Six Nonprofit Membership Software Solutions (2024) |

Feb 16, 2024

If you're in the process of creating the world's most well-known nonprofit membership system, as well as growing and regulating the number of people who join your program The membership program software that you've picked for your application might be a good option to make use of.

The article focuses on:

  • What exactly is the non-profit software that allows membership?
  • The advantages of using this program is that it permits you to join charities.
  • What information should be looked through prior to filling out the application form.
  • Six distinct applications for managing special membership programs especially designed for non-profit groups. alternatives.

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What are the specifications of the software for non-profit members?

The application used for managing the membership of non-profit organisations lets members control the organization, manage and connect their members to the group as well as (often) to each other. This is due to the fact that there are two parts of the membership software which can be non-profit entities:


  • Members management Management of members, managing the member lists, the information regarding the current status of payments to members contacts, payment details and various other tools used to manage the members list.
  • Member Connection Software is designed to help members become connected and establish connections. This could include message boards discussion forums, emails, as well as emails, in addition to hosting an event.

 - Graphics - Members Paired Dark

Every non-profit organization must be equipped with at least one of these choices. Software that is able to manage member's membership is essential for keeping track of member details and create an online directory. It is possible that your company doesn't need an additional device to connect its members. These are the most effective options to connect your members through the internet.

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Software examples are the perfect way to monitor account holders' details.


  • Contact information database
  • Automated reminders for renewing your membership
  • Building different membership plans
  • Storage of financial data

Communication tools are used in order to allow you to connect with fellow members of your group.


 - Graphics - Discovery Course

What are the advantages of making use of software to assist you in managing your employees?

Utilizing a membership management software program to control your members from your company will assist you in meeting numerous goals. These are the advantages from using software made for non-profit organisations to manage the company's members.


  • Help you manage the administrative duties. A majority of non-profit institutions need a lot of work to complete, but they do not have the time for the entire task. Administrative tasks require a substantial amount of energy and work. A well-designed software will allow users to focus on the primary issues.
  • Create touchpoints users will benefit from You may think of ways to increase the involvement with your customers. Software can be simplified and makes it easier to utilize touchpoints while creating an email that will remind clients about their due date or update the company's information.
  • software helps customers who use self-service customers to manage their account and the preference for billing that they've made and can result in more satisfied customers as well as less strain for your staff.
  • access to databases If you have a business that has an existing database, you are able to make use of the Membership Management Software. Membership Management Software can handle the database, and let users to access the database.
  • Content created from members Non-profit organizations can operate chat rooms, and also generate revenue from the creation of contents. Members can also interact with one another to exchange ideas or questions as well as thoughts.
  • Create networks software lets members join networks and aid members in creating networks.

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What are the qualities you should look for in a software that is used by non-profit organizations to supervise those working in their midst?

A lot of nonprofits have different specifications regarding their software. Some need membership databases. Certain members need regular communication with fellow members. A few members may need help when managing colleagues. A few members require invoices. Some need email.

It is essential to know what you expect from your non-profit organization to ensure that the organisation's members can succeed. There's a myriad of issues that members of non-profit organizations will be in a position to tackle.


  • Members management Members management Locate the most essential elements required to create the database of members. Keep track of the people that are members of your company.
  • members' communications Communication with other members. Find the program you'll need for communicating with other members. It's got chat, SMS and much more.
  • When planning events, take into consideration what options are available to you in software utilized by your group to assist in the registration process. It includes coordinating and managing the registration process for events as well as taking care of the payments.
  • Processing and payment If you're able to charge users fees and other users, consider possible methods to handle payments that permit the creation of auto-enewals and bundles.
  • Reports and analytics Analytics and reporting tools let you know what's happening in your customers behave as well as the way they're using their time.
  • Interface which is accessible for users Select a program user-friendly, compatible to host servers, and for the instances when you have to offer the service to clients of your business.
  • Applications, and the ability to make use of modern techniques to manage memberships requires methods to let members and guests access to their account from any location. This is a requirement for any software!

This program was created for individuals employed by non-profit organizations.


Mighty is a member-based social network that is based on members. It also functions to create a membership-based non-profit software. It is equipped with a wide range of tools to manage memberships as well as the highest test software offered by G2 for managing communities.

What can you anticipate after you buy Mighty?


  • Tools for managing members Tools to manage the members' profiles and directories for members. Membership Bundles Plans, Bundles with auto-renewals, Self-service administration and self-service.
  • Chat to other users using Messenger and Chat polls. They can be used for polls, inquiries and many more. Additionally, you can make use of the ConvertKit integration via email.
  • Discussion forums that livestream online classes, or livestreaming.
  • web-based event chats, which have many presenters RSVP and websites that provide event information and also the opportunity to purchase tickets for the event.
  • Pay choices Pay via the web and make the payment to the members. After that, you can mix them with various bill and service options that make up 135 currencies.
  • AI Member tools : With Mighty Co-Host(tm) you can get automated profile profiles for members, smart connections, immediately-generated load pages, as additionally as"make the site better" Text editor "make it more effective" text editor, and lots more.

Mighty gives you everything you require to control the non-profit members and to strengthen your non-profit organization.

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Student Engagemnet

2. Mighty Pro

Pro Homepage - Story Card - No code no maintanence

Mighty Pro gives you the benefits of membership. Membership is offered through applications that you design. The name is similar to the one which you wish your clients to have access to on the App Store as well as Google Play Store. Google Play Store. Google Play Store, not the name of a third-party.

Pro is an exciting adventure. Pro includes the following functions:


  • Premium apps that you're capable of marking can be downloaded through the App Store as well as Google Play Store. Google Play Store. Google Play Store.
  • Opportunities are available via The Mighty Network: Discussions Chats which livestream, event chat and messaging, in addition to the administration and management of their members.
  • This group is a dedicated group of account manager.
  • advanced analytics and advanced analytics.
  • In the days prior to your launch, you'll be supported with a VIP during as well as shortly following time of your launch.
  • Mighty is able to manage your movement (if you require it).).


We've created programs for Cambridge University, TED, Fortune and numerous other companies. We're able to discuss options with our recommendations.

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3. Hivebrite

Hivebrite community


Hivebrite is an alumni management program that offers a broad range of choices, making it a great non-profit membership program. There's a myriad of features that you should know about:

CRM software lets you manage the employees within your organization and their status at present, monitor the process of payment in addition to using the analysis of data. The software is also linked to Salesforce. Salesforce integration.

The largest membership directory has.

Sort members into categories or categorize them according to diverse types.

Email is possible to incorporate into various programs. Additionally, you can download programs through Hivebrite.

hivebrite live events

One of the benefits in Hivebrite Hivebrite is tracking members and their administrative capabilities. Its UX does not work well for interacting with users or engaging them on community functions. Its UX might appear outdated from time to time. It isn't a viable option for livestreaming and neither is native video content. The service isn't able to offer video of high quality for customers.

4. Join It

Join it- Image

Some of the programs included in this list offer the possibility of joining. Software such as Join It are not able for tracking memberships on an internal scale. It's a fantastic administration tool for non-profit organizations that need just a registration system that serves as an extra back-end.

Here are some benefits of becoming a member:


  • Everyone can use it, and allows members to be classified into various kinds and categories, in addition to the development of categories.
  • Members can access a self-service portal that lets you create members' cards with the help of an application.
  • You must ensure that you manage your one-time payment or regular payments. Also, make sure that you renew your auto renewal (or cancelling). Additionally, it lets you set automated reminders to renew.
  • Set up a membership site and then link it up to your existing site. It should already be already one.
  • A brief overview of the memberships that are free to download and includes information about the membership.

5. MemberLeap

Member Leap

MemberLeap is a distinct non-profit membership service that provides members with the tools needed for managing their memberships and to manage the activities they participate in.

There are many services that are the best available by MemberLeap:


  • CRM allows you to record every method of communication with customers.
  • It is easy to link local database and information about members with the main database. This helps in managing chapters across various regions.
  • Fantastic tools to communicate with your clients. This includes emails, text messages as well as Newsletters. .
  • The entire process is performed automatically, just like the method of billing.
  • Instruments and tools for event registration for registering events. This includes virtual events (exhibit booths, exhibits and much more. ).

The best MemberLeap platform is one that can be used to implement Backend Membership Database features. It doesn't have any features that can make it a fully online community. This is a mere message board. Only people who buy tickets for live shows, as well as the show schedule.

6. Wild Apricot

Graphics - Wild Apricot

Wild Apricot is an online tool to manage members of groups that is specifically created for non-profit groups. It is a powerful toolset for software which helps streamline and automate many of the most common needs.

Here are a few characteristics Wild Apricot includes:


  • Web-based builders tools allow you to build drag-and-drop websites for non-profit groups and pages for local chapters.
  • It's great to organize live events, and also to manage the schedule. Badges and registration.
  • It's mobile-friendly, and is equipped for attendees to take part in meetings as well as for handling administrative.

Wild Apricot - In Person Event

Two main disadvantages are worth mentioning regarding Wild Apricot. It's not the best website for communities that are community-oriented. Wild Apricot has a limited forum options and a limited selection in terms of the content. The platform can't be hosted within the site for hosting contents produced by users. Although virtual events are handled through Wild Apricot, the platform can't organize events that have multiple elements.

Are you prepared to start?

If you're thinking of entering the realm of software used by non-profits to handle memberships consider offering Mighty Memberships a shot! Memberships comes with strong databases and is the most well-known software used to run the community. It's also available to test for the cost of 14 days for free. It's no cost with credit card.

This piece first appeared on this website.

The original article appeared on this web site. Here

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