How to create a welcome email (with 8 welcome emails examples) |

May 31, 2022

How do you make a great first impression? sending new subscribers the ideal welcome email. Learn how, plus examples from 8 creators.

Did you have the courage to give someone their number only to wait for several days (or maybe even weeks) for a reply?

If so suffered from this, I am sorry for your loss.

If not, just trust me when I say that it doesn't feel great. And when you're building your business, you don't want your potential customers to feel that way.

When someone sign-up for your list of email addresses the person is entrusting you with the details of their email address. Do not leave them in the dark -- reach out and greet them as soon as possible.

Today, we're sharing six ideas for creating the perfect welcome message that new subscribers will love, including eight of the most effective templates for welcome emails by authors.

What exactly does a welcome email mean? What is the reason to make one?

What is a welcome email (and why should you send one)?

An email to welcome new subscribers is the first message new customers get after signing up to your email list. The welcome emails typically are automated, so subscribers receive them within just a few minutes of joining.

Why should you create and send a welcome email when someone subscribes to your email newsletter?

First and foremost, customers expect you to. 74% of consumers are expecting a welcome message when they sign up. Given that leads are most engaged within the first 24 hours of subscribing, the sooner you reach out, the more effective.

The welcome emails perform well and have higher levels of engagement as compared to typical marketing messages:

The welcome emails of your company can be sent out with up to a 91.43% open rate .

On average, welcome emails are 4x the open rate and 5x that click-through-rate (CTR) of a standard email campaign.

The average of welcome emails is of 32% more money in each one than other marketing emails.

In the end, your welcome emails are your opportunity to make a fantastic first impression, particularly for people who will be interacting with your brand for the first experience.

You've been trusted with their valuable information: Their email address. It's your opportunity to show them that they've made the right choice.

Expert in email marketing Val Geisler put the best point in this analogy of a dinner party :

"You wouldn't greet someone at your home by turning back to them, making them fidget with their bags and shoes while trying to figure out the best place to store their coat. And you certainly wouldn't start shoving the food in their faces prior to even entering the doors. Dinner parties require an inviting welcome with a welcoming greeting and lots of pacing. This email marks the start of a beautiful friendship... so treat it like one."

How do you create that welcoming and welcoming greeting? In our next section, we've got six pro techniques to guide you to do precisely what you want to do.

Six tips to craft an excellent welcome email

1. Create a catchy subject line

Over 300 billion emails are sent every day. Let your welcome message be noticed in the crowded email inbox by using the subject line that people can't resist.

In the realm of advertising via email, subject lines perform quite a bit of lifting. 47% of email recipients open emails based on the subject line alone as well as a whopping 69% of email recipients report email as junk based solely on your subject line.

The open rate is a measure of the number of email users who open an email. To determine an email's opening rate, multiply the number of openings of an email campaign by the total amount of emails sent.

The average open rate is 19.84 percent across all industries . If your open rate isn't adequate, don't worry. You could raise it using these subject line best practices:

Do not use the term "newsletter". It could reduce the open rate by 18.7% .

Shoot for a length of 6-10 word phrases .

If it fits your brand include an emoji or two. It can lead to the creation of a 56% higher opening rate than a subject line without emoji.

Subject lines that contain numbers can have a 1.3 percent higher open rate than average emails.

Personalized message drives the highest open rates.

When I write an email for marketing, I always run my subject line via it through the Subject Line Tester tool. This tester for email subject lines evaluates your subject line based on several factors and offers suggestions on how to get more opens.

You can also A/B test various subject lines in order to determine what attracts your customers to open your emails.

A/B testing, often referred to split testing, is the practice of trying two variables- in this case subject lines to see which one has the best results. 70 percent of professionals marketers report that they test subjects and messages the typically.

If you've got a catchy subject line, it's time to get to the body of the email.

2. Let new subscribers know that you are welcome.

In essence, the welcome message should be exactly what its name suggests to make new customers feel welcome. Thank them for signing up for your newsletter, and tell them how excited you are that they are part of your community.

It may sound like basic behavior, but just a bit of appreciation can go a great distance. 51% of clients claim companies are falling in the gap of customer service expectations, and 54% of them don't believe companies are operating with the best interests of their customers in mind.

Eighty percent of consumers will be willing to pay more for better customer experience.

80% of consumers say that their experience with a brand is equally important as the quality of its products and services.

What would a loving customers experience look like?

Entrepreneur and passive income coach Rachael Taylor is a master at of welcoming new subscribers to her mailing list "The Rachael List". Rachael".

The welcome email from Rachael:

Thanks readers for subscribing and tells them what it means to her.

acknowledges that having an address in her customers' inboxes is something unique (and describes why this will benefit them).

Tells them what kind of valuable content she plans to share.

Rachael is also accompanied by a call to action (CTA) to join her on social networks, which allows users to connect with her right away.

If you have an online community, making new subscribers feel welcome might be a bit more literal. In her welcome email blogger and online teacher Becky van Dijk invites new members to join her Facebook group, Women's Blogging Collective Facebook Group.

The bottom line: Whether you're part of an online community, or don't send a welcome email to let your readers know that you appreciate and take care of them.

3. Introduce yourself

The welcome email is an ideal opportunity to introduce new subscribers whom you are. What did they sign up for, and why do they need to open your email going forward?

Check out the welcome message from Khe Hy, founder of The $10K Institute and also the Rad Reads newsletter:

Khe gets personal, sharing his emotional experience that inspired him to launch his own newsletter. The new subscribers are able to get acquainted with Khe more deeply, and that will help him establish trust with and bond to readers right from the very beginning of their friendship.

The connection you have with your customers can have a huge impact on the growth of your company. People who have an emotional connection to a brand :

Have a 306% higher lifetime value.

Continue to follow the brand longer (5.1 years vs. 3.4 years).

Recommend the brand at a much higher rate (71 percentage versus. 45percent).

If you are a creator or solopreneur, you're your personal brand. Your experience, your personality and unique outlook are all elements that help you stand out from your competitors.

Speaker, author, and podcasting pro Jay Acunzo starts his welcome message by introducing himself and the persona of his newsletter -- to subscribers.

After introducing himself (and his voice as a writer), Jay shares his purpose: to make the things that matter, and encourage other writers to achieve the same.

Your mission statement is the "why" of your organization. As a quote from renowned writer and motivational speaker Simon Sinek , the "why" is "a motive, cause, or belief. This is the reason why your company exists".

56% of customers stay loyal to companies that "get their values," while 89% remain loyal to brands that align with their beliefs. If your "why" resonates with your audience, that relationship we discussed in the past becomes stronger and you'll have customers who are loyal to last for a long time.

Now, let's move on to the introductions, and then into the process of preparing your readers to be successful.

4. Set expectations and share your next actions

Your welcome email should also provide subscribers with information about what to expect from your newsletter. When will your newsletter show up in their mailers? What kind of content will you send to them?

In sending out an email-based course that is free, you give subscribers a preview of the value and outcomes they'll get in the event that they decide to enroll in your paid courses.

For example Web designer and Entrepreneur John D. Saunders provides a no-cost email course "Web Design and Digital Marketing Secrets," to new members of his email list. When a person is accepted into the course they will receive this welcome email.

John offers subscribers an overview of the course. It includes:

Why they should trust him ($50,000+ the last month)

What they can expect to discover (how to create and promote the online company)

Then they'll get their first lesson (in only a couple of minutes)

Take John's advice and send the welcome message to generate excitement about what's to come. It leaves enough mystery to keep his students on the waiting on their toes (and checking their email inboxes) awaiting the first lesson.

5. Offer subscribers a reward for signing up

If you've been shopping online, you're probably familiar with the standard "Enter your email to get 10% off your first order" registration form. Most online retailers include coupons or an deal within their welcome emails to attract new customers to purchase the first purchase.

If you've signed your customers up in exchange for a lead magnet, it's extra important that you distribute the welcome email -- lead magnet included -- right away.

Not only does Natalie provide the book like she promised, she also provides her readers with a motivational talk that is comparable to top motivational speaker. She makes them feel special, tells them how she can help them reach their goals and she even talks about her own entrepreneurial journey.

Not to be left out, Natalie follows our next (and final) tip -- asking her subscribers to share more details about themselves.

6. Learn to get to know your clients

Your welcome email can be a great opportunity to welcome new subscribers to you and to the branding.

Send a welcome email to get to know more about your customer's needs, goals and the reasons that prompted them to sign up.

Discover what they'd like to achieve or learn, then use that knowledge to provide a more personal experience from the material you write to the products you recommend. 75percent of buyers tend to purchase if they're provided with specific product suggestions.

"Even sending a one-question survey could help determine an interest, want or requirement of your customer," explains digital marketing expert Erik Harbison . "This can only help you determine a better approach regarding your content, your timing of delivery, and the expectations."

Through their digital offerings such as podcasts, blogs, and blog, Stacking the Bricks creators Amy Hoy and Alex Hillman aid their fellow creators "Ship other things. Earn more money. Help more people".

This is the welcome email that recipients receive after signing in to this newsletter. Stacking the Bricks newsletter.

In the email Amy invites her readers to assist her, help the following: "Is there something specific you'd like to know or to improve your situation?"

If people respond to their email, and then share their hopes and challenges, Amy and Alex can make use of that data to develop new content that will benefit their audience.

You can take your welcome email research on customers a step further with a segmentation survey.

Email segmentation is the method to divide your email list into smaller lists -- a.k.a. segments -- in accordance with a predetermined set of standards. Instead of sending the same email to your entire list You can instead deliver more pertinent email contents to your subscribers according to the segment they belong to.

Segmentation is a way to do this.

74 Percent of marketers claim that personalization increases the rate of engagement.

72% users are only interested in marketing messages that cater to the interests of their customers.

Relevant content in emails generates 18 times more money than broadcast emails that generalize.

63% of consumers are extremely annoyed with the companies who send out generic messages.

51% of email marketers say that segmentation of email lists is the most effective method of personalization.

Also If you separate your list of email subscribers, you can send your readers the right information they want and that results in higher emails, less unsubscribes and more satisfied users.

An analysis of segmentation surveys helps you learn what type of content subscribers would like to see in their future emails and you are able to segment your email list accordingly.

Python teacher Reuven Lerner is the instructor who sends out a weekly newsletter called "Better Developers". In his welcome emails the subscriber is informed of what kind of content they'll receive each week.

Reuven is also providing the link to his new subscriber survey  which asks subscribers to provide more details about themselves, their experience, and their goals.

Reuven's survey questions include:

      How many years of Python experience do you have?      

      What sort of work are you doing?      

      Do you run a business that utilizes HTML0? online training, in-person training, and/or both?      

      What are some of the major issues you face in Python and other technologies you are using?      

In gathering the information of the people he follows, Reuven is able to offer them a tailored customer experience. This includes suggesting the best products for their skill levels or pain points as well as objectives.

Don't be concerned about annoying your audience by asking for feedback. 90% of the people consider that businesses must be able to drive innovation by paying attention to customers and clients.

Customers would liketo get involved in the products you design They want you to take their feedback to their suggestions and take action.

You're now ready to craft a stellar welcome email of your own. If you want to learn more ideas for creating emails that your readers will appreciate, such as templates for welcome emails that you can customize to fit your needs read this article for starting a newsletter .

As we close we'll look at how simple it is to create an automated welcome message .

How to send a welcome email that includes

Its integrated platform lets creators to create, sell and advertise digital items from a single dashboard including hosting online classes to creating email marketing campaigns.

For setting up an automated welcome message  it, you must create a conditional campaign. Conditionsal campaigns are emails that subscribers enter after they satisfy a particular requirement, such as joining your email newsletter.

This is how you can create and send an welcome email using .

(Want to follow along? Make your free account now. )

First, go to the email tab on your dashboard. Next, you need to click "Create" and then select "New email campaign".

Give your campaign a title. This name will help you maintain track of your campaigns, and only you'll see the name.

Set your campaign entrance condition. In your welcome email to your newsletter the goal is to have people be able to join your campaign once they sign-up for your newsletter. So, select "Joins the mailing list".

With this campaign automation, will send out your welcome email when someone joins your email list.

The next step is to think of an email subject line. You can also write your email copy in the manner we described earlier.

Personalize your welcome email by adding a initial name tag in the body of your email. (P.S. : Personalized emails deliver conversion rates 6 times more than non-personalized emails.)

You can also choose what time after signing up you want your email to arrive, and then you can review your email and send a test email to yourself.

In this instance, we're sending out an individual email message. To learn more about creating an automated workflow to send email sequences such as an email sequence to welcome guests, check out this guide .

After you're pleased with the welcome email you received Make sure "Email is valid and will be delivered with campaign" is turned to on. Then, click "Start campaign".

And just like that the welcome email you sent is live!

New subscribers will automatically receive an email once they sign-up for your email newsletter. And when you use our tips for this morning, they'll feel welcomed with open arms.

Send a welcome message that converts new subscribers into faithful followers

A well-designed welcome email helps build confidence, increases open rates, and helps you to get acquainted with your audience.

For a recap, here are the top six ways to send welcome emails to design a flawless campaign:

Create a catchy subject line that your subscribers are unable to resist. Be sure to try different subject lines to see what resonates with your audience.

Let new subscribers feel welcomed and appreciated with a heartfelt thanks.

Your name, brand, and your mission. This is a great opportunity to increase your credibility and build relationships with new customers.

Establish expectations, particularly when your contacts have entered the course via email. Let them know what comes after.

Give subscribers a complimentary digital download. If they signed up for a lead magnet, make sure that they receive it away.

Get to know your subscribers. Have them share their personal stories using the information to tailor your user experience (or perhaps segment your list).

With all of these strategies to use in your marketing email arsenal Your welcome email sure to be just the start. Keep getting familiar with your customer and send them emails with content they love and you'll be in the process of building an online success and satisfied customers.