How to Write an Online Business Plan

Jul 29, 2023

You've committed to turning your e-commerce or business plan into reality. Your company's goal is to generate income and transform your lifestyle But what's the first stage to achieving your goal? Making a plan. If you're not sure about how to draft a business plan online You're at the right spot.

One of the primary aspects of the beginning of any enterprise is the creation of an effective business plan. The online business plan will not look that different from the traditional plan for business and may include several of the same components.

In this blog, we'll show you how to create an online business plan, including all the components as well as sections. Then, we'll explain how can help you put the plan in action and reach your goals for business.

Why write a business plan?

Starting your own business is a great experience and something can shape your future and fill you with confidence and independence, and encourage others who are around you. A new business is also a serious endeavor that will need time, money sweat, lots of decisions and some risk.

The traditional template for a business plan will help you record and keep track of your business goals, challenges, opportunities as well as the various actions and procedures that go into the process of making your plan work. It will help you conduct extensive market research, and prepare you to be successful.

woman working on a laptop at a table

The document outlines all the steps you'll need to accomplish to launch and develop your company, including revenue projections as well as timelines for goals specific to your business Concept art for product designs and architectural designs to cover all bricks and mortar aspect of your business.

Business plans provide the framework for your company's growth and help keep you to the present, focused and not distracted by more important issues.

If you have several people helping to run the business, the business plan also ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals and objectives.

Another reason to write an business plan is in situations where you are presenting your business idea to someone who is not your friend and asking for their investment. When that happens, your business plan is an additional sales document. It explains what your business's idea is so good and well-considered that an investor should want to be a part of it.

But even if you're self-funding your entire business -- something that is typical for online companiesit's still important to write the strategy for the reasons outlined previously.

Benefits of operating an online business

A business that is online or an ecommerce store offers many of the same great advantages as other businesses, but without as much risk. If you're contemplating beginning a new business, here's why it's an excellent option

It has low startup costs

If you don't have a physical storefront, you eliminate so numerous expenses associated with running a business. With all the bills associated with owning a property such as rental, parking, furniture and decorations, etc. -- there's a much higher investment required to start a brick-and-mortar-based business. Businesses that operate online still face the initial costs but are significantly less expensive.

This gives you the freedom to choose your timetable

When you run an online business it is possible to set your own schedule, as it doesn't have to be open during the normal hours. Your business can be built in accordance with the life that you prefer. Rearrange your time to complete tasks in the fastest possible way and then take some time off when you need it.

It is possible to start with a small amount.

Once you have a location, it's yours, and you need to get it to work. If you have an online-based business, you could start with a small amount, offering just a few products, or perhaps one service. You can more easily test the waters without making huge commitments with inventory, or other investments in physical assets.

It's easier to pivot

If your online or e-commerce business doesn't do better than you had hoped for and you're not sure how to change your strategy, it's simpler to pivot and adapt to something new since you're not committing as heavily to making the original concept work. There are numerous success stories in business where the business owner modified their plan after getting an understanding, then it went off. It's a lot simpler to accomplish this in a situation where you don't have to be tied to an actual site.

But, there's one aspect that online companies are able to share with different type of company It's that you need to have a strong business plan that can you guide your business idea to a successful reality that makes money and achieves your dream and goals.

Now, let's dive into our business strategy.

two people working at a whiteboard

How do I write my personal online business plan?

The majority of formal business plans and templates for business plans include seven sections. They also include an executive summary. Keep your mind on who you're writing the business plan to. If you're presenting your business plan to prospective investors or seeking a business loan, the business plan should promote your business as a great investment opportunity and communicate the skills, expertise and passion that you bring into the equation.

These are the most important sections of a traditional form of business plan:

  1. Executive overview
  2. Description of the company
  3. Market analysis
  4. Organization and management
  5. Line of products and services
  6. Sales and marketing
  7. Financial projections
  8. Request for funding (if you are working with partners or investors)

Here's a brief look at every step involved in the process of creating an online business strategy:

Draft an executive summary

In the executive summary, the first section of almost every business plan template it is where you will present your plan and focus on building anticipation. When the business plan is a sales piece it is the executive summary that serves as the primary point. It keeps the reader interested and eager for more.

Your executive summary must accomplish two purposes:

  1. Deliver the basic facts about your business
  2. Encourage readers to continue reading and inspire them to be excited by your concept

What facts should you include? What information helps your reader comprehend your idea for a business. Describe the industry and niche. Name the market you intend to target. In a concise manner, describe the need or issues your product and services will be solving. Discuss the possibility of increase in sales and customers.

For motivation, describe your objectives and the values that you have set for your business. What will set you apart from other companies? What is your value proposition? What is it that makes you unique? Again -- keep this short. The details will be added later.

It might be a good option to draft all the other sections first, then finish with the executive summary, so that it will be the shortest and most accurate version of the way you present the business.

team of women working around a table

Write a company description

In this section, you'll provide an overview of your business. What are your strengths, abilities, and areas of expertise which will help you achieve success? If you have a compelling motivation for beginning your own business it's possible to include that as well.

Conduct a SWOT analysis

If you're not sure how to begin, you could do an SWOT assessment that is a diagram outlining the strengths and weaknesses of your organization, potential threats, and opportunities.

It's an integral component of most business plans. It will allow you to create a clear idea of what you will achieve and what is in its way. There's no way to incorporate everything in your business description, however your strengths and opportunities may fit in here.

Make a vision and mission statement

The company description is also the place to create an mission statement as well as a vision statement. What's the distinction between these?

Its vision is the direction you'd like to go The goal will help you arrive there. A vision statement paints a picture of a future reality for your customers and possibly the entire world at large, as a result of the company's impact. A mission statement describes how you will achieve that.

The business description should elaborate the mission and vision of your company more than a simple sentence And then you'll have the opportunity to modify what you have written into a succinct pair of assertions. Feeling some writer's block? See company description templates by industry for some inspiration.

Include any unique attributes

If your firm will be involved in certain aspects, such as manufacturing, supply chains, dropshipping, affiliates, consulting or coaching, on-line courses, or other relevant specifics, you should include it in your company description, also.

Provide your company's location or location, your industry, niche along with other pertinent information.

Additionally, you should mention the place of your firm although it's not online. Indicate your business's industry and the market you are targeting, then explain the purpose of your business. In other words, is it an ecommerce business or a consultancy firm delivery service, wholesale or an ad-based site? These are just some of many types of online business structures.

You may also want to note whether your business is in any particular category of business that might position it in a unique loan or grant opportunities, such as women-owned or businesses owned by veterans.

After reading your descriptions, the reader should be able to comprehend the purpose of your company as well as the reason it's in existence and what it does. A detailed review of company descriptions and an example.

Do a market study

A market analysis uses market research to determine the extent of your business's target market and describe the current competition in the industry you operate in. It can help you estimate the potential for success and help you prepare for any challenges to be prepared for in the beginning of an online company or shop.

Doing this research, and including it the business plan you are creating, will also help you:

  • Find out the latest trends in the industry
  • Pinpoint opportunities
  • Reduce risks and cut expenses
  • Generate new ideas to create products and services
  • Learn from the failures and mistakes of your competition
  • Look for ways to differentiate yourself from your competitors
  • Explore new markets
  • Improve your marketing concepts

Let's look at the elements involved in a thorough market analysis.

Understand your audience

Provide your most important customer demographics, psychographics, and their interests. Who are you planning to serve? What motivates the people you serve?

What is their core values? If your product, service or brand is able to appeal to a customer segment with a set of beliefs, it's a positive, not a weakness, and you can use that to win them over.

Perform customer segmentation

Break down different categories of potential customers your company intends to reach. A possible category is age. Another might be life situations including parents, retirees, divorcees, or living with relatives who are older. There is a possibility of creating a segment of people with particular health conditions or those who have particular way of life.

woman hiking with a backpack

However, you could be way more specific than that. There are distinct differences between runners and those who hike, and are distinct from those who bike, are yoga fans, and gym enthusiasts. Diverse supplements, different philosophies on nutrition, and motivations to eat various meals -- all these present near endless possibilities in narrowing down your segments of customers, which fall under the broad category of  health. It is possible to serve multiple segments.

The more segments of customers you know and understand, the better you can market to them. In an online store well-written product descriptions point out the various customer segments which the product is intended for.

Also, you can conduct a survey of some kind such as an online test or a survey, then use it to identify the demands your potential customers have that don't seem to be being addressed.

Do a thorough analysis of the competition

Study your competition. What do they excel at? What areas are they underserving? What areas are they performing poorly? Take note of the things other companies in your industry have a hard time or are failing on, so you can deliver something more valuable and gain a competitive advantage.

It could be product quality, customer service, or selection. It could be that their online website isn't well-designed and hard to use. Perhaps there's a huge industry serving the masses, but customers who have special tastes or preferences do not get service from the big businesses. These customers may spend more for something that provides exactly what they need.

Perhaps your main competitor has been the subject of scandal. Maybe a company was shut down, was sold, or shut down because of retirement, and now there's a gap in the market you want to leverage.

The primary goal of a competition analysis is to convince the investors there is an untapped market your firm plans to serve. You must be able to promise something that no one has ever done. Otherwise, why would the business even exist? Put them at ease by demonstrating proper market research.

Check out your SWOT report and highlight any dangers from competitors here as well.

Outline management and organizational structure

Next, present your management and legal structure. Is your company one of the following: LLC (sole proprietorship), sole proprietorship, Partnership, or S Corporation, or some other type of arrangement? Who's in charge of what? If you have several departments, you should list the leaders for each department. If relevant, you might also include information on the skills of your managers regarding the area they have charge and the tasks they'll be performing.

Be aware that if your business plan will serve to convince investors to fund your idea for business, this sort of information will reassure them that your business is a solid and competent direction.

If you have a chain of command, you can use a diagram or other method of defining who reports to who.

bars of soap lined on a shelf

Provide a list of your goods and services

What do you sell? This will be discussed briefly in earlier parts, but here is where you'll go into more details. If you're able to offer a range of products that are similar including food flavours or clothing variations, list the ones that are relevant. However, you should keep in mind the essence of the plan for business -it's about communicating the purpose of your company and not listing every single SKU within your inventory plan.

Also, include information about your products such as quality, durability and expirations. Patents, and whatever else can give an accurate picture of what you're selling.

Memberships and service companies that could include a variety of bundles, packages, or tiers, write about each of these so your readers get a sense of the way you'll be able to appeal to various types of clients and at different price points.

Design a sales and marketing strategy

The idea of having products is wonderful, but how do you plan to market your products? What will customers do to find your company? What will people know that you exist? If they find out, what will motivate them to purchase from you, rather than from the competition? What is your unique selling point -- what distinguishes you from the competition?

You'll have to come up with the initial plan of marketing to help promote your business, products, and services to the people you want to reach.

It's important to remember that the competition doesn't just apply to the other companies. There are times when competition can be against a customer's time or their budget, or mere indifference -- the struggle between doing something and doing nothing. The SWOT analysis you conduct should focus upon a few of the potential obstacles to the growth of your online company.

Your marketing plan will obviously alter over time, however it should provide your potential and future investors a sense of how you plan to launch and grow your business.

Google ad for a blue shirt

Include a description of the budget for your marketing. If you'll be working with a specific marketing group or real sales people with a specific process or sales script, discuss this as well.

charts showing business growth

Make budgets and financial forecasts

There are a number of claims in your business plan, but how will the investors you have enlisted be convinced of your future success? At some point, you have to show them the money.

If you are starting a company that is new and has no earnings, where will your finances be sourced for the initial year? Make realistic projections on your financial projections to estimate the expected losses and profits and growth expectations for the first five years. Include financial documents if you have them, which include profit and loss statements as well as balance sheets and cash flow statements. Include costs of employment, manufacturing, as well as other investments that are ongoing and one-time.

Your financial projections should reference your:

  • market analysis
  • The products
  • pricing
  • anticipated sales volume

Financial projections that you are able to make will seem grounded in reality if you have a history of success, whether in different ventures you've previously launched, test audiences, local sales you had previously made, your previous experiences, or data from other businesses.

Please explain your request for funding (if appropriate)

If you intend to ask investors for help in financing your idea for a business, make your request within the main section of your business plan. If you've secured funds through other sources, mention it in this section as well. A potential investor can feel more secure in the knowledge that they're not only one who believes in the possibilities of your company.

Your request for funding be in the form of a single payment, monthly, annual or at an other interval? What are your plans to repay their investment? Will you allow them to charge the interest? How much ROI could you guarantee them?

What are the best ways to assist?

 homepage launch info

Here are a few advantages your company will enjoy when you choose to build your store with :

  • You can sell anything you think of. Everything from physical products and digital downloads to subscriptions, memberships, bookings, courses, and affiliate-related products, it has all you need. Are you interested in running a wholesale store? That's possible as well!
  • Utilize the potential that is WordPress. As a WordPress plugin designed for WordPress it allows you to make use of the powerful features such as the block editor and blogging capabilities.
  • Connect to your social media platforms. Use extensions to sync your online store to social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. You can even sell on those platforms alongside your shop without needing the task of updating inventory and other details manually.

As you can see, can handle every kind of store online and help you expand. Below are some additional reasons that should be your first option for the implementation of the e-commerce aspect of your online business plan:

It's completely free

creating a page with the Block Editor

The store is completely under your control. your store

 extension store

Many thousands of premium and free extensions


Excellent support and large community of users

is used by over 3.9 million stores It is the choice of more than 3.9 million retailers -- about 23% of online stores worldwide. Support is always available to answer questions and the documentation library is large and complete. Additionally, there are plenty of independent resources for learning how to utilize WordPress as well as .

Dedicate time and resources to put your online business plan in action

A business plan that is successful is one that empowers the owner of the company to start an online business or even an e-commerce one as well as possibly to secure funds. It only works when you follow it.

One benefit of launching an ecommerce store or online business is that you aren't restricted to deadlines. When you're operating a physical business when you begin making rent payments, you better have your business plan in order to implement.

The benefit of being online is the fact that you can have greater flexibility at the front. Despite having more wiggle room in your timeframes but you must continue to keep the momentum moving forward. Being on the right track with your goals and business plans is the key to achieving profitability faster and turning your business plan into a reality. A few quick tips:

  • Schedule your time. Block out hours as well as specific days for working for your company.
  • Make it a career, not a hobby. Continue to build on your progress every week.
  • Never stop learning. Learn about your competition, industry, target audience, and possible customers. Learn marketing -- there is never more than you need to know.
  • Test it! Take risks, make calls, create campaigns, create content.

The business plan template you choose must provide you with a specific list of tasks and business objectives. After you've written your business plan, you are able to implement it.

Commonly asked questions regarding writing an online plan for business

What are the steps of a business plan?

The seven key elements of a business plan comprise the executive overview, company description, market analysis, organizational and management, services and goods, the marketing plans and financial projections. If you're making a funding request, that would be an eighth component.

Where can I get business plan templates?

It is possible to find a completely free business plan template on the internet, for general business plans, as and for certain areas. It is important to note that every business is different, and therefore the business plan should be unique and specific to your company A business plan template can only take you so far.

If you're looking for inspiration for your custom business plan template, or you want to start with a pre-designed template you are able to customize and purchase for a relatively low cost via a resource site that stocks resources like Envato Market and Creative Market.

downloads available from Creative Market

Do I need to have a business plan if already running an online business or an e-commerce store?

The business plan isn't limited to those who want to start new companies. You can create your own business plan anytime to assist you in maintaining or change the direction of your business or simply to have a better picture of the state of your business. Below are several types of business plans could be worth considering in your current online venture:

  • Operational Business Plan. Outlines the structure of your company's operations, staffing, and logistics.
  • Feasibility plan. Feasibility plans are similar to mini-business plans which outline new business concepts and outline steps for implementation.
  • Growth business plan. This plan is intended for those who wish to showcase their plans and opportunities for growth to attract investors.
  • A business plan for maturing. This plan is for businesses looking to merge with other businesses or buy them out and expand significantly, or go publicly.
  • Strategic business plan. Any time your firm is planning to alter its strategy on marketing or products or make any other significant adjustments to your current plan of business, you'll need to develop a strategic business plan to address your goals for the future and outline methods to reach the goals.

What software should I use to create my online business plan?

The business plan you write should contain several graphs, pictures, and graphic elements in the layout. You'll have to utilize word processing software to put your plan for business together. If you're able to access Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Canva, or Adobe Creative Cloud, you'll have another option that could make for a better design.

business plan templates from Canva

This is a listing of free and paid programs that will help you put the pieces together for your online business outline:

Free Paid
Libre Office: Writer Microsoft Word
Libre Office: Impress Powerpoint
Google Docs (free with google account) Adobe InDesign
Google Slides (free with google account)
Canva (also offers a premium option)
Figma (also has premium option)

What should investors look for in a business's plan?

The most crucial piece of information to show potential investors in your business plan is the potential for profitability. Investors do not want to pour money into a boat that's sinking, no matter how cool or exciting your business may sound.

The majority of investors want to make sure that they'll get a good yield on their investment over a relatively short time period that's probably around 7 years. How much of a return they'll expect will depend on your industry and what kind of investor you are.

Investors should also see that you clearly understand the business and industry, and that you have concrete, actionable steps to achieve, maintain, and increasing profitability. They'll want to make sure that the key people on your team also understand your business and the roles they have to play. They'll also need to know that every individual has plenty of expertise in their respective field and the required skill sets to fulfill their job duties If not, they'll want to go over and over.

Anything you are able to include that emphasize unique features that your company offers will be important. Anything that shows you have a competitive edge, are providing a distinctive or exclusive solution, have secured any celebrity endorsements, have support from other investors, or have secured special grant funding will be of great importance to investors.

Make a plan to succeed

Once you know what goes into making a business plan that is formal, it's time to write one! Make time to reflect the various aspects of the plan that's included in this post, and you'll be well in the process of achieving the success you've been looking for.