Take back your work day through synchronous communication

Aug 30, 2023

Recent research has revealed that 83% of managers believe that remote work has been successful for their company. There are so many reasons why this may be (no commute, fewer distractions, or simply being more at ease) However, there's a change remote work forced upon us, and that's something we can carry on with in the event that we do move to work: asynchronous communication.

Remote teams tend to lean toward asynchronous communication because it's more convenient. Teams can be located in multiple times zones, and technical issues hinder Zoom meetings, and it's simpler to connect asynchronously if you're trying to get your children through school online.

The result? The need for change could have opened a communication style that can transform productivity in the workplace (and create more relaxed, happier employees). Let's dig in.

What exactly is asynchronous communications?

The asynchronous communication definition describes communication that has a time gap between the sender as well as the recipient. Asynchronous communications allow people can talk without being online at the same in time. It's basically when you post a message and aren't expecting someone to respond immediately.

Examples of asynchronous communication are messaging applications, emails and documents shared in the cloud.

Synchronous communication is the opposite of asynchronous communications. It's when you are communicating to others in the real world in. With synchronous communication you are able for communication with your colleagues in real time.

What are the benefits of using asynchronous communications?

Asynchronous communication can be an asset when properly executed and in the right setting. This is how changing to asynchronous communications can be beneficial to your organization:

 1. More productive

Asynchronous communication is a great way to boost your productivity. Consider this: how many times have you had a great concentration moment at work, only to be completely distracted with a message from Slack that you're expected to respond to promptly, or an appointment likely to have had the appearance of one of emails.

Research shows that collaboration like emails, meetings and chat rooms can take up to the 80% of a full day's work. This leaves few hours for workers to concentrate on getting things done. This could be a reason why we've noticed a boost increase in productivity for remote teams.

Through asynchronous communication, you'll be in a position to reply by batch to emails and messages. Research has shown that it takes 64 seconds for a recovery from an email. Emails are a well-known depletion of productivity.

Plus, research shows that people who do not have access to email were switching windows on average 18 times an hour in average, compared to 37 window switches each hour of those who have email access. Batch replying to emails at the same time can boost overall productivity.

Asynchronous communications allow additional time for employees to work on tasks.

 2. Communications are recorded

Imagine this scenario: you're at the middle of a discussion, and your mind wanders. Perhaps the event is particularly stressful or you're struggling with anxiety about social situations, or perhaps you're feeling sick and you're daydreaming about the donuts you've left over on the kitchen table.

You draw your attention back to the meeting and hear "think that you could finish this task before 3pm?" Now, you need to acknowledge that you listened more to the donuts than your actual job and ask them to repeat the task then try to guess what they want you to do. Neither option is ideal.

 3. More honest, higher quality communication

While asynchronous communication is admittedly slow, it leads to superior communication than reactions that are triggered by the stress of synchronous communications.

When people know communication is going to take a bit longer so they're more likely send thorough messages that can get the job done with less correspondence.

Thanks to the online disinhibition effects, people are also more likely to share their truth through asynchronous communication. This results in more authentic information and feedback than synchronous communication.

 4. Stress-free employees

Additionally there is a study by researchers at UC Irvine and the U.S. Army discovered that restricting access to email significantly lowers stress levels.

By using asynchronous communications, employees are able limit the anxiety that results from answering emails. They can respond to all messages in a time-bound manner. In the absence of a constant stream of setbacks in 64 seconds workers are more productive, focused and less stressed overall.

 5. High-quality talent

Teams who communicate mostly via asynchronous methods aren't restricted to hiring individuals who are able to effortlessly communicate in asynchronous fashion within the same time zone. You can hire the best candidates for your job without worrying about whether they'll do the job while you're snoring!

Synchronous vs asynchronous communication

Asynchronous communications put employees in the control of their working day by letting them decide when they communicate with their teammates. The employees can set aside specific time to work with no interruptions, which boosts productivity.

It does have its disadvantages, but. The synchronization process often loses emotional context. To prevent misunderstandings, it's best to leave communication where emotional context is important to synchronous methods.

Real-time meetings are also great to solve complex issues, for situations when synchronous processes require too much going back and forth when you are brainstorming or just want to connect with your team members on more of a degree.

Each workplace requires a mix of both synchronous as well as analogue communication in order for the task at hand. The key is to find the ideal equilibrium.

Synchronous Communication Examples Asynchronous Communication Examples
In-person meetings Email
Phone calls Software for messaging
Communication via email and Slack (when you're pressured to respond immediately) Video recordings
Zoom meetings Software for managing projects
Office chit-chat Cloud-based collaboration

Asynchronous communication examples

Here are a few examples of asynchronous communication that you can make use of:


Email is asynchronous because you can mail an email, and the recipient can respond on their own time. Be sure that your team does not expect them to reply immediately, since that isn't the goal of using Asynchronous techniques.

Messaging software

Software for instant messaging is another instance of asynchronous communication in which it is necessary to inform the team that they're able to respond whenever they want to. The majority of apps come with settings that you can display whether you're online or not this will be handy while your team is working out the "deep work" and "open for communication" schedules.

Videos and demos

Video recordings are amazing for occasions when the message is easy to explain out loud and should be combined with a screen recorder, but doesn't warrant a synchronous video chat or in-person meeting.

Software for managing projects

For the most part, with program management tools allows you to communicate asynchronously by tagging other users as well as commenting or assigning tasks to a project. It streamlines communication to include only those that are directly connected to the project. This can be very productive.

Cloud-based collaboration

When using platforms where you collaborate with your teammates (like the Google Workspace and Microsoft Teams) You can leave comments and edits that your team can respond to whenever they want. You can even tag users with specific comments, and send them an email with a notification.

Video libraries

Synchronous communication examples

Like we mentioned earlier, you can use synchronous communications to communicate in which you're required to participate or respond in the moment. Here are some examples:

  • Office chat-chat
  • Communication via email and Slack (when you're under pressure to reply immediately)
  • Zoom meetings
  • In-person meetings
  • Phone calls

How to use asynchronous communication to improve workplace productivity

Asynchronous communication could transform your work efficiency However, it's only possible if you go about it the right way. Utilize these tips and you'll have a great time.

 1. Change your mindset

If you're a team that's stuck in the synchronous communication mentality, they'll expect instant replies even while making use of asynchronous communication techniques. That's why it's important to ensure that everyone is in the same boat starting from the beginning.

Learn from your team members about the benefits of synchronous communications and their value- you can even share this article with them! Make it clear which types of communication and situations need immediate responses, and which can be responded to at whatever time it is convenient. It could also be a good idea to set the "reply by" date, to keep everyone on the same page.

 2. Use the right equipment

Any thing is achievable with the right tool. That being said in the absence of the proper tools could make it challenging to attain. Make sure your team is set up for success by finding the asynchronous communication tools that fit the workflow you are using. You can also receive feedback from your team members on which tools are effective or don't-work. Their insights are invaluable.

 3. Establish clear goals and set deadlines.

Employees perform better when they are clear on the goals they have set and their expectations. This is crucial in remote teams since they are more focused on outcomes.

It is important to ensure that your entire team members are clear about their goals and expectations within the task. You should also set clear dates in a time zone that is consistent so everyone's on the same level when it comes down to the due date.

 4. Create troubleshooting guidelines

If you're relying upon technology, it's recommended to develop the right set of troubleshooting guidelines your employees can rely on to help them out of a pickle. This will help your team focus on their work rather than technical difficulties.

Asynchronous tools for communication and technology

Are you ready to switch to synchronous communications? Here's a great technology to jumpstart your success:


Your team can use Asana for Asana to manage and finish projects from beginning to end without sending an email or taking a meeting. Tag your team members to comment on projects, assign work, and join all the project assets in the platform to organize all the information your team requires for completing the project in one place.


Slack is an instant messaging program. It's an ideal method of asynchronous communications when utilized correctly. It's organized in channels, making messages much easier to understand than email threads. You are able to alter your available to indicate that you're not available and not respond immediately to messages.


Twist integrates to Todoist (another program for managing projects) and lets you create projects directly from your conversations. It's like project management and instant messaging in a simple app.

World Time Buddy

World Time Buddy is ideal for teams that operate in multiple time zones. It will help you determine the time your colleagues are most likely to be performing.

Conclusion ideas

It's possible that synchronized communications are accepted as normal, but it does not mean that there's a better way. Recent data years has shown that working remotely leads to higher efficiency. Leaning into asynchronous communication is the best way to benefit from this productivity, even if you're in your office.