Learn with Blended Learning: All You Need to Be Able To

Jan 7, 2024

Blended learning can be a great educational tool for educators and students alike. It is a great way to expand your learning efforts and enhance your learning results.

In this blog, we'll present to you the notion of blended learning. We'll also provide examples, and several blended learning strategies that you can integrate in your daily routine.


What exactly is blended learning?

Blended learning is a way for teaching that blends instruction in person with the addition of e-learning via online discussion in addition to other classes that are synchronous or asynchronous and other activities that's project-based. Blended learning provides the best traditional educational experience- the intensity and speed of live instruction, as along with the flexibility and flexibility of e-learning.

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Through time in the past, the term "Blended learning" is used to describe 1. Combining delivery media, 2. Combining instructional techniques 3. Combining instructional strategies. Combining in-person and online instruction. However, nowadays most users will apply this phrase to mean an amalgamation of in-person and online instruction.1

Within the classroom, as well. Blended learning has become increasingly popular instead of being only a once-in-a-lifetime experience. A survey done by UK institutions revealed that 69% had plans to integrate blended learning into their curriculum. Additionally 82% stated that they are experiencing a surge in the interest for blended learning. The year 2021 (during the epidemic) 60 percent of US college students took at least one class online. There is a chance that the cost of online education will reach $257.7 billion dollars in 2027.

Though we may be able to link the rise in learning online as a result of the current pandemic, universities and schools have promoted online learning for a long time, particularly additional learning through online forums or project. This is made easy by the use of edtech software and tools to support online learning. These include Blackboard as well as Canvas.

Canvas by Instructure

The accessibility of online learning has become so widespread that in 2023, in 2023, the University of California decided to modify their curriculum. There was a variety of programs offered through the internet that let students receive an education online with lower costs (they included obligations to become residents).

However, blended learning is a great option to teach high school students or classes from K-12. This is an excellent tool for any type of education that is accessible whether it is corporate training or the introduction of an online business-based blended learning program. It can be employed to mix the benefits of live-learning (the participation, topic flexibility, and the discussions) along with the benefits of online learning (the access ).

     Blended learning can be used to mean:    


  • Blending the levels of the activity occurs in the case when learning is conducted in person or via the internet.
  • Blending the course in the case of a course that is in person as well as online.
  • Blending at the program level This can occur across an entire program of study however, it may not be associated with particular classes or other events.

1. Read Chapter 1 for discussion Curtis J. Bonk and Charles R. Graham, The Handbook of Blended Learning Local and Global Perspectives (John Wiley and Sons 2005).

Here are a few mixed learning statistics


  • 83 percent of students in college have discovered the online world of learning more convenient ( Erudera ).
  • 82% of the university students and college students would like at a minimum a tiny of their education being online (and 41% want to have all of their learning online) ( UNESCO ).
  • An analysis of college students from 2022 revealed that 27% were favor of blended learning and 29% preferred to learn entirely online. A significant improvement over the previous results, however still significantly ( New America ).
  • The estimate is at 2.79 million U.S. post-secondary students doing their education online ( NCES ).
  • Between the years of between 2019 and 2020 The pandemic caused an increase in online postsecondary schooling between 37 to 74 percentage. .

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Blended learning systems

The rise of blended learning has been created through the creation in blended learning systems and the need for technology to allow providing online teaching in a large scale. The blended learning system is constantly developing and expanding and introducing new features every day.

As an example, Mighty Co-Host(tm) is capable of generating outline courses through the use of AI. This technology could improve and adjust blended learning according to technology advancements.

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Blended learning and. hybrid education: what's the difference?

The phrases "blended learning" along with "hybrid learning" can be used for the same problem. Sometimes, however "hybrid" is a term used to describe a combination of students that are both in person and online in a single classroom (sort like the way you define an event as a mixed event)--while blended learning usually is the term used to describe the mix of in-person and online learning and is customized to every individual student.

Benefits of blended learning

There are lots of advantages when learning online and the most effective way to define the benefits is to give you two benefits! Both in-person as well as online learning have advantages and benefits, blended learning allows students to take advantage of both methods and reduce the negatives.

It's that balance that creates the perfect balance in blended education. For example, asynchronous online education may seem to be one-sided. However, blended learning allows you to get together with your fellow students on occasion to meet new people!

An New America research that examined blended-learning at community colleges found that one of one of the primary reasons that students preferred blended learning was the opportunity to design a personalized plan, the opportunity to be part of a larger group and a sense of higher-quality education, the reduction of travel time, and another reason to move away from the house.

Benefits of blended learning can be correlated with encounter with learners in the real world


  • Flexible learning: Online learning allows learners to learn in the privacy of their own home and online education can be completed in the time that is convenient for the learner. There is the possibility to learn there even for those who are juggling other commitments to handle (e.g. the parent with work ).
  • Accessibility Learning with blended learning is more readily accessible to various forms of learners by letting them be able to take their time and learn according to their individual needs.
  • Environment-friendly: There's no need rooms for classes (or the heating or cooling systems, or electricity). Online learning is eco-friendly as well as cost-effective.
  • Blended learning is flexible and offers the potential for scaling. For instance, if you needed to conduct three classes for introduction and you wanted to group the classes into a chat group online.
  • It's easier than ever before: Technology for learning via e-learning continues to improve and more accessible.

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Benefits of blended learning linked with the interaction of a person-to-person


  • Energetic Students who have difficulty staying focused on web-based content Online learning may assist in improving their focus.
  • Connecting: Students attending classes together can form solid bonds as well as create networks.
  • Flexibility: In-class learning is adaptable to a completely different way as well as the teacher is able to modify how they talk about and the topics they will teach their students.

Models of blended learning


  • An instructor at a college adds the obligatory element of virtuality in their course such as taking part in a discussion forum or creating blog posts about subjects as well as working on online projects in conjunction students.
  • Walmart has The One Global Walmart Academy that offers the opportunity for both virtual and live education possibilities for its 2.3 million staff members.
  • Amazon has created the classrooms in its fulfillment centers to teach employees abilities that are relevant to the jobs they hold in Amazon as well as those that aren't. They also offer training for high-demanding careers.
  • A lot of managers' MBA programmes include both live and online courses to aid the busy schedules of students. Most of them work full time while they complete their MBA.
  • The U.S. Government's Federal Cyber Defense Skilling Academy helps in the education of federal personnel by combining online and in-person instruction.
  • HTML0 - The University of Phoenix is famous for its online-based education but students also have the option of taking in-person classes. It is referred to as a blended educational degree.

Blended learning

Another option is blended learning. This is blended learning via the internet-based learning. Instead of combining classroom and virtual learning, blended education blends aspects of both synchronous and Asynchronous learning through an internet-based platform.

You can create an online class that is made available through virtual events, live chats or discussion forums that are live. It is also possible to have courses that are delivered in real-time by with the option of livestreaming nevertheless, you will be able to get the lectures recorded afterwards, along with online discussions boards.

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Similar to mixed learning and education can provide advantages from an in-person class to online learning. Students are able to benefit from the energy of live streamed classes, as well as the interactive discussions and discussion that happen in real time, and the flexibility you are able to bring learners' issues.

What's unique is that everything happens on an online platform. You get all the accessibility and flexibility all in one.

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Learning methods that blend

1. You can try a flip classroom

A method of blended learning is known as the flip classroom. Students are able to engage in readings and lectures in their own homes. Furthermore, the room could be used for discussions or participation.

It's not easy to succeed in the classroom for K-12, but it's not impossible (younger learners usually require parents' support). Although, this method is used primarily in higher education it is like the "tutorial" method of education that has existed since the beginning of time (it's the basis for Oxbridge). Oxbridge program). ).

2. The learning objectives of the student are the foundation.

Learning through blended learning must be guided by the factors that help in achieving your goal of getting the most out from your studies. It may seem obvious. However, it is feasible to maximize every benefits of both live and online learning in order to achieve diverse learning goals. Flippable classrooms are among the most successful instances.

Big Purpose- New Image

3. Make sure you select the appropriate technology

What technology you decide to facilitate blended learning is going to determine the effectiveness for blended learning. It is essential that the features that you're searching for when searching for a blended-learning system are robust and efficient. They must work together and be easy for the students to utilize and use.

Here are some ideas:


  • Be wary of complex technology stacks. Choose a solution that lets you add the capabilities of blended learning that you're after without mixing and matching the programs creating more issues.
  • Check with IT. If you have an IT department in the internal system, see what options are available.
  • You should think about interoperability if you have to ensure that the blended learning system you are using is in sync with your existing administration systems and learning platforms.

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4. You must ensure that the web is used to your advantage.

The most frequent reasons for failing with blended learning is placing all the weight on the live learning, which makes the online participation an option. The online component of blended learning should not be seen as an added or an extra benefit. It should be considered to be a component of learning and be regarded as the primary goal of online learning.

For instance, giving an opportunity for discussion section is a great way for gaining low-level involvement. Create 10 reflections on discussion along with 10 responses to the other's reflections within the course curriculum (e.g. using one percent equal 20 percent of total scores). By incorporating skin into the blended learning game, you increase the chance of being able to achieve the best performance.

5. Don't duplicate your classroom experience on the internet.

Blended learning offers an infinite number of learning possibilities. The same educational tasks that you'll get in your normal class online may be a bit depressing.

An example of this is the idea of presenting an educational program is good idea.


  • But, what if you allowed students to view an entire film by themselves in a video chat?
  • Or applying a theory on a film that is popular?
  • There is a way to play a game on the internet that matches the subject matter of your class?
  • or even creating a website or blogging site?
  • Furthermore, how about sharing on social media regarding the course's themes?

The sky is your limit. So, think outside the box in your technological use to create designs.

6. Avoid creating synchronous and Asynchronous the division

It is widely believed that classes should be synchronous and activities online should be asynchronous. However, this isn't the case. Online activities can be scheduled via live videos, chat messages as well as chat. In-person interactions don't always have to be concurrent.

If you're trying decide between synchronous or asynchronous learning the graph below can assist you in determining the different types of learners that will work best for:


If so...

If you're not...

Do your students have self-directed learning and self-directed?

Try Asynchronous

Try synchronizing

Does your material ever change?

Try Synchronous

Try Asynchronous

Do students require assistance in person and do they require feedback?

Try Synchronizing

Try Asynchronous

Can your students take part in participating in an online session due to the way they're instructed or because of their lifestyle?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronizing

Students are required to work through ideas, participate in discussions and even do some work?

Try Asynchronous

Try to sync

7. Orient students

Instead of having students slapped to take blended classes or classes, consider holding a class in the room (even in the computer lab if can access it) to guide them through getting into the online component of your course. Utilize this time to teach students to sign in to the online learning platform and how to use various devices, and perhaps you could even complete the assignment together in a group.

The system is an established one, increasing the chance that students will get most value out of the platform. Tech issues are one of major obstacles in blended learning.

8. Read your data

As blended learning is one of the components of software, you have the chance to work with data. Data points could give valuable information on what's working as and what's not as in the use of blended learning.

Make sure you review your information regularly.

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9. Join a practice group

It's a method to incorporate blended learning into every aspect of learning. This is a challenge for those who are new. Find a community of practice in which you are able to connect with and acquire information from those who have successfully blended learning successfully.

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Blended platforms for learning that facilitate the learning process


It is both a social and as an online course platform that comes with an extensive set of software for hosting discussions streaming live events in addition to the ability to conduct classes online or synchronously.

Deliver Online Courses - Livewell

In terms of a blended learning platform, it's the best option for corporate or brand-related education since it can allow brands-owned apps to be used with the aid with Mighty Pro. And for those running an online course or training business, it gives you everything you need for monetization-building packages, managing checkouts, and charging in 135 different currencies.

2. Moodle


Moodle can be defined as an institutional-wide system for managing learning which offers different types of content and a wide range of options to collaborate in learning, such as discussion forums, collaborations and messaging.

3. Canvas with Structure

Canvas can be used to create an institutional learning center that has the strength of an LMS and excellent tools for engagement as well as good mobile apps (better that Moodle) in addition to an LTI capability. Tool Interoperability (LTI) capability that allows you to link with your institutions' IT system.

4. Blackboard Learn

A well-liked institutional LMS choice that offers a variety of assignments and grading choices along with a range of great collaboration tools (like the discussion board as well as live meeting meetings). It's easy for students to utilize and administrators can use.


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Blended learning can be difficult learn, especially if you're not experienced with the concept. If it's implemented right, it will provide incredible possibilities for learning as well as scaling your education. We hope this article has you excited about the potential for blended learning. You are now eager to start teaching via the internet!

You may want to test the blend learning platform of Mighty It is possible to test it free for 14 days with no the need for a credit card.

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