Membership Community Secrets - Grow to make a 6-figure Income

Jun 6, 2024

The membership community has seen its members disappear and change in the last decade. There have been those who started in the beginning as a small business, and then became seven, six and 8-figure businesses. There are countless inspiring stories of community involvement, but we'll highlight some examples of some of the greatest wins we've seen recently:

  • The entrepreneurship group has earned $30,00 in just two weeks. It also had 5000 members.
  • A health-focused membership that recently added 100 premium customers (and an equivalent amount of $40,000 in ARR).
  • A speaker and author that generated $30,000 in revenue for their membership community during a promotional period of four weeks.

We're always amazed by these achievements however, there are many wonderful stories of community and membership from communities of all sizes and forms.

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In this this blog, we'll discuss the magic of a membership community. This article will show you how to build a members' community, and provide you with a plan to go from wherever you're in a venture which can generate six figures.

It's impossible to ensure it however these are the tried and proven methods which have proven to work repeatedly.

Here is a step-by-step procedure to joining a 6-figure group.


1. Get a razor-sharp niche

It's already a cliche to this point, and we'll keep repeating it over and over. Opportunities with the highest returns are located in the areas of.

Communities with too many facets.

If you're a new host It's tempting to make a broad net. Wouldn't you like to attract as many people as possible to reach your area?


If there's a huge collection of individuals with no common preferences, it can be difficult to make connections between them all. Also, it's not likely that they'll engage each other either.

Your neighborhood will be an uninviting mess.

The uniqueness of the market is what is what makes it flourish. The communities of members are based upon everything including German ballet to anime. From public talking for finance professionals, to newsletters for email designed to be used by non-profts.

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The niche is your superpower. When you build an online site for membership, you can travel around the globe to locate members of the niche you are in.

Star with a wide conception of a community for members prior to settling down further than you need to.

Visit our Community Name Generator

Our AI engine is available to aid you in creating an identity for your community that is like magic. Simply share a few sentences about who your community is and we'll get the wheels in motion.


Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

Ask for Ideas

The names generated by Mighty Co-Host(tm) are just a few examples that may be employed by various businesses or subject to third-party rights. For more information, check our Terms.

2. Have a major purpose

When we teach Community Design(tm) on Mighty We always begin by having students create the The Big Goal.

An Big purpose can be the basis for your community's existence.

A traditional business has an objective statement. The membership community that is successful serve a big goal.

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We are so passionate in helping communities develop the Big Purpose that we integrated the concept into our community engine. Every community that joins us is asked to choose a Big Purpose.

Do it!

     Start Free Trial Free Trial

3. Find the perfect member

It's a matter of specialization, but it is important to start by identifying the Ideal member. The ideal member is the one you can serve with only one purpose or concern that is narrowly defined.

Do you wish to know about one of the best exercises that you can perform to determine the perfect person? Invite them to an interview!

If you've got an concept of what you want to achieve, set a time to speak with some of the ideal people. If it's daunting you'll have an amazing experience that you had it.

Ask them questions such as:


  • What do you struggle with?
  • What sort of help are you in need of?
  • How much would you pay in order to get what you want?

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The conduct of these interviews could give you one step closer to building a successful members-only club. Because it gets the idea off your brain and into the conversation.

You must pay close attention to your preferred members.


  • If everyone expresses an interest however, nobody is willing to invest the money You may have to change your plans.
  • If the topic you've identified is different from those you prefer to hear from your members, then you might need to pivot.

This is market research, so be sure to adhere to the rules.

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4. Begin with the basics

Some membership societies include thousands of members who join. There are $50,000 monthly members in membership groups. We've included a couple on the front of this piece.

We're not going to let you down, we'd like to see you achieve your goals!

However, even if have only just begun, it's worth starting small.

Community with smaller numbers can have much more affluent connections. They can be more intimate with the other people within the community. This could be difficult to do for an entire group of thousands of people.

After you've mastered satisfying the needs of those 10-15 people who are in the initial group It's time to scale up and the thousands.

     Important to be aware that there is no necessity for millions of individuals to create a flourishing community. Our average community on Mighty cost $48 a month. It's possible to have the capacity of a six-figure member community that has over 174 members. It's not even taking into account the services that most communities sell as upsells like Events, private coaching masterminds, courses, and other events. It's possible to earn six figures when you have thirty or forty members, if you do it right.

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5. Sell something

If this is the first time you've come across when the creation of a membership website  or selling something, you should consider selling some thing.

Just hold your breath and remove the Band-Aid. Make your own landing page and invite the first participants. Perhaps it's a live class or an event to open the doors. The promotion of a product, or even pre-selling it, will help you validate your membership concept for a community.

6. Take into consideration the screen

Your wellbeing is dependent on the health of all those in it. The screening process is a method to make sure you get only the best quality of members.

It's a little counterintuitive. Do you intend to shut off anyone? It will be more difficult for new members to become a part of your group? Add more friction?

In some instances the situation, these "negatives" can be offset with a very positive factor this is because residents in your area actually wish to join in.

Although it's difficult to refuse new members, screening may increase the worth of your community to those who decide to join. It's certainly worth the weight in gold.

Screening can mean:


  • Set up an automated questionnaire on your checkout process.
  • The process of preparing a list of the criteria that members must meet to be a member.
  • Live one-on-one or group interviews with prospective members.

It might even mean saying that people do not person for your company. But once you've built an authentic community you'll be grateful you took the initiative.

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7. Know the numbers

To fully join a membership group one must be aware of certain crucial numbers.

There's no vibrant community with complete participation throughout the day.

None. Zilch.

Each community is home to those we refer to as super-members often referred to as "supers". They are 5-10 percent of the people who are extremely involved and give the fullest effort to whatever you take on.

50percent of the members may be seen at times. There are people you don't even meet who are paying the fee for membership.

The figures are quite normal. Don't let it discourage you. Also, don't let it affect you in any way!

If people have joined your community, they can see the value in it. In particular, if they're paying the monthly membership cost.

The community you belong to could represent the idea that they've thought of but they aren't able to commit 100% to it at the moment. Your community could be the needed push to achieve small progress every month.

In short, don't sell yourself in the short term. Show up on time and do the job and don't worry about it for too long.

     Keep in mind that communities intended for busy people might exhibit low participation. The community focused on executives may result in an itch, but it will not mean that they are less active. It is safe to trust them to show up and take part whenever they're ready.

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8. Understand the value of the fee for membership

It's not difficult to envision an annual cost for membership as a cost from a financial perspective. Cash flow comes in the end.

However, you must think about the importance in the cost of membership to your members as well. The cost of membership can help members commit. Members who pay are more engaged. Since those who pay are more focused.

The numbers reveal that a dues-to-membership fee does not influence the willingness of members to buy upsells. 75% of sites that are free are selling upsells on paid goods. However, 90 percent of paywalled companies offer upsells!

This suggests that the members don't just have to pay for memberships, but they also are ready to pay more to get additional advantages. Be aware of this when pricing your membership website.

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9. Don't bother with the free trial

Sellers of goods online generally offer a trial period at no cost. However, it's not always required. There are only 27 percent of the most successful 250 companies with revenue offer a Free Trial.

Trials are not a bad thing. They also can change the dynamic of communities. If members leave between meetings, interacting but not committing, it may affect the cohesiveness of your community.

In a variety of scenarios it is more advantageous to complete the task ahead of time to ensure that the right candidate is present. Conduct the screening and make sure that people step in the door willing to commit all of their.

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10. Get additional offers

For the most lucrative communities, the greatest way to increase revenue is those who are already on the way to join.

It's not uncommon to tell, "I'm already charging them so I don't need to be charging for something else," we find that people who are members usually want to have more. The ideal scenario could be an extremely involved mastermind group, 1:1 coaching or even an amazing live or online meeting.

We're not saying to charge more just for the sake of charging more.

Take a review of your existing customers and ensure you're offering them with the most value you are possible, even if it requires an offer that's not yet been made!

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11. Ensure that all members are connected

Communities that have succeeded. They have one thing all have in common.

Communities that are successful have members who have become friends (that's not the Host). Members join communities to access educational content, events, or special occasions. However, they stay in communities because of friendships that they make.

It is a sign that one of the most important things for any Host to achieve is to offer opportunities for members to come together and form bonds. It can be accomplished synchronously such as in a discussion prompt or a post. Also, it could be at the same time in office spaces, during a live event or even during structured break-out groups or networking sessions.

Take them out of your way, and allow them to join in.

The community you live in is bound to grow stronger due to it.

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12. Make use of the support by your "supers" in order to aid

Your super members provide a vast amount of info. The majority of Hosts aren't using their super members to their fullest. Members who are most active want to make connections. It is also possible to get them to participate in various ways, that go beyond what is expected of a member:


  • Request for help in facilitating discussion
  • They should be enlisted to manage the community and its content.
  • Feature their stories or ask them questions
  • Request members to reach them. They should accept new members with a warm welcome.      

There are supers who may not be able to accept our advice, but the vast majority of supers wait to be asked more. Be sure to request for the assistance of your supers.

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13. Choose the best platform

In the end, the most significant increase to the membership of your community could be the software to build a community you choose to use. If you choose a platform that allows mixing every kind of class, content, community, and live events along with an incredibly powerful online business platform it will allow you to build the necessary elements for an effective community-based company.

As we developed our platform for community, our team took into account everything you could require to create an active members-only group.

This refers to:


  • The ability to create any kind of content you'd like to create, such as articles, lengthy content, discussions, polls, as well as streaming live .
  • Sell memberships, pre-recorded or live online courses Mastermind sessions for virtual events Group-coaching, and bundle the entire package in your own home currency.
  • Connectivity tools that are unlike other: discussion starters, chat & messaging, AI profiles, text enhancements as well as extensive member directory and profile pages with conversations integrated in each step.
  • Design your personal brand identity using colors, customized Spaces and even create an app that has a name .
  • Design your own sales engine by using landing pages that automatically land, customized screening questions, and other welcome options.

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Are you prepared to get started? Join us and build your community on Mighty! The top community platform from G2 that includes everything you require for an effective shift from 0-6 figures. Try it without cost for 14 days. No credit card is required.

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