
Jun 23, 2022

Skateboarder and organizer of the community Briana King has a devotion to their sport and the people first. Building a career out of those passions came easy for Briana because of the fact that she explains her clients "I've completed everything because of pure love for it, not due to the fact that it's necessary for me to find a job in any form."

Discover the methods Briana makes use of its website and social media channels to stay connected with their skateboarding community both offline and online.

Community creation through the use of goods

For Briana, their website showcases all aspects of their business and everything they offer in one place: skate meetups, products to purchase, and links to their extensive group of social media followers.

"It lets me showcase my work as well as any future conferences," Briana describes their site "but it also motivates me to research new ideas."

One of the ideas is to create their own website which will offer items related to skateboarding. Briana thinks of the store as an additional way to connect to their clients--by providing their customers "something that makes them smile or smile."

Briana has even employed an acquaintance who skates to run the e-commerce business. "I think we should help our community however that we can. Every step I take is reflected back to my neighborhood."

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