Laravel vs WordPress: A Head-to-Head Comparison

Mar 18, 2023
Laravel vs WordPress

If you are planning to create an online application, choosing the best technique for your application is a vital aspect. If you take the incorrect choice, your application is likely to be more complicated than what it should be.

In this post this blog, we'll go over the pros and cons of the head-to-head battle between two of the famous heavyweights in the PHP world: Laravel and WordPress. This blog will help you with knowing the differences between these two PHP platforms and help to make the right decision for your next venture.

What exactly is Laravel?

There are a variety of open-source PHP frameworks, such as Symfony, CodeIgniter, and CakePHP, Laravel has long been considered to be the most effective and most well-known, as it offers everything a developer needs. The framework has features available through a variety of PHP libraries as well as simplifying standard processes such as the routing process as well as authentication, session cache, sessions, and much more.

Google Trends - Laravel comparison with other PHP frameworks for the past 5 years
An analysis of PHP Frameworks, frameworks, and structures on Google Trends

Laravel Architecture

The Laravel style was inspired by MVC. MVC is a kind of design that divides an application into three major parts: Model View Controller, and Modeleach of which takes care of certain aspects of creation of the app.

The architectural design pattern is often used by developers of software to separate users' information from the program's process. The end result is that software can be developed faster and more manageable with time.

When a request is sent through the process of an Laravel application The framework routing logic will determine which controller is most suitable to deal with the request. This controller will then instruct it to instruct the application to connect to the database so that it can get the requested information. Finally, the controller delivers all information required onto the display so that it can display the webpage to the user.

MVC Architecture
Model - View - Controller Diagram

One of the main characteristics of Laravel

While the framework's layout and structure are essential, they're not the only factors that distinguish Laravel from other frameworks . over 223 million downloads.

Laravel offers a variety of intriguing options. Let's look at for the most popular ones.

Routing and Middleware

For example, we can wrap a few routes with the built-in middleware \App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate::class, and it will ensure that the user is authenticated. In the event that the user's identity is not authenticated and the middleware redirects users on the log-in page. If the user is authenticated, the middleware will allow the user to continue.

Queues, Jobs and Queues

Queues could create tasks that can be executed with multiple tasks. They can also run their work in the background. This allows the application to provide a fast experience to the user. Laravel queues offer a single queueing API that works with various queue backends like Amazon SQS, Redis, as well as database systems that are relational.

CSRF Protection

Laravel creates an automatic private token for each user. The token is then saved in the session. Therefore, malicious applications won't get access to the token. Every request made by the user has to contain an authentic token that matches with the token in the session. This ensures that each request made is authentic by the user and it blocks any request that contain insufficient tokens.

Asset Bundling (Vite)

Laravel recently unveiled the Vite tool as the default option in the recently installed Laravel applications. Vite is a front-end application to develop that was designed to offer the most speedy developing experience possible using web-based apps that have been created to look modern. When adjustments are made on the frontend of the app, Vite creates the assets that the application will use , and then displays changes instantly in the browser of the web.

HTTP Session

Sessions can be used to save information about users over several sessions. Laravel has several backends for session that may be accessed using the consistent API of Laravel.


Database Migration

The concept of migrations is similar to version control in that they allow teams from various platforms and domains to share the identical databases.

Starter Kits as well as Certificates of Authenticity

Allowing users to log into a site is an incredibly complex and risky decision. It is imperative to design an efficient mechanism to protect both the user's data and application from malicious actions.

Laravel allows us to lessen the pressure of setting up authentication by giving us the tools needed to get secure and fast authentication without any effort.

Are you looking to start right now? Don't worry: Laravel provides free starting kits that are authentic and downloadable directly from the package.

Breeze, along with Jetstream make a fantastic base for the implementation of the authentication features including authentication, registration, password resets for password verification and verification of passwords, as well as verification of passwords, and more.

The Helper performs functions

Laravel provides a range of assistance functions that are designed for making it simpler to take advantage of the core Laravel capabilities. Most Laravel developers for example employ the use of"dl" to make use of the "Dump and Die" function ( dd()) to send variables' data to the browser and stop the script from operating. This assists in determining the cause of problems and also provides a an understanding of variables' values.

Use Cases for Laravel

Laravel has a wealth of tools that will let you build almost all kinds of apps. Given the range of capabilities offered by Laravel is why it makes sense to utilize Laravel to create sophisticated and extremely customizable applications.

Let's review of the following scenarios:

  • Unprecedented apps The secret word here is personalization, which is exactly the goal of Laravel is the main focus. Laravel allows you to create complex and distinctive web apps with personalized features. If you don't have a built-in function to achieve what you want, Laravel has a variety of helper functions to aid users in creating what they need from beginning to end.
  • applications that can be expanded: Laravel is an excellent choice for businesses that will grow rapidly and release new features on a regular basis. The framework is flexible that allows it to grow according to the needs of the software. Furthermore is the Laravel core team, as well as a lot of users from around the world who are working on the framework in order to resolve issues and to provide frequently updated versions. This provides us with confidence in the stability of the framework. This is why it's the best framework for programs which are always evolving.

There's a good chance you're going to be thinking: Laravel seems to be the ideal choice for every project you have in mind! Why bother with other options?

It's a good idea to think about it after having been able to get acquainted with WordPress.

What is WordPress?

When the internet was only just getting started It was extremely complicated and complex. Additionally, there wasn't any infrastructure to support developers. instruments.

But, WordPress pushed the envelope by allowing users could create websites with gorgeous and attractive CMS without needing to start creating from scratch, or being able to create programs in any way.

  • is the free, self-hosted , and open-source edition of WordPress which WordPress users install and utilize to build their web-based site. It's totally customizable and gives various options to customize.
  • However, is the sole paid option available to use and for smaller websites. It does not scale and does not have the same reliability as self-hosted WordPress websites.

WordPress Architecture

Take WordPress as a vehicle that has an engine of power it is possible to utilize it in its current form, or to alter it in order to add more features (think GPS for parking and parking sensors or GPS. ).

WordPress's architecture is built on plugins. The CMS operates on its own however you are able to add plugins in order to add additional options and features.

In the event that WordPress gets upgraded to a new version, the WordPress core files WordPress' core files are updated. In the process, any possibility of adding custom functionality to the WordPress site , by directly editing the WordPress corefiles, your modifications are lost in the event that WordPress gets upgraded.

Be aware that WordPress plugins are only compatible with self-hosted WordPress websites. (as in contrast to frequently offers theme options for customizing your site. It's however not possible to install plugins in a way that allows you to modify websites using

Key Features

The secret behind WordPress' massive achievement lies in the features that allow users to meet an various goals with little effort. We'll look at the most frequent options that WordPress CMS offers.


User Management

Media Management

Modern browsers that are compatible

Theme System

Are you thinking of the idea of creating an online site but you're confident about how you can make it happen? WordPress could be a great source.

Built-in comments

Publishing Tools

WordPress can help you effortlessly manage the content on your site. WordPress has a robust publication system for content from the beginning, which lets you create drafts of content, check the content, edit it and then publish them. Furthermore, you'll have the ability to manage your privacy for your blog posts and pages by making your pages as public or private and providing password protection to your posts.

WordPress Use Cases

By constantly improving the functionality, WordPress has become so that it's much more than an online blog platform. It's now an incredibly powerful technology, supported by a global community of dedicated contributors who have a passion for creating a platform that allows users to post and share content across borders.

Let's look at the different kinds of websites you can create using WordPress:

You've probably noticed that possibilities to build websites using WordPress are nearly infinite. As long as you've defined your goals that you want to attain There's a high chance you'll develop it on WordPress that is the most widely-used CMS.

This could be the case in the case of Laravel as well as Laravel. Which one should we choose the one we want to use?

Differences and similarities in Laravel WordPress vs. WordPress

Let's examine the similarities between Laravel and WordPress:

  • Open source and free.
  • Provides the capability to construct numerous web-based websites of different varieties
  • It's a huge gathering of individuals who are united in their support
  • Built-in features
  • Flexible and fast
  • It is based on an object-oriented design
  • Dependable and well-maintained thanks to contributions from contributors around the world.

Now, we'll look at the difference between them considering what's been discussed so far:

  • Laravel is an open source platform for creating customized web applications from scratch. WordPress is an CMS platform that provides an advanced starting point for the creation of websites.
  • In order to use Laravel you need to be a PHP developer. WordPress is a possibility even without prior experience in programming.
  • Laravel uses the MVC architecture, while WordPress uses the plugin's architecture.
  • In Laravel it's possible to increase and expand functionality the use of packages. This isn't as easy for WordPress by using plugins.

Laravel vs WordPress: Head-to-Head Comparison

It is clear that choosing between Laravel and WordPress isn't an easy decision since are both able to work in all instances. In order to resolve the issue, we'll test both technology against each other in a head-to-head comparison.


It's unfair to judge the two since, down to the essentials, Laravel and WordPress aren't exactly the same. Laravel is a PHP framework, and WordPress is the CMS platform. The distinction between the two platforms is huge.

Laravel allows you to create and perform precisely the same functionality that WordPress can do. WordPress can't, however accomplish everything Laravel is able to do.

It's logical because Laravel can be a resource that is unlimited since it's a framework which lets you customize websites to meet your specific needs regardless of how difficult they are. But WordPress was created to simplify the management of information.

In conclusion, this photo of Google Trends demonstrating the difference between these two platforms during the last five years.

Google Trends - Laravel comparison with WordPress
A comparison between Laravel and WordPress through Google Trends

It's obvious that Laravel is gaining in the popularity of WordPress. But, that's not proof that it's true that Laravel is better than WordPress. Indeed, individuals frequently follow trends within their field regardless of whether they're suitable for them.

Because Laravel has become the PHP popular area, Laravel developers are becoming more costly. This is the reason it's a great option for small-sized businesses to think about WordPress provided it's compatible to the demands of the company.



Learning Curve and User-Friendliness

Laravel is well-known as a result of its easy-to-use syntax. In the course of the time, Laravel was developed to assist to make PHP development simpler.


WordPress sites can experience slow loading times, as well as the performance of certain extensions can be slow. The plugin is a great choice for simple sites. However, as your website develops, and you require more plugins and resources, it can be a challenge.


Applications developed with Laravel are continually adaptable because they're developed completely from scratch with MVC architecture. We've already discussed the way MVC can be used to isolate the application's logic from the content presented to users. It is incredibly easy to handle each part in its own way. The owner of the business is capable of adding or removing elements and to change the program as the business grows without worrying about the negative effects on the user experience or website's performance or speed.

Development Time

The projects created with Laravel are built entirely manually, meaning it is time-consuming to develop projects with a solid CMS as well as a custom-made feature. With a wide range of tools available for Laravel and an enormous number of users, experienced developers can drastically cut down on their amount of time they spend on programming.


Laravel applications are 100% secure thanks to its robust security options. It's a good choice for managing sensitive information. It is equipped with strong security tools such as password encryption, authentication methods routing security, in addition to protection from the most frequent security risks, such as SQL injections, and CSRF. SQL injections.

However, Laravel is still more robust and secure without needing other software.


Laravel isn't equipped with SEO-related features. If you're seeking to enhance SEO performance, you should to use external programs that are readily accessible. The web-based software is SEO optimized because you're in a position to modify it completely and modify any functions you'd like, but it's likely to take time and effort.


Eloquent's Eloquent Object Relational Mapper (ORM) is among the primary characteristics that differentiates Laravel from others PHP frameworks. Eloquent's ORM lets you access databases, and is extremely fast. You can also completely ignore it and instead utilize queries built into the query builder of Laravel. It's much more efficient than the models from Eloquent.

WordPress is slow due to the plugins you have installed on your website. Webmasters should be cautious when installing plugins , and verify the validity of the plugin's code prior to taking it off.

Do you know of ways to integrate Laravel and WordPress Use Together?

Laravel is the most popular open-source PHP framework that manages both the frontend as well as the backend to the app. However, the backend tends to be the more complicated aspect. This is why many developers utilize Laravel alongside WordPress along with WordPress, with Laravel being the frontend control, and WordPress controlling the backend.

Another advantage to WordPress is that it's very popular and simple for anybody to use. This is beneficial when developing an online platform as it removes the requirement to train the users and contributors how to handle content.

There are many ways to using Laravel in conjunction with WordPress. Let's go through several ways that are the most efficient.


Corcel is the best open-source application that allows you to connect Laravel to WordPress. It allows for content retrieval straight into the WordPress database by using it's Laravel Eloquent models. It can be used in conjunction with WordPress to serve as the Backend (administration Panel) or, in conjunction with the CMS or in conjunction with the other PHP framework with the capability to link data on the other side (as the Model layer).

Corcel is the ideal option for Laravel however, it can be utilized to integrate with any PHP project using Composer.

WP Eloquent

WordPress Eloquent is the WordPress table wrapper application designed for database databases. It's a wrapper to Comments, Postsand other posts and also the User Meta User as well as Post Meta User and Meta User and Post Meta User models. Meta models.

The program hasn't received an changes in the past. This means that it may need some tweaks before being able to utilize this application in your job.

WordPress Rest API

This method greatly decreases the amount of information read and retrieval. Furthermore, it reduces many of the codes also.

Laravel and WordPress The Best One: Which Should You Choose?

If we're asked to select one option over the others, we always have an impression that we're losing the advantages of one method to obtain greater. There's a moment when both Laravel and WordPress can accomplish anything you'd like to achieve.

But, using the correct device can help simplify your life.

In this regard, we strongly suggest Laravel to build apps if your application includes the following features:

  • Enterprise apps are employed by an enterprise to help resolve issues
  • Complex, it will need distinctive and distinct features
  • Storage container for data that is confidential and must be secure
  • The business will expand rapidly.
  • The APIs of the future are likely to be employed in the future.

Utilize WordPress to build your next site it's:

  • Blog, news site or platform with many pieces of writing
  • It will require speedy development, particularly when you are looking to get started fast
  • Personal or professional web site
  • A SEO-friendly site
  • Easy to navigate and simple e-commerce store

Simply put, Laravel is the best solution for making a custom web-based software. It is more costly than WordPress and will require assistance by a seasoned developer, but it will allow your site to grow and include the features you want. WordPress could be, in the opposite, a good alternative for smaller sites or sites which won't receive significant updates in terms of the features available.

What of the two choices which of the two choices-Which of the two options -- Laravel or WordPress Which do you choose to build your next website? What type of site will you create? Let us know your ideas by commenting here.

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