
Jul 18, 2024

The website's footer is the part located at the end of the page that provides essential details for visitors. The footer's design is usually consistent across every page and are a safe way for users to get to the bottom of a scroll. Consider them as the best supporting actor to your website. You might not be aware of them as the star however you cannot operate your site without footers. They contain almost everything that users may be searching for, like contact information and links to websites that are important.

There is a chance that some people don't go to the very bottom of the page to see the footer. But research suggests otherwise. chartsbeat and Nielsen Norman Group showing that people who scroll towards the bottom of a page are more likely to stay on the lower portion of the page than on the upper.

This is why the footnotes that are in footers do not count as footnotes However, how do you maximize those you do have? How to make the most of them.

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