MongoDB Sharding: A Comprehensive Guide

Aug 12, 2023
MongoDB sharding


We live in a data-driven society which the amount and volume of data are growing at unprecedented amounts and the need for reliable and flexible databases is becoming a must. According to estimates, 180 zettabytes of data will be generated by 2025. They are massive numbers that are difficult to grasp.

This entire guide will take you deep into the complexity that is MongoDB Sharding and discusses the advantages, its components, best practices, most the most common errors, and where you can start.

What exactly is Database Sharding?

A technique for sharding databases is a method of managing data which involves dividing the growing data base horizontally into smaller, easier to manage components known as "shards. ".

As your database expands, you can break it down into smaller pieces and then store each on their own computer. Smaller pieces, also known as"shards," are the separate elements in the database. The procedure of segregating and dispersing database information is known as the sharding process of databases.

If you're considering making use of the sharded model bring your ideas to life There are two primary alternatives to consider: either creating customized software to be utilized for sharding, or purchasing a pre-existing. There's an issue of building a sharded solution or buying one from a vendor is the better option.

When making your choice, make sure you consider the expenses of companies that are non-third party. Keep in mind the following aspects:

  • The ability to learn and the skills of developers Learning curve that is derived from software and it is in line with the abilities of developers.
  • the Data Model as well as the API available to those who use this system. The data system is a unique method of representing the data it holds. Its ease of use and the speed it is possible to connect your application to the system is essential to consider.
  • Support for customers and online documentation If you encounter problems or needing assistance throughout the process, the level and accessibility of support offered by the client, as well as the extensive documentation available online are crucial.
  • cloud-based deployment in the event that more companies migrate into cloud computing. It's crucial to find out the ability of third-party applications to be used within the cloud configuration.

After considering these considerations, the next task is to design the system for sharding or purchase the equipment capable of hard lifting.

What is Sharding? MongoDB?

The primary reason for using NoSQL database is the fact that NoSQL database has the ability to control the demands of storage and computing to keep huge amounts of data.

It's a general rule that everyone knows that the MongoDB database has a huge array of collections. Every collection is made up of many documents with information that is key-value pairs. This allows you to break the large document set up into smaller groups using MongoDB Sharding. This allows MongoDB handle requests without putting stress on servers hosting databases.

In this particular instance, Telefonica Tech manages over 30 million IoT devices all over the world. To keep up with the ever-growing demands for IoT devices, they needed an application with the capacity to expand to meet the ever-changing demands of consumers in addition to handle the expanding information infrastructure. Sharding was the ideal option for MongoDB as it was the ideal choice for their budget and demands in terms of capacity.

With MongoDB breaking down Telefonica Tech runs well over 15,000 requests per second. This is 30,000 database entries per second with a mere millisecond!

The advantages of MongoDB Sharding

This is the benefit of the MongoDB Sharding service to help support massive-scale data that users can benefit from:

Storage Capacity

Sharding processes distribute data among all the cluster's shards. Each shard will contain only a small portion of the information in the cluster. Each additional shard will increase the capacity of storage for the cluster, based on the growing database.


MongoDB shares workloads that read and write across multiple shreds which make up a cluster. Each shard is able to complete specific task that is related to the cluster. These two tasks can be increased horizontally within a cluster by adding additional Shards.

Accessibility to the High

Shards are and also as configuration servers for replicating sets offers greater reliability. In the event that any of the replica sets stop working, the one that has been sharded is able to write and read partial information.

Be prepared for interruptions

The majority of users suffer when their machines go down because of an outage that is unexpected. If the system hasn't destroyed due to the possibility that databases have been shut down and the results could be massive. The extent of the negative user impact could be reduced through MongoDB shredding.

Geo-Distribution and Performance

Shards with duplicates have the capability of crossing regions. This means that customers gain access to their information at an earlier rate i.e. they can redirect customer queries to the shard that is closest to their location. In accordance with the rules to govern data in an area, certain Shards are able to be set up to represent regions within.

Parts and components that make up MongoDB Sharded Clusters

In the past, we've explained the notion of a MongoDB as well as sharded clusters. You can examine the parts which make up these clusters.

1. Shard

Each shard is a distinct portion of the data divided into shards. To use MongoDB Version 3.6 The shards need to be stored in a replica set to provide high redundancy and availability.

Each of the databases within the shard cluster is built on a primary one which holds all the unsharded databases on that. This shard doesn't have any connection to the primary within the set of replicas.

To alter the primary shard within the database, make use of movePrimary command. movePrimary command. The process of transferring the primary shard could last for a long time before it is completed.

The database is not to be accessed or any databases which are linked to it till the migration process is complete. This could impact the overall performance of the cluster based upon the volume of data that needs to be moved.

There is a way to utilize mongosh's sh.status() technique within mongosh to view the overall view of the entire cluster. This technique returns the principal shred of data and also the total number of chunks spread across various shreds.

2. Config Servers

Utilizing config servers to group shards into replica sets can increase the coherence among servers that set. This is because being equipped to MongoDB can use the most common protocols for replica sets to write as well as reading configuration details.

If you're interested in setting up servers as replica sets, you'll have access to WiredTiger. WiredTiger storage device. WiredTiger employs the concept of document-level concurrency for editing operations. This means that multiple users can edit several documents within a collection at the same time.

Config servers save the data of a cluster that is sharded inside the database for config. If you want to access the config database, you can make use of this command within mongo's shell.

makes use of the configuration

Here are some guidelines to be conscious of:

  • An replica-set configuration that is utilized for configuration servers must contain no arbitrators. Arbiters participate in an election to be the primary. They don't have a copy of the data and therefore isn't able to take on the role of primary.
  • The replica set can't be used to include members who are delayed. Delay members are able to duplicate the data set from this set. The member's delayed data set includes an earlier or deferred version of the data.
  • It is crucial to set up indexes to servers so that they are able to enable. Simply put, no member should have members[n].buildIndexes setting set to false.

When the set of replicas of the config server is unable to locate the main member in its set and it is not able to choose a replacement member that is accessible, the information about the cluster will be only accessible for reading. The cluster will be able to read write on the shards however there won't be divisions of chunks or transfer can take place until the replica sets can choose another option.

3. Request Routers

MongoDB mongos instance can to serve as a query routing router, which lets the client apps as well as the clusters connected by sharding to make connections rapidly.

The new version of MongoDB 4.4 The Mongos instances have been able to handle reading with hedged reading, which could reduce latency. In reading using the hedged reading method, Mongos instances are able to send read operations to two participants of the replica set every shard to be asked. Then, it reports the result of the initial respondent for each shred.

Three parts are interconnected inside a sharded shard:

Mongos instances Mongos instances may route an query to a particular group using:

  1. Looking through shards to determine which need to be reached in order for the query to function.
  2. Look over every piece of glass that you're looking at.

Mongos will later join the data of each shard before returning the resultant document. Certain query modifiers like sorting, for instance, are performed on every Shard before mongos take the details.

If the keys to shards or prefix employed to distinguish the keys to shards are an element of a query, mongos can execute a plan process, which involves making queries pointing to the the shards of a cluster within a specific class of cluster.

In your production cluster, make sure that all the information you've backed to has been restored and your PC is working. The purpose of this configuration is to set up one of the clusters using the configuration of the production-sharded cluster

  • Each shard should be deployed in three-member replica sets
  • Configure servers to be deployed as three-member replica sets
  • Set up either or both Mongos routers

If you're trying to set up an operation for the cluster that is not in production, you can deploy an sharded cluster using these components:

  • A single shard replica set
  • A replica set configuration server
  • One mongos instance

What process will be adhered to? MongoDB Sharding How Does It Work?

Now that we've covered the various components that make up an sharded and sharded group It's the time to dive into the details of this procedure.

In order to break down the data on multiple servers, you can use mongos. After you've connected, send your request to MongoDB it will search to find and determine which server the information is. Then it'll get it from the appropriate server and join the data in case the data is split across multiple servers.

How can I set up MongoDB The Sharding process step-by-step?

Setting up MongoDB Sharding is a process which requires a series of steps for setting up a secure and safe database cluster. This guide will walk you through steps to creating MongoDB Sharding.

Before you begin, be aware that you must enable sharding in MongoDB It is necessary to have at minimum three servers. It should be a single server hosting the configuration server, one server specifically for mongos, and one server that will host the Shards.

1. Create a Directory On Config Server

In the initial step, we'll establish an archive directory to save the configuration data for the server. The procedure can be finished with this command on the initial server:


2. Start MongoDB in Configuration Mode

We'll then begin MongoDB by enabling the configuration mode of one server with this command:

mongod --configsvr --dbpath /data/configdb --port 27019

The configuration server is situated in the port 2719 and store its data within the data/configdb directory directory. It is running the --configsvr option to show that the server is serving as a config server.

3. Start Mongos Instance

The following step is to launch the mongos application. The process sends messages to the correct Shards in accordance with the keys used for sharding. To start the mongos instances, you must run this command:

mongos --configdb :27019

Change the hostname, IP address of the hostname in the device on which the config server is situated.

4. Connect To Mongos Instance

If you are able to connect to the Mongos server is functioning, you are able to connect using mongoDB's shell. You can do this by using the following command

mongo --host --port 27017

If you're running this command, you'll need to modify your mongos-server parameters. This parameter gets replaced by the hostname or hostname, or the IP address of the server which hosts Mongos as well as the instance that is associated with it. The command starts mongodb's shell. This allows us to gain access to the MongoDB server and connect servers to the cluster.

Change "mongos-server>" with the IP address or hostname of the machine that mongos is operating on.

5. Add Servers To Clusters

After connecting to the mongos server, we're able to join the mongos servers to the group by using this command


The command can be substituted for the IP address or hostname of the server that hosts the cluster. The command will connect the shard and the cluster and then make it available for use.

Repeat the process for each shred that you'd like to be part of the group.

6. Let Sharding be enabled for databases.

As the last step of this process, we'll permit sharding within a database by making use of this command:


When you execute this operation, your database's name should be replaced by the one you want to chop up. This allows sharding to be activated in the database you select and also allow users to spread their data across multiple shreds.

It's time to end! If you adhere to these guidelines, you'll be able to have functioning MongoDB cluster. It is possible to divide it for horizontal scaling and handling high-traffic loads.

The Most Effective Methods to Practice MongoDB Sharding

1. Find the Most Effective Shard Key

The Shard Key is an essential aspect of MongoDB Sharding. It determines the way data is split between shards. Choosing a shard key that is evenly distributed across the various shards and accommodates the most frequently requested queries is essential. Be careful not to select a key that creates hotspots, or problems with the dispersion of information. It can cause difficulties with performance.

When choosing the best key for your shard, it is important to look over your data and the type of questions you'll use to choose a key that meets those requirements.

2. Data Plan Growth Data Plan Growth

As you design your sharded cluster, strategy for growth in the future, start with enough shards that can cope with the current workload. Then, you can consider adding more according to the requirements. Be sure that the hardware you use for your network's infrastructure and devices is able to support the number of shards you'll require in addition to the volume of information you'll require to maintain over the coming years.

3. Utilize a dedicated hardware to store Shards

Use special hardware that is specifically designed to work with every Shard to guarantee the highest security and performance. Each Shard requires its own virtual server in order to make the most out of every resource without interruption.

Sharing hardware could result in resource conflicts and performance losses that may impact the stability of your system overall.

4. Make use of Replica Sets for connecting Shard Servers

Utilizing replica sets to serve as shard servers ensures the highest level of security in addition to the ability to handle problems in the MongoDB Sharded Cluster. Each replica set must contain at least three members. All members should be placed on the same machine. This ensures that the hard-sharded set will be able to withstand losing any member, or server.

5. Monitor Shard Performance

Monitoring the performance of the servers you have is essential to identify issues before they become issues. Monitor the processor memory, and disk I/O, and the network I/O for each server shard to be sure that your shard is able to meet the needs.

Monitoring tools are integrated such for mongostat and mongotop along with third-party monitoring tools like Datadog, Dynatrace, and Zabbix to maximize the efficiency of the shards.

6. for Disaster Recovery Plan to implement a Disaster Recovery Plan for Disaster Recovery

Preparing to recover from a disaster could be vital to protect Your MongoDB Sharded Cluster. There should be an emergency plan for recovery that includes regular backups, tests of backups in order to verify they're valid, and how to restore backups in case of the loss of the backup.

7. Use Hashed-Based Sharding only if you need to.

When software makes use of queries using ranges, sharding based on the range could be advantageous because the operation is limited to only one shard. It is important to be conscious of the information that you are using and the format of your query in order for this.

A way to shard hashed is to method to guarantee the constant distribution of write and reads. It's however not an efficient method of determining the range.

What are the most frequently made mistakes to avoid while sharding the data in Your MongoDB Database?

MongoDB Sharding is an effective technique that lets you expand your database horizontally and scattering data across multiple servers. There are however a lot of errors you need to stay clear of while shredding database data within your MongoDB database. Here are the most frequently committed mistakes and the best way to avoid these.

1. The incorrect key to the Sharding

One of the most important choices you'll encounter when creating databases in your MongoDB database is selecting the right key used to divide the database. The key you use to shard the database controls how data is distributed across the shards. Selecting the wrong key may result in an uneven distribution of data hotspots, unbalanced distribution and not enough efficiency.

An error that is common is choosing the shard key that is only increased with the release of new documents using a range, and not to the sharding that is hashed. Like the date stamp (naturally) as well as any other document which has the component of time as its principal component, such as ObjectID (the initial four bytes are the time stamp).

If you decide to use an shard key, after which you insert an entire block of data that you wrote, all of it is saved to the shard that has the most space. In the event, on the contrary, you insert new shards the computer's capacity to write won't increase.

If you're looking to increase the capacity of your writing, you might look into using the hash-based shard key which lets users use the same space while providing enough space to write.

2. There is a possibility to change the value of the Shard Key

Shard keys can't be modified into an existing document, meaning it is impossible to modify the keys. Some changes can be made before shredding. You won't be able to make this change after. If you attempt to alter the shard keys in the current document could result in the following error message:

isn't a change in Shard key's value field ID. Value field ID for Shard key of collection is collectionname.

Then, you're now able to delete the file and put the file back for replacement of the shard that is the key, instead of attempting to alter the shard.

3. Unable to monitor the cluster

Sharding can add added additional complexity for the database. It is therefore essential to keep an eye on the cluster. If the cluster isn't properly monitored, it can cause problems with performance, or even the loss of data, as well as many different issues.

In order to avoid making this error and prevent this mistake from happening to avoid making this mistake make use of a program for monitoring that can monitor key metrics including the usage of memory, storage capacity for CPUs on disks, internet usage. In addition, you must set alerts when certain thresholds are exceeded.

4. It's been too long waiting for a New Shard (Overloaded)

One of the most frequent mistakes you make while creating a shard for you MongoDB database is to wait too long to start with the new shard. When a shard gets overwhelmed by data or queries, it may cause problems related to speed, or even slow down the entire cluster.

Imagine that you have an imagined cluster consisting of two shreds each having 20000 chunks (5000 are deemed "active") in addition to that, you will require a third shred. The third shard is expected to comprise one-third of the chunks that are currently active (and the entire number of chunks).

It's hard to tell when the shard stops being an obstacle and transforms into an asset. It's crucial to figure out what amount of load the system would generate when it transfers active chunks of data to the new shard. We must also identify the point at which the load is minimal when compared to the load the system is putting on it.

It's not difficult to imagine this set of migrations taking longer if there is an overloading number of shards. This will be longer so that the new shard to arrive at the point of zero return. This will bring about a net increase. So, it's best to adopt a proactive strategy and expand capacity prior to the point at which it's essential.

There are various mitigations which consist of regularly monitoring the cluster and also creating new shards in times of lower activity to ensure no resource competition. You should manually make sure that you balance those "hot" parts (accessed more frequently than others) in order to transfer the load to the new shard with efficiency.

5. Under-Provisioning Config Servers

If the servers on the config server aren't properly stocked, the result could be instability in performance and instability. Over-provisioning may result due to the inability to allocate CPU memory, memory or storage.

There could be an inefficiency of queries, in addition to delays and the possibility of a crashes. To prevent this from happening, make sure that there are enough resources on the server config crucial for large-scale clusters. Monitoring the utilization of the server configuration on a regular basis could help to identify any issues due to the insufficient provisioning.

Another way to avoid this being a problem is to use specific hardware to run the server config instead of using the resources shared by different components of the group. This can ensure that the server configuration has enough power to meet the requirements of a config server.

6. Don't Take the Time to Backup and Restore data

Backups are crucial to be certain that data does not get destroyed in the case malfunction. Data loss could occur as due to a variety reasons, including the malfunction of the computer or a human mistake. Data loss could be caused by malicious attacks.

7. Unintentionally Testing the Sharded Cluster

Before deploying your sharded networks for production, be sure you test your cluster in depth so you are sure that it is able to withstand the load and demands. If you do not check the sharded networks, it may result in slow performances or even catastrophic crashes.

MongoDB Sharding vs. Clustered Indexes: Which is the best choice for databases that are large?

Both MongoDB Sharding and Clustered Indexes are effective strategies for handling huge databases. They are used to serve a range of functions. It is dependent on the specifics of the program.

Sharding is a method of horizontal scaling which distributes information across multiple nodes. This can be a great way to deal with huge files and massive writes. It is completely transparent to the applications and allows users to connect with MongoDB through similar methods with the same ease to work as one database.

Additionally, clustered indexes increase the effectiveness of queries that locate data in huge databases, due because they allow MongoDB to discover the data more quickly when a query is in line with the index field.

Which is more effective in large databases? All depends on the purpose of use as well as the needs of the task.

If your application requires the most speedy speeds for writing and querying, and requires a horizontal scaling along with an vertical scale, MongoDB Sharding might be your best option. The use of clustered indexes is more effective if the applications is heavily read-intensive and requires often-queried data to be organized with a method specifically for.


A cluster built on shards is a reliable architecture that handles enormous volumes of data. It is also in a position to horizontally scale in order to meet the demands of growing applications. The cluster comprises the configuration servers, shards mongos processing software, and client software. Data is separated based upon the primary shard that is selected with care to guarantee an even distribution of data as well as the ability to access data.

Utilizing the potential of sharding applications, they can improve the speed, availability and efficiency of hardware resources. Selecting the appropriate key for sharding is essential in order to make sure that the data is distributed evenly. information.

     What are your thoughts on MongoDB and the method of sharding the databases? Do you have concerns regarding the sharding process that you think that could have been solved? Please let us know by leaving an update!

Jeremy Holcombe

The Editor of Content and Marketing WordPress web Developer as well as Content writer. Alongside all other activities connected to WordPress I enjoy golf as well as movies, beaches, and golf. Additionally, I struggle with my height ;).

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