Run Competitions to Market Your Member Site

Oct 8, 2023

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If you're seeking an opportunity to advertise your membership website to increase the number of people who visit it, then hosting a competition could be the best option. There are many options to expand your user base however, contests and raffles are a great option.

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In this article, we'll look at the benefits of running a competition in order to boost traffic to your website as well as offer some tips for getting started.

The advantages of having competitions as well as Contests

Rafflecoptor Giveaway Tool

Before we go over the devices that you can use when running a contest on your member's website, let us look at some reasons to create an contest.

Affect a broader audience

If the entry for your contest is contingent on the users sharing your page through social media sites or other locations to reach a larger number of people might be the primary motive to hold a competition.

Most contest management firms give you the option of taking entries for contests through social media sites, which includes the sharing and tweeting of your contents, offering your guests the possibility to win.

Every sharing you do via social media will expose your website and products for membership in the hands of potential new visitors or members. This is why it's important to incorporate an element of social media in your contests.

Boost Social Media Following

Growing your followers on social media is a worthwhile goal in and of its own. If you are using social media activity to let participants participate in the contest, then having them follow your profile in order to participate can easily increase the number of followers you've got.

Increase traffic to websites

The results of a successful contest are sure to boost traffic on your website. A way to achieve this is to include the contest's entry form in order with a promotion on behalf of those who participate. Secondly, a great contest offering a thrilling prize could turn out to be an enjoyable event as a whole. Creating a generous contest giveaway could give you the opportunity to connect with influential bloggers, influencers and other key participants in your field by offering them something they can communicate that they may be interested in.

The new publicity could boost website traffic, giving an opportunity to convert potential visitors to subscribers or members.

Grow Your List of Emails

Membership Site Contests

When they've signed up to your mailing list to participate in the contest, begin to put your email marketing campaign to work and start emailing great content to those who have joined your list. After your leads have been positive, you can begin to promote your membership service with them.

Invite discussions

Another method for running an event is to select the winner among all those who left a comment in your site's blog. Since comments can spark discussions regarding your website and the offerings for members and other reasons, it's worthwhile to get your visitors to share their thoughts.

Promote the Member Product You Sell

The last but not least is having a contest can aid in promoting your membership program. Create a contest which is newsworthy that others in your niche would like to spread the word with their followers and/or having an entry procedure that involves social media promotion for the purpose of spreading information about your membership services.

Most important factors to think about before Running a Competition

In the event that you're about to start your first contest you should be aware of a few points to consider. First, you should sit down for a while thinking about what prizes you'll give away.

Will you offer one big prize, or provide runners-up prize options as well? Access to a reduced or no cost to your membership programs is the most effective choice. If you'd like to advertise your contest to current members, you'll need be thinking outside the confines of.

Make sure your prize select to award is appropriate to the audience you wish to attract, as well as also being something that they'll want to share with their friends on social media as well as make the name of their company known. You must ensure that your budget for prizes will be within your budget and expectation realistically about the competition and its outcomes.

Hopefully, your contest can bring in more people to your website. If this is the case, you'll have ensure that you've created procedures to handle that extra visitors, and also gain the most value from it.

Load Impact Testings

Don't forget to create an account for your website to keep track of the outcomes of the contest. Google Analytics is a free software. Google Analytics makes it easy to determine if your website is seeing more traffic and the source of those visitors, and what they've been doing on your website.

How do you run an event on your Website?

If you're employing WordPress for your membership site and you're employing WordPress for your membership website, it's easier than usual to manage your race. There are many premium and free plugins designed for specifically this reason. The only thing you have to decide on is the appropriate tool for your needs. The following is a short overview of some popular WordPress competition and plugins for contests.

Giveaways and Contests by Fatcat Apps

Fatcat Contests Plugin

The no-cost contests and giveaways plugin permits you to create and manage contests that require the participants provide their email addresses for entry. If the contest's deadline is reached and the plugin has finished its task, it will pick a winner at random. Thanks to IP trackers as well as the use of cookies it is able to thwart contest fraud.

If you want a quick and straightforward method to test the waters of contests on your WordPress site, this plugin might be a great option.

Comment Contest

The free Comment Contest plugin will help you generate discussion on your blog's content. When enabled, the plugin will let you choose what posts will be part of competition, prior to selecting the winner. Since leaving a comment is enough to enter the contest, you'll receive a large amount of engagement from your users.

No Frills Prize Draw Contests

The freemium WordPress plugin allows you to start organizing contests on your WordPress website at no cost but you have the option of upgrading to a more expensive version in order to access more features.

Through the settings, you are able to choose the requirements your participants need to do in order to become qualified for the contest, such as typing in a message or answering multiple choice questions, or simply pressing enter. The winner will be selected through the application. This leaves the winner to contact the winner to accept the prize.

If you're looking to be at the top of the water with contests The KingSumo premium Giveaways plugin is expensive, however it is packed with options.

Final Reflections

If all goes to plan though, your contest could increase traffic to your website, in addition to more exposure on social media, and possibly new participants to your organization.

     Have you got any queries concerning running a contest on your website for membership? Tell us about it in the comments below.

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