or as guest articles.
  • Use the video if you're sending out emails for your customers for marketing.

Are you equipped with the skills to create an advertising video that promotes your online program?

Promo videos have been proven to be an effective method to increase the number of students enrolled in courses. If you utilize the tools which are mentioned above, they are more simple than you imagine. Give it a try and you will see the engagement on social media increase!

If you have concerns about the creation of a promo video to promote your online class, send them to the section of comments below. It is also possible to download my video planner worksheet that can help you plan the next video you will make!

Julie Ball is the Founder of Grow Web Marketing, a marketing firm that aids women entrepreneurs grow their business, their brand, as well as their brands. To learn how you can create video content that is high-quality to market your business without spending a dime You can enroll in the course called easy video marketing for small Businesses.

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