New Courses are launching with Assignments as well as features that are included in the Gradebook

Aug 22, 2024

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It's back-to-school season! Most places around the world start their first day of school is on the horizon ( if it hasn't begun already) and students who are soon to be in the classroom have been enjoying these last few days of summer heat.

What's Inside Switch

Teachers are returning to their classrooms over the next few weeks. They're arranging seats and putting up posters with new designs, updating attendance records and experimenting with innovative teaching techniques that they're keen to impart to the new students they've enrolled in.

In e-Learning, we'd wish that our teachers online experience the same joy and excitement in creating an exciting and effective virtual learning environment that their learners can enjoy.

This is why we're excited to share our brand new courses tools: Assignmentsand Gradebook:

  • Tasks Students in your class have the ability to submit many projects directly within the classroom. They can write essays, or create web pages making digital portfolios and multimedia content The assignments can assist them with developing their analytical, technical, and social skills. It also gives students a peek at their knowledge.
  • Grading Book Grades have become easier to handle, and lets users keep all their scores in one place. This makes it easier for keeping track of individual progress as well as making it simpler to monitor your progress and provide prompt feedback. Students are able to easily check their grades, which helps students stay in the know and remain on track with the educational goals they've established for themselves.

These tools were designed by us for your online classroom to be more engaging well-organized and ready to provide the most effective educational experience to both you and your students.

Let's take a look!

Courses: The most loved LMS tool for teachers who teach online.

The tool is designed to help you improve the quality of your online teaching and allow you to concentrate on what you enjoy most - teaching and sharing your knowledge.

  • The simple interface lets us to build courses faster. It's fun and simple to create your course.
  • Automatically issue certificates to the students after completion of their course to acknowledge their efforts.
  • It is possible to customize the appearance and appearance of your classrooms so that they be in line with your brand by having a myriad of choices to tailor your learning experience and ensure the best learning experience for your students.
  • Enjoy seamless transactions with several options for payment that makes registering for courses as well as charges simple.
  • Manage who can access your content with customizable access policies that assure the security of your learning environment.
  • Find out the most recent guides, tutorials and individual assistance in establishing and improve the efficiency of your class.

The focus we place on quality makes Courses stand out different from the other LMSs. It also establishes our position as a leader within the LMS market.

It takes a lot of effort to succeed in both fields, but it's an easy choice since our customers have the right to the highest quality!

We are committed to continuously investigating new developments within the industry as well as adopting methods that are best practice and enhance our tools so that we can surpass or meet the needs of our customers.

The passion for learning is the principal reason behind the design of our most recent offerings: Assignmentsand the Grading Book.

These are designed to ensure that your students remain within the boundaries, and to allow you to help make the online education process as easy and efficient as it can be.

Your imagination will be a shining light for when you work in the classroom through the use of NEW Assignments

Through incorporating various types of tasks You create an exciting learning environment for your students However, you improve the efficiency of the teaching methods you employ.

This is the way to expand your curriculum content by completing different assignments.

  • Writing reports and essays: Encourage students to think about their ideas through writing essays that are traditional or have to complete a lot of detective work in the writing of investigation reports.
  • Digital Projects Create a sense of creativity by creating web pages for students to build portfolios or project in digital formats. It is the ideal alternative for people who are awestruck by visuals, such as the design of websites, marketing digitally and graphic design.
  • Media Submissions: Allow students to demonstrate their abilities through video, graphics or other formats of multimedia. It's a great option for classes that need an element of physical activity, such as the public speaking class, or even instruction in software.
  • Complex Projects These projects are supposed to combine everything into the form of words, images along with multimedia, in order to make full projects that prove their understanding of the content and fulfill the expectations of the assignments.

Three Reasons You'll Like the addition of assignments to your online class:

1. Encourages Diverse skills

The Assignments supplement extends the learning beyond just writing. The aim is to aid students to develop a broader range of skills that they can apply in real-world scenarios.

  • Writing and analytical skills: Drafting essays or research papers need not solely focus on the writing of the words. Students can engage in a sophisticated analysis. They can create persuasive arguments and support their arguments using the evidence and also communicate with clarity and preciseness.
  • technical and design skills When students have to complete the work in creating websites and digital portfolios it's a case using real-world skills that range from design to programming. They also learn the fundamentals of interface design and user interface which is essential for career opportunities in the web-based sector as well as digital marketing.
  • Media Production Skills while working on video or multimedia projects, students are taught more than basic cutting, editing and retouching. Students investigate narrative structure, discover the intricacies of audiovisual storytelling as well as learn about the process of creating multimedia.
  • Communication and presentation skills: Whether it's showcasing your digital portfolio, creating videos or writing reports or writing in different formats, HTML0 enhances the students' ability to communicate ideas clearly and convincingly. These are essential skills to be able to perform any job.
Assign video demonstration assignments with  Courses

     2. Enhances Interaction

Every assignment is crafted so that students are encouraged to go further in their knowledge and keep them engaged through the program.

  • Find out about the various methods students learn: Through a variety of activities and activities, students have the chance to explore and discover what's most effective for their needs. If they're proficient in the ability to think critically as well as the ability to write technical texts and tell stories, they will be able to experiment in a variety of ways and discover the advantages they possess.
  • Be engaged and curious The diversity of the tasks can make learning enjoyable and thrilling. Thanks to the continual creation of innovative formats and demanding new challenges, students are always active and engaged in the learning.
  • Enjoy the Learning Process: Offering a mix of assignments makes the course an enjoyable learning experience. More likely are students take pleasure in their work if they know they'll be facing a diverse task each time, making learning fun and fun.
Allow students to submit a mix of assignment types, from essay writing, multimedia and graphic uploads, URL submissions, and more with  Courses

     3. Flexible Settings that can be customized

Every course is different We've created the Assignments Add-on to give you many options for customization. You can change assignments in order to align with the purpose of your class, and also accommodate the demands of your students.

  • Certain characters count. Establish character limits so that students can be in the right direction. They'll be precise enough that they don't get confused or overly concise and can assist in helping to keep up the highest quality of the work they create.
  • Points earned for completion of assignments. Points are awarded for assignments which have been completed in order to help students to be encouraged to make the most of their effort. This is a great method to motivate students and acknowledge their accomplishments.
  • Resubmission Opportunities. Let students submit project after getting critique. Help to learn from errors and to improve. This is a great way to build a mindset that is committed to becoming more effective.
 Courses Assignments customization options

How do you create assignments in the course

The first step is to add the assignment to your schedule, as well as keep track of the guidelines on the assignment's page.

Add a new assignment in the  Courses Curriculum builder
Assignments curriculum page

When you go to create the assignment online, be sure that you include an image that has been featured. You can categorize your content using tags and ensure that assignments are accessible using Rules If necessary.

Continue reading to learn how to grade your work using the NEW Gradebook add-on next! An in-depth tutorial video is ready for you...

A simpler assessment task through the NEW Gradebook

You, as a teacher are aware of how crucial it is to instruct beyond simply giving lectures. Once your students are fully engaged with the material or completed the homework assignments, or had tests to take, now is the time to assess the amount of work they've invest in it.

The past, monitoring the progress of students was as easy as going through each test individually to view how students responded to the test, along with their scores.

Every class you run on your website comes with its own Gradebook. After students have passed tests or assignments, their completed work is instantly recorded within the gradebook.

Every course on your site is equipped with its own Gradebook to house completes quizzes and assignments

The Gradebook can be used to review and assess each student's performance in a single document. It collects all tasks and examinations all in one place, making it easier to assess and monitor the development of each student.

Three Good Reasons To Like The Gradebook Add-On

1. simplify Grad Management

The brand new Gradebook feature will assist users manage their grades.

It consolidates all grade requirements into one interface. It eliminates the hassle of managing several spreadsheets and pages.

In one location it is easy to see the performance of everyone with their work and tests. This doesn't just reduce the process of marking, but it also simplifies the entire process and less stress-inducing.

2. Individual Classroom Tracking of both teachers and students

When you use the Gradebook extension, you will gain access to live, immediate reports which highlight the student's improvement and the overall academic progress of the class.

The dual perspective helps to quickly identify patterns and areas where students may require extra help and to adjust the instructional strategies you implement accordingly.

The Gradebook also features filtering and search options. This allows you to alter how you view assignments and quizzes and also how students perform.

Students can view their assessments, quizzes and tests as well as their scores and overall scores.

Gradebook filter search

Understanding the pattern will enable teachers to modify their instruction according to the needs of every student. This will ensure that each student gets the support to reach their goals.

3. Transparent Feedback

The Gradebook makes it easier for you to go about providing feedback and grading. It offers a detailed analysis of your grades for every test and assignment so that you and your students are able to track their progress quickly.

This helps to identify areas in which students do very efficiently, as well as areas in which students may require assistance.

Additionally, it is possible for you to reward points people who have put in a great efforts, which is an efficient and quick way to recognize and reward the effort.

What's especially useful for teachers is the individualized feedback portion. Feedback can be precise just beside the mark:

Assignments grading

This system lets you offer students particular feedback in order to correlate their results with their grades which will improve the efficiency of your instruction as well as the focus on your students' education.

A properly-organized gradebook system will help you remain organized, and helps you better aid your student's learning process, thereby making the learning process more efficient and personalized.

How to configure and Grade assignments using the Gradebook

The time has come to put aside the outdated gradebook, with its tiny column and the cluttered text! The Gradebook extension offers modern simple method of grading.

It offers a simple user-friendly interface. It enhances the way you look at student information and helps improve your assessments. It offers a gorgeous, comprehensive and attractive overview.

Within your Gradebook, you'll find everything well-organized. The quizzes that each student has completed and assignments as well as the marks you've given them along with their final grades. You'll have the ability to view all of their scores all in one location.

Furthermore, anything that isn't graded yet is clearly marked by the word "ungraded," making it simple to determine the items that are worthy of your focus in the coming days.

Have a look through the complete video guide that provides easy-to-follow directions for making assignments, then making them available for marking in your class.


Prepare yourself for a great academic year using Courses. It is one of the most up-to-date and well-loved software: Assignmentsand gradesbooksadd-ons.

These innovative tools were designed to make it easier for you to manage your courses and grade-giving. This frees up your time for delivering a great teaching.

Through this Assignments option, students can just submit their assignments via the web. Gradbookprovides an organized, easy method for tracking grades as well as feedback.

Did you set up your classroom? No worries! Click here to begin and become one of the hundreds of thousands of educators who are making online education more exciting and enjoyable.

What's the primary task you'd like to introduce into your classroom? Share your teaching opinions with us through our remarks in the comments below!

Katelyn Gillis Meet Katelyn managing a course or member site isn't easy, but that's where Katelyn can assist. As a graduate from the area of education, as well as the position of "Content Manager" she is a natural to delve into the intricacies and offering guidance that's like being able to talk with a colleague who gets it. If you're in search of new ideas or assurance, Katelyn's blog entries can be found here to make it simpler for you to make the right decision.

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