Increase the number of customers who visit your site by running paid ads using Performance Max

Mar 29, 2023

Performance Max allows you to reach more shoppers across Google properties such as YouTube, Gmail, Search, and the Google Display Network. Your ads are automatically created based on products synced to the Google Merchant Center, so there is no need to create advertisements.

Google's machine learning uses your product feed to create and present a wide range of advertisements designed to attract the right shoppers in the appropriate moment. You can also add custom messages, images, and URLs to your existing campaigns for highly personalized shopping experiences. Google will then test multiple combinations in order to identify the most appealing version that will increase your company's visibility and increase efficiency.

Through Performance Max, your best-performing ads will be shown more often. The tool's automatic bidding feature removes any guesswork from your strategy for keywords and the integration of it with other ecommerce tools helps simplify your workstream.

Below, we've highlighted some of the new Performance Max features you can take advantage of to drive greater sales.

Increase sales by using these methods

1. Synchronize your feed of products

Your shop is distinctive as are the products you sell. Through Google Listings & Ads, you are able to map your custom areas (known as attributes ) of your product listings straight to Google Merchant Center.

For shoppers to find what they're seeking It is best to highlight what's most pertinent about your products to target buyers with advertisements appropriate to them. As an example, instead of providing results for blue knits, it's better to give an element that identifies the type of blue sweater. Are they heavy, soft knit, button-down or zippered? Be specific about the features you want to use can boost conversion rates, as customers will be able to find precisely the items they're looking for.

The Google Merchant Center is the initial step towards displaying your product using Performance Max. Syncing your product feed helps your business:

  • Expand reach:Find new customers wherever they are searching or scrolling. Your product will show up in all Google's advertisement inventory and formats
  • Understand customer trends: Gain actionable insights for improving your marketing performance and understand your audiences.
  • Bring customers to your product: Convert more shoppers into customers with targeted ads and more insight.

Your next step

To define your product's unique characteristics, go to "Attributes" on the main navigation panel in Google's Google Ads & Listings plugin. It is possible to add, edit, and delete, and see all the rules you create in this panel.

2. Make more sales using your personalized ads

After you've updated your listings for products now is the time to modify your advertisements. With Performance Max assets, you can upload custom text, links, and images in addition to the content found available in your product catalog. You can then use those to create more dynamic ads. Find out more information about Performance Max assets in this article or by watching this video.

The uploading of more text and images assets will allow you to connect and interact with customers who are most important for your company. It's essential to upload some images attached to each product so that customers can get a sense of the way that your product might appear in real life. Additionally, additional images help Google create multiple versions that will catch the eye of different people.

Performance Max's assets and customized advertisements can boost your sales with:

  • More visibility: Websitelinks and images give your ad greater exposure and visibility on the pages of results for searches.
  • More clicksAssets are also able to increase your amount of clicks providing customers with additional interactive methods of interaction with your site and your merchandise.
  • Better optimization: Google will switch the assets according to the performance of one, meaning that if an asset isn't performing the new one will be assigned to the ad.

Your next steps

  • Develop asset groups to support Your Performance Max ad campaigns. Upload more images and different headlines to drive greater customer engagement and increase the sales. You can learn how to get started with asset groups on this support page.
  • Create a unique URL for your destination for every ad you campaign , to give customers an overview of your products.

Greater customization of your product assets gives Google's machine learning tools more to work with and produce the highest-performing ads - the ones that drive greater customer engagement and increase sales.

3. Advertise your brand's products

Promotions can be powerful incentives that grab the attention of shoppers and showcase your product and increase your sales. When you're selling on the internet, you're not only in competition with brands that aren't yours, as well as any other media that takes people's attention from your product. Promotions are a way to draw attention, to ensure that the products you sell at the time they're ready to purchase.

If you've added a sale to one of your products it is possible to sync the deal with ad campaigns made through Google Listings & Ads. Customers will be able to see an deal link that is displayed alongside it which makes your advert make an impression. The other benefits of promotions are reaching users on various devices, boosting clickthrough rates as well as increasing conversion rates.

When you've got an active product feed on Google Merchant Center Google Merchant Center, you can utilize Google Listings & Ads to provide a wide range of types of incentives, like:

  • Sales:The sale badge and the strikethrough price annotations will automatically display when an item is being sold and that it fulfills Google's requirements.
  • Discounts:You could choose a percent discount; cashback, buy one, receive one for free, or purchase one, get a second one for a discount of a certain percentage.
  • shipping:Offer free or discounted shipping.
  • Price drop: A distinctive price-drop badge will appear only when there has been an increase in a fairly stable price for the product.

Your next step

Launch and create your offers as well as promotions. If you make or edit coupons on your dashboard under Marketing > Coupons and Coupons, you'll find an Channel visibility settings box to the left. Choose "Show coupons to Google" to enable it.

4. Globalize your reach

Multi-Country Advertising is an automatic feature that puts every country in reach, so you can expand your opportunities. In the end, you will be able to sell more products and grow quicker.

  • expand: Extend your reach by incorporating multiple countries using the same language on one feed.
  • Budget: Manage it all using a single budget for your campaign.
  • Demonstration: Reach new markets across Google Search, Maps, Google Shopping, YouTube, Gmail, Google Display Network as well as Discover.
  • Track: Pay attention to the metrics you are tracking and run the campaigns right from your store.
  • Optimize:Enhance your performance across the entire globe.

The next step