It's Dirty Drip Content

May 8, 2024

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Content that is useful attracts users to your site. Content that drips can keep visitors on your site.


Dripping content can be a method of distributing content to the users of the website. Users receive bits of content maybe over the course of several months, until they have access to the full collection.

In addition, you may drip particular content pieces, or even posts that require users to browse the content in a specific order. For example, requiring users to make an email request prior to getting access to more of your site could be considered a drip of content.

In this this post, we'll give you the skinny on why you may want to use drip content for your site In addition, we'll show you how to create it. Let's do it!

   What is the reason Drip Content could be a good fit for Your Site  

        Drip content keeps people coming back.      

Content from Drip often require users to be more present on your site. As they aren't able to get all the information simultaneously, they need to keep coming back.

Let's imagine you're publishing an online course. The course is designed to last 20 hours in a 5-week time frame, however the student completes all the content in two days. After they've completed the course and left away, they won't return to your website. Your business could suffer.

If they are required to adhere to their time to complete their task they'll have to go back to your website a few times. This will result in the chance to increase visitors, more opportunities to market as well as more opportunities for interaction with users.

The same as irrigation of your tomato plant using drip irrigation. Giving all the material you have to the consumer will be similar to spraying your plant with a the hose of a burning. When the plant receives exactly the same amount of water at both times when it is watered by hoses is most likely to fail, while the plant that gets being watered gradually with time will grow.

        Drip-based content can be a fantastic method to keep users engaged.      

Dripping content keeps things manageable for the individual user.

A user, for instance, could sign up to an online class without having any idea of what they're going to be doing with regard to absorbing the information. After completing a few sections there is a chance that they become bored or overwhelmed and then decide to go to the next.

When you distribute information over a time duration, you can offer users small-sized pieces of information in order to complete specific portions. This is basically setting the deadlines to complete them. Small assignments distributed over time often feel less overwhelming as a course. This drip of information gives students the opportunity to look through the material and makes it simpler for students to recall it.

If you decide to drip your content by adding new information after a user subscribes or pays for a special subscription, it could help build the commitment. It is likely that the user will return because they've invested time and effort, or at the very least an email address.

        Alert Beware of the methods you use to drip information      

The drawback of this is there will be those who need to finish an entire program or other related content in just a couple of minutes. It could be that they are pursuing a certain skill they'd like to improve or require details in a short time or simply cannot wait for a few months.

You may have a project needing to be completed in the near future or an accreditation which could be beneficial immediately. If you find that your business makes this an issue, then you should think about a different approach to drip. This could be as simple as having your client provide an email address prior reading the rest of your article on your website.

You can determine the effectiveness of drips for you by testing diverse methods via your website site.

   How Do I Set-Up Drip Content on Your Site  

If you decide to drip content, how do you do it?

  1. Click here to visit WordPress Dashboard > Rules.
  2. You can create a new rule by clicking "Add new".
  3. According to the regulations in accordance with the guidelines, pick Expiration/Drip.
  4. Be sure to press the button to allow the button to allow drips of the content.

There's a selection of possibilities that trigger content dripping. It's possible to grant users to access new information after they sign-up for your website, at the specified date when they make a purchase an item from your site or sign up for a specific subscription using the menu.

   in Summary  

Drip content is an excellent method of ensuring that your customers keep returning to see more of the wonderful products you have to offer the users.


  • Drip content will help users stay on track and boost your site views.
  • This can help users become more active instead of being becoming bored or overwhelmed.
  • Not everyone likes dripping and keeping a timeline. Make sure you know your potential audience and decide what you would like to drip your content.
  • The content can be downloaded with a plugin like .

Don't kill your users with a fire hose. Distribute their content in a way that both of you to prosper.

   Are you able to achieve success with the drip-content method? Are you still unsure on what time you should drip content? Please let us know in the comments below.

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Michelle Carpenter Amy Michelle Carpenter is the co-owner of a company that prints 3D models named STEM Garage. She is a popular nationally-recognized journalist YA editor as well as a professional marketer. Additionally, she offers classes for children in China at 4 in the morning, since she thinks it's fun.

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