
Jun 6, 2024
Customer service in the age of AI

When technology is made readily available throughout the globe, it's tempting to dive deep into this new technology and incorporate it into all aspect of your business.

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) it is possible to be lured to include chatbots and large-language models (LLMs) in your customer support. However, here at our company we've noticed that there's a balance that is needed to strike by, for instance Lauren Gilbert, Eyal Avital and Mau Fournier, from our Customer Happiness team.

Particularly when it comes to customer service Artificial Intelligence can prove beneficial but it must be utilized in moderation compared to an actual human professional in customer service. "Many customers want to turn over all customer service duties to cutting-edge AI tools, however there will always be cases that require human interaction. Moving everything over to AI is likely to leave a lot of your customers less satisfied as they were the moment they gave feedback to you," starts Mau.

Let's examine how and when you can mindfully integrate AI in the services you provide.

The top qualities to have for a Customer Service Representative

First, what exactly would the definition of perfect customer service look like by the definition of perfect customer service? What can it do to help those who patronize a company?

"We attempt to live five of the qualities that are part of the PREACH model in order to ensure a customer-centric approach," starts Eyal Avital. "We strive to be proud and dependable, compassionate, clear with a clear and concise approach to human.

The group agrees that empathy may be among the most essential elements. "Put yourself as they would be, and be empathetic with the circumstances. Make them aware that how important their business is important to the people who manage the company and who help to manage it,"" Lauren says. Lauren.

"Empathy is a frequently neglected skill," adds Mau. "You need to embody empathy to comprehend the customer's issues, and you need to be empathetic when responding in a way that makes the client feel respected, which could aid in lowering their defensiveness in the event of a disagreement."

They also need assistance with someone that is familiar with the platform to be able give all the information needed - plus the articulation of the service. "When you're dealing with the platform you rely upon to run your company seeking assistance quickly from a person who understands the product inside out and can help you tackle an issue in a way that's easy to grasp and take action on it is essential," thinks Lauren.

Service to customers isn't only an exercise in marking boxes. Experienced support is essential. "Don't simply answer a flims query, try to determine what's happening behind it; and then the goal they're trying to achieve," thinks Mau. "Help them address the root problem, and check for confirmation that they got the job done. Most likely, people will be satisfied once they can sense that someone from the other party really want to figure out ways to assist," he adds.

Also, do not forget the importance of timeliness and clarity when you interact. "You should provide prompt assistance as well as communicate clearly and succinctly," starts Lauren. Eyal advises: "You must be timely with your responses to clients. You may offer A+ service, but if the response isn't timely for the client to consider it, the customer is likely to feel ignored and consider your response negatively."

If AI is not successful

There's no doubt that AI can be helpful, especially for busy entrepreneurs as well as business owners. However, it's never the ideal choice. There are a variety of aspects that make great customer service, which AI is unable to replicate.


Based on our experience up to now, AI is missing the point of providing solutions that satisfy the needs of customers. There are numerous instances of assist desk software that requires customers to respond to a set of questions prior to receiving an automated response. And, by definition an automated solution is unable to resolve an unlimited number of issues since it's not "one solution that fits everyone.

"AI can certainly demonstrate competence and provide solutions to your questions. And they will usually be better than humans but it's not going to remain as up-to-date and relevant to your field as a person is," Mau says. Mau. "It can be helpful with simple and quick interactions but it doesn't assume the responsibility of helping and won't be able to follow-up the way a person would in the least."


Even though LLM (AI) applications have improved their voice in their interactions with their customers, there's still one alternative. "LLM apps are able to maintain a respectful tone of voice, but it's not as good as real compassion that comes from a human. Humans are able to be compassionate and connect to the solution of a situation can't be duplicated," says Mau.

Similar to the way that AI is all about the instant. "LLMs are more likely to be prone to their attention span limited due to the limitations built into the technology," he adds. "They won't remember the chat you had just in the last six months about clients' issues, as well as how the content you provide them in the future, or maybe even the fact you know that they love going to fishing with their families. By incorporating these details into your new conversations can ensure that customers are convinced that you truly care."

How AI can assist you

This does not mean AI will not be beneficial for customer service. There are clearly defined opportunities for automation, like with every new technology You must be aware of when you should make changes and when to make them.

"We must utilize AI to work on simple tasks that could be automated, but leaving the possibility of using a human alternative for people with special requirements" Mau begins. Mau. " LLMs are a wonderful first draft for replies However, the most effective result comes from your own editing to the original draft. Be part of the discussion."

"What used to be FAQs found on sites now be addressed by bots or AI to resolve basic issues in a matter of minutes, and even for 24 hours. If a question isn't addressed through single-click solutions or one-click options should be directed to a human customer support helpline," Eyal adds. "Otherwise it can cause customers to become frustrated. This could be reminiscent of moments of getting stuck on a phone, pressing numbers to connect to the right department at phone support."

The integration of AI isn't a fast process. "There's an evolution (crawl-walk-run) of the integration of bots or LLMs," starts Eyal. "New businesses should dedicate more efforts and resources in the LLM community by providing direct assistance. As they grow more popular they will be able to shift their routine concerns to LLM."

"AI will allow you to grow in your professional career because the more employees will be able to raise questions," says Mau. "Many of these will be simple queries that AI can remove from your hands, allowing you to be able to focus on more difficult problems."

"You might benefit from depending on AI when you're starting out However, I'd suggest against doing this. I would suggest using more manual assistance when beginning out. You will be asked questions at the start of your career are a great way to gather feedback which will help you understand your intended group and ways to make things better to help them."


The human-centered strategy that we're trying to implement works well. It blends the experience from a variety of experts with the empathy that only humans can provide. Eyal says how we work can help us become more human Memberul as a firm "a blend of compassion as well as sharing resources and adding some fun through emoticons and GIFs" Make sure that the experience is enjoyable and useful.

Mau provides recent feedback from clients who say it was enjoyable talking "to someone who actually has an incredibly warm and friendly manner of aiding" and one who was able to provide individualized guidance to the specific matter. "That client said that it was the most helpful assistance they've received!" smiles Mau.

Lauren recalls a client who contacted her with a concern about members' retention. Based on her experience working in her own business and her unique pattern within her business We were able to offer suggestions for pricing strategies, which eventually helped increase her clients' lifetime value.

"You could certainly use AI to assist with the kind of issue however in the case of decisions that could have a major effect on your company, I'd guess that the vast majority of people aren't prepared to rely on AI on its own with this and should not in my view".

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