Recommendations to WordPress plugins for membership sites

Jun 17, 2023

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The plugins feature is definitely one of the top characteristics that comes with the WordPress blogs software. Within a matter of a few mouse clicks, it is possible to include additional features that permit the promotion of items, revamp your site, keep your content protected and safe, as well as various other options.

With the multitude of plugins to pick from, which one are the best to choose? Look through our selection of recommended WordPress plugins which are appropriate for membership sites and come out full of new ways to improve traffic as well as engagement.

Let's roll!

Most of the most of the plugins we have recommended on this list are completely free. They're equally useful for regular WordPress websites, just as they would be used on websites designed used for subscriptions.

Website Backup Plugin


If you just install one new plugin after reading this guide, it must absolutely be a WordPress back-up plugin.

The plugins can create an archive of your site, which allows you retrieve deleted data with just a few clicks.

If you're not sure whether you'll need one take a moment to think about what your reaction would be should your site were erased today and disappeared permanently.

WordPress Security Plugin

Once you've got backups sorted, it's time to safeguard your site.

This is particularly important if you run a site with an established client base. This will ensure that your customers are content and have the privacy of their data is protected.

Although a backup option can help you recover from a hack or other similar event, a good WordPress security software can help lower the chance of something occurring in the first place.

Web Caching Plugin

WP Super Cache

Utilizing a caching tool that's reliable can help your website run more efficiently. Also, speedy websites have been proven to increase the rate of conversion. It means that you'll receive more visitors!

This is logical. It is true that websites that load quickly are much more pleasant to browse and help build trust for your brand and the value of your content.

With its reputation and popularity and ease of use and wealth of functionality, WP Super Cache is our recommended free caching software.

Image Optimization Plugin

Optimizing your website images is yet another method to speed up the performance of your membership site.

A good plugin will take this responsibility from your plate and produce amazing results in terms of decreasing dimensions of your files and boosting the speed of your pages.

The best plug-ins that support this sort automatically optimize existing photos for your site, along with any new files you upload.

Contact Form Contact Form Contact Form Plugin

Contact form plugins are the simplest method of receiving messages from your visitors, without having to publish an email address.

Lead Generation Plugin


Contact forms are ideal for those who want to connect, but, other visitors might need some encouragement.

The Lead Generator plugin can be found. It is possible to promote specific activities on your website, such as for example, including your email address on your mailing list, by using vouchers to get discounts or even registering for a free trial.

Broken Link Checker

Along with slow loading times, broken links are an easy way to upset members and guests alike.

It is good to know that you can download free programs that can check your site for links no longer that are leading to the proper site. This could include pages on your website, pages on other sites, as well as documents or different sources that you may be linking to.

The software recommended from this category not only notifies the user of any broken links found and provides you with a the ability to repair the link without visiting the website that the link was published on.

With its functions that are helpful and proactive in checking Broken Link Checker is the most effective tool for the task.

The Website Audience Analytics Plugin

Monster Insights

We've discussed the benefits of using Google Analytics on your site for members in the past.

If you're using this feature to discover more information about the visitors to your site and what they're involved in on your site It's the perfect time.

It is possible to install our suggested Google Analytics WordPress plugin to access your Google Analytics data right from the WordPress dashboard.

SEO plugin to help with search engine Optimization (SEO) The plugin for Search Engine Optimization


The optimization of your membership site and its contents to be indexed by the search engines is essential for getting more visitors to visit your website.

While there is a myriad of excellent SEO techniques to use for membership websites to help you grow your reach, the initial process is to set up the best WordPress SEO plug-in.

Drag-and-Drop Page Builder Plugin

Beaver Builder

Even a free option opens the door to more possibilities to be creative using WordPress. Create custom design pages, include widgets for your site, work using a variety of designs and much more!

If you're looking to upgrade your WordPress capability to edit the content on your site, there are two fantastic options to pick from.

The final thought

This listing of 10 highly suggested plugins for use on WordPress membership sites should assist in enhancing the overall quality of your site while keeping costs down.

     Which of our recommended WordPress membership plugins are you recommended to install? Please let us know in the comments below.

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