
Feb 10, 2023
the code company (1)

The Code Company founder Ben May talks at an industrial function (c) thecode.co

The Code Company, a business that is committed to publishing through digital media, is among of the preferred partner companies. They are WordPress experts and excel at huge-scale design, which also includes the migration of content and the integration. They have created hundreds of tech stacks for publishing firms of all sizes.

The company has just announced the relaunched version of Substack the giant The Dispatch, a publication for reporting and commentary about the world of politics, policy and culture that is worth $1.9 million, and has hundreds of thousands readers. I spoke with Stacey Clark who works on the team in charge of partnership and communications for the business, as well as its offerings:

"Our chief executive Ben May has been using technology to tackle issues since grade 10" states Stacey. "He built his first site for a local business when he was 12, and has earned 400 dollars." Ben saw the potential of a potential opportunity as well as a potential profession in this area and started his business at the age of 22.

Code Company Code Company didn't plan to be involved in publishing, but did get some publishers as clients initially. Stacey states: "We've carved out a area of expertise in the creation of technology that can assist publishing companies on the internet, as well as moving from other platforms to WordPress as well as providing membership solutions as well as marketing technology. The initial plan was to work with any platform however we found that the majority of users were not happy! Now, we only work using WordPress Additionally, there were several rescue actions that were performed on different platforms."

"The essential engineering components that are the basis of creating websites for publishing is what we do" Stacey continues. They help publishers overcome difficult issues that require WordPress and come up with ways to use technologies to "increase the revenue they make, improve efficiencies in enterprises and reduce the risk associated with dealing technological issues".

Stacey as well as I are in the view that technology is becoming more 'technical'. This is crucial for publishing. "Sometimes journalists, content creators, and marketing professionals that use technology. They must be capable of using it without having to talk to an engineer every five minutes.These are "words people" that do not constitute "technical people"."

Code Company helps people create or move to stacks of technology which make them independent. Code Company helps these people develop or transition to technology that enable them to be fully self-sufficient "They require something to accomplish the work it did before, but in an simpler manner. We frequently work with publishing firms that have websites which are struggling to settle debt due to technology. Sometimes, a plugin doesn't offer the user everything they want. We've found it more efficient to build an integrated system that is customized, to ensure they get everything they want without sacrificing everything they don't want to."


The Code Company works with content organisations of all sorts that range from small-scale publishers to large entertainment companies. They have also launched Wondermind an online content platform that promotes mental and physical well-being. The platform is funded by celebrities Selena Gomez and Newsette CEO Daniella Pierson. The launch was announced by Bhavik Trivedi, the Chief Operating Officer at Wondermind stated: "I've never had a flawless launch. Until now. It went live on the website, and it was later upgraded to handle the peaks in traffic and the integrations that we created were flawless."

thecodeco wondermind

HTML0 The revolutionary Wondermind hub for media (c) thecode.co

They also work with Nine The biggest entertainment firm operating in Australia. "We developed their corporate site and also publications drive.com.au which is Australia's most visited auto site as well as Future Women A membership site specifically for women who are professionals." Code Company also launched the Code Company also launched eBay's local ads website. "That was an important one since they had no regional leads before and they were able to get Australian leads through this website" Stacey confirms. "We just launched our newly-launched website Science Alert, which is an important science magazine that is based in the US. The site is operated by Australia as well as many of the readers are located in the US. The site was in process for over one year, and more than half the time!" She recollects.

Its best fit lies working with smaller, established publishers who are looking to grow. "We want to know, "How do you prove the quality of your work? What do we need to contribute to getting your company and your tech stack in the most optimal shape to expand your business?" Stacey says. It is where majority of the customers are located. This could be small-scale media businesses such as news sites Crikey and Her Campus, the college-level female-run media organization in America. US (that The Code Company will be transferring into Drupal and then into WordPress).

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HTML0 The HerCampus.com content hub is readily available in a wide range of systems (c) thecode.co

"We aid ambitious and smart creators who feel unsatisfied or dissatisfied with the platform they've chosen along with their CMS (content management system)," Stacey adds. "They're seeking us out to find alternatives as they realize their current platform is restrictive to the things they can do. It's not very flexible and they generate a significant portion of income." It's also becoming increasingly important for creators of any level to acquire details from companies that were founded before. "They're only able to do that via platforms such as Substack. We're developing custom creator stacks to allow customers to select their own fan base," she explains.

Solutions and Services

The clients of The Code Company may have created their own sites or may have sought assistance in the development of their site. In any case, they're employing a number of plug-ins. "As the number of visitors to the site is growing, it's becoming clear that some aspects are beginning to fail and they're not in a position to fix these issues on their own. The site is experiencing issues and concerns from readers and it's evident that they're not able to perform the tasks they'd like. It's not uncommon for them to not be able to accomplish something as simple like adding something new in their menus" she says.

Mike McPhate at the California Sun affirms: "The biggest problem with my website for membership previously was that it was filled with inconsistencies, and confusing instructions on how to use it. I received emails every daily from angry customers. When I first launched the website together and The Code Company and , I stopped receiving those mails from people, and it's just wonderful!"

thecode.co California Sun

The California Sun (c)thecode.co

As we all know, the speed and performance of websites are crucial for publishers "If there's a drop in the speed of a site, it may lose hundreds of millions" Stacey continues. "And the hackers keep hacking using the same plugin , and install the following. They see their performance drop until they're not succeeding anymore. They'll be in the middle of this massive creaking technology stack, fully aware that they may be at risk of the website's performance slowing due to the speed of performance."

Publishers are more and more looking at seek out new revenue sources and are more than ever exploring subscriptions and memberships. "We have to figure out the most effective solution to make it reliable and safe. Our main focus is to investigate technologies that can improve the lives of publishers," she says. Code Company Code Company works specifically with subscription solutions for getting around the"leaky wall of payment" Stacey refers to as "leaky paywalls". The founder of the Code Company says: "We've worked with other subscription options before, and have discovered it simple to get around the paywall. If your model of business includes publishing companies that are dependent on the purchase of content from a paywall, it's an immense issue."

New projects and events are coming up in the near future.

"The demand for creators has exploded," Stacey notes. "Creators are realizing that SaaS platforms have their limits, and they are beginning to explore different possibilities. The necessity for diversification is not going to go out of the window for media companies, but it's essential to keep in mind in search of new ways to reach out to audiences with more targeted and personalized media. Subscription offerings don't just create revenues, they offer the chance to be closer to audiences as well that can boost their amount of interaction."

"There remain newspapers that aren't fully digital, and we're still getting inquiries from publishers that realize that to be able to continue, they'll have to pivot towards digital in some manner and subscriptions will become an essential part of it."

For the most recent news "Ben is famous for public speaking engagements at conferences," adds Stacey. In the past, Ben was a speaker at the Mumbrella publisher conference held within Australia in Sydney in addition to WordCamp US in San Diego. The talks he gave were comprised of the notion of the creator economy and he focused on the concept of a minimalist publisher and the ways that publishers can make more use of their resources. The way to do this is by learning from the designers of the larger publishing companies, who frequently use membership programs.

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The HTML0's founder Ben May is a familiar person on the conference circuit (c) thecode.co

The company's owner is an expert in the field. "Ben's been in this business for all of his life and there's not an issue he's not able to address," says Stacey. "The feedback I get from conversations with customers is that, in the situation of an issue they might be asked to shell out a different agency for two weeks in order to investigate to investigate. The tech staff at Code Company Code Company will fix the issue within 20 minutes via phone as he has dealt with every issue. It's a major advantage for any business with this level of ability to solve problems."

For a conclusion, Stacey says: "Publishing or running a website does not have to be more complicated than people believe that it must be. We are focused on simplicity." It's easy to become obsessed with the latest gadget or theme, or even software "these flashing lights don't help significantly," she smiles.

The Code Company revels in "smart simplicity" It's a good thing. Stacey declares: "We offer the chance to connect with an IT company who can actually assist you in achieving the outcomes that you want using the easiest way to achieve it, not using any buzzwords at current times."

Additional information

To learn more about The Code Company, to look at case studies of previous migrations and integrations and to find out more about working with them visit their website thecode.co.

This article was originally posted this site.

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