How to Keep Customers and recoup Revenue for Your SaaS-based business

May 6, 2023

Subscriptions are vital for any SaaS company model.

This appears to be a perfect model. Customers sign up to your service, and each month, they are charged to keep the subscription. Simple, right?

Incorrect payment details can lead to one of the unspoken reasons behind customer losses in the SaaS industry--involuntary churn. This is the situation where a customer is making a churn without knowing it or contrary to their wishes. It is 7.2 percentage of overall churn throughout all sectors as well as 7.5 percent of churn inside the SaaS space.

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We'll look at ways that you can implement these techniques within your company.

What is the reason for failed payments? Customer churn that's voluntary goes with

One factor that supports all of them is providing your customers with an exceptional user experience. If you have the right procedures implemented, it's feasible to ensure that your clients are satisfied and earn money simultaneously.

Before you get too involved in the procedure to keep your business operating, it is important to determine the definition of involuntary churn. Think of a payment procedure that you've established for your customers:

  • You sign them up to receive the item you are offering
  • The payment date is the 28th day of the month.
  • Initial charges on the credit card that is in their file is not successful.
  • The system then sends the customer an email advising the customer that their purchase failed and that they could lose access to your goods in the event they don't take the necessary actions.
  • If the client isn't able to take action on the first try, and their next try to use their credit card for the transaction is unsuccessful as well.
  • In the event of a third attempt to take payment, the system will deactivate their subscription or they are either moved back to a version that is free of the software or deactivates their subscription completely.

However, what the report doesn't show are the different elements that could be the reason for failed collection collections.

This is the reason why planning for churn involuntary is vital for ensuring the recovery of revenue. This can be accomplished through a myriad of means including:

  • The process of setting up a set of "dunning" emails. These will email a set of payment reminders to your clients, asking them to update their details for credit cards or other payment processor choices
  •       Check how your card's details have been updated by the system. If your customer changes their personal information, are they being transferred to your payment system correctly?
  • HTML0Be sure that the transaction you are processing is secure and that there are no issues with your gateway. It also stops fraudulent transaction.

Three steps that you can implement to recoup earnings and avoid customer churn that is involuntary.

Three methods you could try to collect revenue

1. Provide your customers with an easy method of collecting payments.

We just entered 2020, and we are in a period where people do not expect to be paid on a regular basis and they would like to get it.

When you send invoices to customers and requiring them to pay for subscriptions by hand This doesn't just add a extra layer of difficulty in the process, it can also lead to payments to be delayed. Bills can be lost, and even if it's not intended, the customer may not remember to pay them or inadvertently put their subscription at risk.

The best way to prevent the problem is to offer your customers an effortless automated experience during their payment. Your payment page is not just supposed to offer your client seamless experience as they are signing up for their subscription. It should also make it simple for them to use it anytime they require to modify the payment details.

Here are a few methods to make sure your customers pay for their subscriptions are seamless

  • Create the site or portal that allows customers to update their information: A customer should have the ability to change their details for payment anytime they want, not just in the event that a transaction fails. Make sure this option is accessible to your customers all the time.
  • The first is security. Any time a customer is required to input their credit card details, they must enter the details into a secured space. Making sure that your customers' information is secure when they enter their card details is a crucial part of being sure that they're safe. Are you willing to do business with a business who doesn't use a secure payment method?
  • It's simple to use even if they're operating a mobile device: Your clients are highly active users. Verify that your website and payment gateway can be mobile-friendly, regardless of the kind of device they're on. If they're capable of changing their account information, whether they're in working or traveling and the greater chance they are to do it.
  • Check that everything is working in the right way: As great as technology is however, we know that there are times when it's not perfect. Check on your payment cycles and update pages to be sure that they're functioning as they should be. If not, it's possible that customers have attempted to change their account information, but they aren't able to.

     Utilizing iPayment You can get automatic payments for your subscriptions. manages subscriptions using multiple payment gateways and can handle all the major payment options, currencies as well as the various languages.

2. Relax in the event that the initial installment does not succeed.

A possibility of a failed payment is a possibility. It's part of the subscription game.

When a card used by a customer isn't working, allow them some time to discover the reason for it. With the advancement of technology, such as card updaters that are coming on the scene, details about cards are now much more likely to update instantly. However, there are instances where the card details won't keep up to date. That's where email dunning comes into the picture.

A dunning email is not a way to nag customers about missing payment. Instead, it should be used to check in with the user to confirm all is well, and give them the opportunity to edit the payment information, like this dunning email from Hulu:

  • Make sure your customers are aware of the reason your product is beneficial: Don't demand payment right from the beginning. Instead, frame your email in a manner that reminds the customer of why they paid for your product to begin with. In the Hulu case above, it is a message for users to be in a position to keep watching their favorite shows if they decide to renew their subscription.
  • Keep it short and concise: Don't send a dunning email that's as long as an entire novel. Limit it to two paragraphs and be sure that every one is geared towards an end goal. The goal could be to remind customers of the benefits your product offers to them, followed with a concise description of the transaction that did not go through. Don't make the email all about the unsuccessful payment. It is essential to stress that in the event that the user doesn't take action this will affect their subscription.
  • Give a concise CTA Like Hulu has done in their email linked below. Instead of providing an "pay now" button instead, they've advised the user that it's easy to "reactivate" the account. Include a straightforward CTA to ensure that your client is aware of what they have to do to ensure that their subscription is still active.

Finally, make the card upgrade process as easy as you can. The CTA will direct the user to an update for your card's webpage, which responds to whatever device the customer is reading the message on. The more simple for your customers to make changes to their credit card information and update their card information and card information, the more likely they are to be able to complete the procedure.

3. Don't be afraid of giving the person an opportunity to try again.

Be sure to give your customers the benefit of doubt regarding the reasons behind the bounce. You can also assist them with offering different options for your subscription.

If you experience you are unable to make a payment, don't immediately shut down their account or remove them from your databases. Instead, contact them and inquire about what you can do to assist them.

Consider offering to:

  • Keep their subscription active and on a lower level that they are able to afford.
  • Make them available for a trial version of the software at least for a few minutes
  • Shut down the account

In the case of SaaS and particularly when offering expensive goods don't cut your customers off immediately after the first payment fails. It could be that they've experienced a difficult economic situation, and can't afford to pay for their subscription now. In this case, it's possible to offer to switch your customer over to a cheaper version of your product or stop them from using your product for a limited duration of time until they're in a position to pay.

It is essential to ensure that you treat your clients well regardless of any problems with their payment will keep their satisfaction. They want to be aware of the ups and downs with running an enterprise. By putting their account on hold, instead of removing it will save you from needing to go through the process of re-onboarding once they reactivate the subscription.

This can be a win-win for both your clients.

The process of recovering failed payments is crucial for reducing the amount of churn.

In the event that they fail the event of a failing, it's essential to have the proper system in place in order to ensure that you do not only recover your profits, but keep your customers as well. If an unpaid customer, the first contact you make with them shouldn't be just to claim their refund. Your goal is to reach out to your customers, asking them whether they're having any issues or worries or concerns, and then try to move ahead with them.

Your clients are the vitality for your business. recovering revenue doesn't mean that you'll lose them. However, if you do things right it will lead to an enjoyable experience for your customers as well as your business.

Kimberlee Meier Kimberlee Meier is a Content Writer in B2B/SaaS, which helps new businesses to grow with high-quality, always-green, continually updated and relevant and relevant content. Workshops she conducts are located at

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