How To Create A Promo Video For Your Online Course

Jun 20, 2024

The method that works best for your specific course is determined by the contents of your course and the students you're targeting, but regardless of whom you're trying to enroll into your class, there's an aspect that will improve the efficiency of the campaign you're using to advertise the course. This is using video marketing. It's a fantastic way to engage and communicate with users on the internet.

If you're a novice to video, this might appear difficult however, don't worry! If you've got the proper tools and some direction it will be possible to make videos that convey your goals and catch the interest of your target viewers. We will look into the fundamentals of video marketing and the reasons it's become a successful tool.

     What's the significance of the use of video in marketing?

Videos are used in video marketing in your marketing. That's it! It's very simple and efficient. It's simple and effective. promotional videos are a type of video developed to advertise a specific item, occasion or for your online course. These videos tend to be smaller (ours usually run about 15 seconds long) and they have just one main objective to sign up students such as.

To be honest it's not that new to use video for marketing. Video has been used by marketers for quite a while. The difference between today's video market isn't an entirely new concept in video. It's social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat--these are the popular social media platforms that provide (relatively) new and innovative way for users to connect and remain in contact. Because the social media networks are available in applications that are downloaded for tablet and mobile devices Users can connect to the networks at any time and at any time. So, your app will remain connected with your intended audience.

     How has social media impacted the field of video-based marketing?

Apart from altering the way that people communicate with each other Social media has also changed the way you interact within the groups you would like to get in touch with. Contrary to TV and radio, the social media channels are constantly active. In addition, the volume of viewers that video advertisements on social media channels is in a position to reach is astonishing. Think about it:

     Do you believe the advantages from video marketing are worth the time and time and effort required to create it?

Short answer: 100% Absolutely. To find a more specific answer let's look at reasons why the target audience of your program could be greatly benefited by the techniques you use:

  • If you create videos with good quality content, you'll be capable of creating a bond which is arousing for the intended students of your school. Videos are a great opportunity to emphasize the brand's characteristics which appeal to the students, as they may believe that they're more knowledgeable about the company's image than they would if studying the material in writing. Take this into consideration in the context of classes that are essential to your business.
  • Videos are much easier to understand than texts. Since it is a form of video that the viewer can concentrate on, they will convey your message in a straightforward to comprehend manner, by combining audio and video that makes your message much easier to retain.
  • Utilizing video marketing could boost the likelihood that people are more likely to purchase the product advertised. This means they're more likely to enroll to receive online instruction.

Connecting with your target viewers is the aim of every marketing videos, but it's important to look at the technical aspects involved in marketing via video to determine the most effective method to keep the viewers engaged. There's a reason you can't establish a relationship with your clients when they aren't seeing the content the content you've made. There are a variety of ways videos could add value to your business by bringing your message to more people:

  • Most people want to share information on social media. Videos can be great way to share your message. If you make video marketing material that adds value to those that are your clients, they'll want to send the video out to their families, friends as well as professional networks. They are likely to enroll in your online education course.
  • Video marketing does not require costly equipment or laborious editing, it is employed for marketing your business quickly (it's easier to make videos than certain blog content!). Actually, it's possible to make a promotional video that you can post in a few minutes (not hours) making it feasible to produce a constant video marketing piece which is entertaining, informative and interesting. The result is that people are likely to share on social media, and later post it to social media and then share it with friends.
How to create a promo video for your online course | Julie Ball |

     Can video marketing keep your course relevant?

Alongside the advantages that video marketing can bring, as we've mentioned it's also a factor that incorporating video into the marketing strategy of your school is beneficial: relevance.

In the age of technological advancement throughout the years Companies are required to stay current with the new developments in order to make their products in the attention of the people they want to reach out to. Video marketing is a further element in the larger plan of technological advancements as well as techniques for marketing. It is true that Cisco forecasts that video will comprise 69% of all internet traffic in 2017. Nielsen reports that 64% of the experts believe that video will become an an integral part of marketing strategies.

These are the steps that I employ when making promotional videos:


It is essential to have an action plan in place prior to you commit to for more than an hour to make videos.

  • Select the goal that the film's goal is to achieve. What actions do you wish viewers to emulate as they view your video? Keep a record of this! You must be fit prior to starting.
  • What information do you have to add in your video? Include specific photos or video videos you'd like to incorporate.
  • What would you like to include? Include specific promotion or event information, coupons or call to action.


The majority of people are handicapped by inadequate tech skills. There is no need to become a tech expert right now! We create all of our videos to promote by using phones.

  • Select the best location to create the video. Make use of the top software to make breathtaking videos in five minutes or less. The top five iPhone video apps comprise Quik, Legend, Stop Motion, Flipagram, Ripl and Boomerang. Certain are free, while others are cost-free. Many templates have templates included, so that you do not have to "design" everything. If you're not expert in tech, you can test the Flipagram first because it's a simple slideshow.
  • Upload your photos and text to the software you wish to use. Be sure to only use images that you have taken yourself or those you own the rights to use. Make sure you don't take images that you have downloaded from Google!
  • Want music? There are programs equipped with music beds built in that can transform your video into stunning sound. Be aware that the vast majority of music you own within the iTunes library is protected with copyrights. This means that you could be penalized if you choose to use the music for your movie without obtaining permission from the owner to use the music. (i.e. you could be sued, which can mean that the music your creation could be censored or erased on social media platforms Gaaaaahhh!) The best place to purchase audio or sound effects are the Audio Jungle.
  • After you've finished recording your video onto your camera roll, then you could transfer it to an program.

Remember that if intending to post your video on Instagram, it must be between 3 and 60 minutes in duration. Keep in mind that attention spans could be extremely short... therefore ensure that your post isn't too long.

If you would like your video to appear good on all devices, switch to the square cut. In this way, all users don't need to switch their phone to see the video.

This video is a sample that promotes an online course that I shared on Instagram (about 15 minutes):

Course Promo Video Example


  • Upload your video on your social media pages by adding a brief text message and a URL. Let your followers know the steps to take. (i.e. for the purpose of enhancing the impact of)
  • Upload the video to the YouTube account you have created. It is also possible to incorporate the video in guest blog posts, blog posts on other sites, as well as guest blog posts.
  • Use this instructional video each whenever you send email messages advertising.

Are you prepared to develop videos that promote your school to get it noticed on the web?

Promo videos can be a fantastic method to increase the number of students in your school. Through the apps we have mentioned It's easier than you imagine. Try it out and you'll see how much interaction your social networks increase!

If you are worried concerning making a video which will promote your online classes It is your responsibility to address them in the comment section below. Download my Video Planning Worksheet that will aid you in planning your next video that you produce!

Julie Ball is the Founder of Grow Web Marketing, a company that assists entrepreneurs who are women in growing their businesses and also their image and branding. If you're keen on learning how to produce videos of the highest quality for your business without having to spend a dime, you must enroll in a course she provides a simple video marketing course to small businesses.

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